Automatic moment tensor module inverting seismic waveforms for deviatoric or full seismic moment tensors in the time-domain.
scautomt inverts for the moment tensor and the moment magnitude based on seismograms from earthquakes and other seismic sources in near real time. By default the deviatoric moment tensor is computed. Inversion for the full moment tensor and different decompositions are available by configuration.
scautomt inverts waveform seismograms in the time domain based on the assumption of a dislocation point source. The inversion scheme is based on the publication by Minson and Dreger [10]. It has two fundamental requirements:
Waveform data recorded by stations for which the full response information are available in SeisComP. If the full response information are not yet available, they can be generated by SMP.
A set of pre-computed Green’s functions.
The corner frequencies/periods of the spectra of seismic waves radiated from seismic sources are strongly magnitude-dependent. Therefore, filtering applied to the data and the Green’s functions before inversion, depends on the magnitude of the event itself. Customized profiles for magnitude-dependent data processing and filtering can be configured. scautomt automatically selects the profile based on the preliminary magnitude estimated by traditional methods (ML, mb, …).
Interactive inversion for moment tensors is provided through scmtv.
Event Processing¶
When connected to the messaging or in offline playbacks, scautomt tries to find a moment tensor solution for each received new or updated event meeting the configurable conditions:
: the maximum age of the event, only applied in real-time conditions,automt.trigger.minimumMagnitude
: the minimum magnitude of the preferred origin,automt.trigger.minimumStations
: the minimum number of used stations defining an origin.
If a new event has arrived, scautomt acquires all data according to the signal end time function. If data from a station are complete (all three components), scautomt checks if starting a new inversion is required. The checks include:
minimum station count reached,
expectancy of a minimum number of additional stations within the next time frame,
exceedance of delay thresholds.
Due to the real time characteristics of the module, scautomt applies some heuristic checks to estimate if it is better to wait a few seconds for more data and a more stable solution or to start immediately to obtain a solution as soon as possible.
Processing profiles¶
The user supplies different processing profiles for several magnitude ranges and scautomt
start an inversion for each event whose magnitude falls within that ranges.
The processing profiles are defined in automt.profiles.$name
and registered
in automt.profiles
. Read the section Initial Configuration
for more details.
Since waveform acquisition can take some time, scautomt only processes by default
upto 4 events simultaneously as configured in automt.maximumProcesses
Events that cannot be processed are queued for later processing.
For each profile, the data is processed as set out in Work flow.
Playbacks and waveform retrieval¶
Waveform retrieval: The waveforms required for inversion in a playback with scautomt or in scmtv may be collected with the correct station-dependent time windows by scautomt. This may be more efficient as compared to other retrieval tools such as scart in SeisComP or capstool provided by gempa with the CAPS server. which will typically collect fixed time windows. Using the options data-only and dump-wf will only collect the waveform data and store them in a file like
. Example:scautomt -E [eventID] --data-only --dump-wf -d [database] -I [data source]
For retrieving past data, a recordstream should be selected which provides archived data and not real-time data. The acquisition may otherwise only end with a delay or time windows are completely filled. There recordstream service slink should be avoided, when using caps data should be read from archive only, e.g.
-I caps://localhost:18002?arch
Real-time message-based playback: Let scautomt run in your playback script just like any other module.
Non-real time message-based playback: scautomt can be operated in a playback connected to the SeisComP messaging. Then, the results are sent to the messaging. Provide the event ID when executing:
scautomt -E [eventID] -H [host] -I [data source] --debug
Non-real time offline playback: In a playback without messaging the results are printed to the command line. The event parameters are provided from the database or in an SCML file. Example:
scautomt -E [eventID] -d [database] --ep [event XML file] -I [data source] --debug
The results may look like this:
... AUTOPILOT HYPOCENTER MT SOLUTION -------------------------------- ID : gfz2017dvzt Agency : gempa Lat : -23.18 Lon : -178.95 Depth : 425.0 Origin time: 2017-02-24T17:28:48.588491Z Stations : 10/10 Body waves : 22C, T=90.0-300.0 Surface w. : 24C, T=90.0-300.0 Timestamp : 2021-03-07T12:41:43.15566Z After O.T. : 1471d 19h Trigger : Origin#20170317224043.170971.2476 Moment Tensor: Scale 10**26 XX=0.315; YY=0.786 ZZ=-1.101; XY=0.354 XZ=-0.928; YZ=2.804 Best double couple: NP1: str=15;dip=82;rake=-82 NP2: str=149;dip=11;rake=-135 Quality: Mw=6.98 Fit=97.6% DC =68.0 Gap=155.2 Timeshift=9.1 sec ----------# --------------##### #----------------######## #-----------------########### #------------------############ ##------ ---------############# ##------- P --------############## ##------- --------############## ##-----------------######### ### ##-----------------######### T ### ###---------------########## ### ###-------------################# ###------------################ ###----------################ ###-------############### ####--############# #---------- NET STA LOC CHA DIST AZ WGHT GFIT P_ARR S_ARR LEN --- --- --- --- ---- -- ----- ---- ----- ----- --- TYPE COMP SHIFT SNR WGHT FIT BEG END ---- ---- ----- --- ---- --- --- --- G FUTU 00 BH 8.9 5.2 1.0 95.2% 124.7 227.7 410.6 P Z 11.8 37.5 1.00 97.3% 124.7 296.2 ...
Initial Configuration¶
The control parameters of scautomt can be set and modified in the configuration file
or through scconfig.
The settings concern e.g.:
Data source:
: Choose the source of the waveform data by configuring the RecordStream interface`. By default, the provided Green’s functions are sampled at 1 Hz intervals. If 1 Hz Green’s functions are used, we recommend to use the dec or the resample RecordStream implementations to decimate or resample the data to 1 Hz or another sample rate. Downsampling the data may significantly speed up the data processing. It is in particular relevant when computing centroid moment tensors.
In previous versions of SeisComP3 the dec was occasionally skipping records resulting in incomplete data set. The issue has been fixed with the SeisComP3 in version jakarta-2018.324.p23 and with SeisComP in version 4.0. Therefore, we recommend not to use older releases of SeisComP.
Green’s functions:
Generate and configure as set out in the section Green’s functions.
Trigger conditions: Define the maximum age and event properties for starting the automatic moment tensor inversion.
Centroid computation:
Decide whether or not to compute 3D Centroid moment tensors (CMT) by
Time windows:
: time windows from P-wave onset for extracting data and Green’s functions based on distances (linear interpolartion in between).Add
to account for travel-time uncertainties and artifacts from data processing at the edges of the windowed data, e.g. filtering.
: Define the parameters of the magnitude-dependent inversion profiles,automt.profiles
: Register the defined inversion profiles.
Module Configuration¶
scautomt inherits global options.
Modules/plugins may require a license file. The default path to license
files is @DATADIR@/licenses/
which can be overridden by global
configuration of the parameter gempa.licensePath
. Example:
gempa.licensePath = @CONFIGDIR@/licenses
- gfaUrl¶
Type: string
The Green’s function archive URL , e.g., sc3gf1d:///home/sysop/greensfunctions for GFZ format, helmberger:///home/sysop/greensfunctions for Helmberger format.
- automt.gfModel¶
Type: string
The Green’s function model to use.
- automt.enableResponses¶
Type: boolean
Uses sensor response to deconvolve data.
- automt.invertFor6Components¶
Type: boolean
Whether to invert for 6 components or 5 components. 6 component inversion support requires API version 13 or above and that all 10 Green’s function components are available in the used Green’s function data set. The option is thus ignored with SeisComP3 in version Jakarta 2018.327 and older.
- automt.enableResultLogging¶
Type: boolean
Enables logging of results into bulletin files. The logging directory is @LOGDIR@/MT.
- automt.useAllStations¶
Type: boolean
Use all stations and not only stations associated with latest preferred origin.
- automt.useOnlyVerticals¶
Type: boolean
Defines if only vertical components are used. By default all three components of a station (ZNE) are used and mandatory to invert for MTs.
- automt.GOF¶
Type: string
Defines the goodness of fit function to be used. Allowed values are: "internal" and "varred".
- automt.IWT¶
Type: string
Defines the type of weight computed per inversion item. This weight will affect the individual influence on the final inversion. Allowed values are: rms**2 (Default type which seems to overweight sometimes stations which are very close), rms (Alternative type which is less sensitive to larger amplitudes, e.g. with close stations).
- automt.maximumProcesses¶
Type: int
Maximum number of parallel processes. Currently two threads are used per event: acquisition thread and processing thread, whereas the acquisition thread is low profile. The heavy work in terms of CPU and RAM usage is done in the processing thread. This parameter defines how many events are processed in parallel before queued.
- automt.maximumDistance¶
Unit: deg
Type: double
Maximum distance of stations to be used.
- automt.depthSearchGrid¶
100:20, 200:30, 400:50, 100
Unit: km:km
Type: string
The initial depth search grid. A list of tokens in format [depth]:[interval]. The first token creates a grid from 0 to [depth] with spacing [km]. Any succeeding token creates a grid from the previous token with spacing [km]. If the depths is left out then it is valid until the maximum depth of the Green’s functions.
- automt.depthFineSearchIncrements¶
50, 10, 5, 1
Unit: km
Type: list:double
The depth search intervals. All intervals are processed subsequently. The predecessor and successor of the best fitting depth are used as a new interval for the next search with a finer increment.
- automt.minimumStationCount¶
Type: int
The minimum station count for a valid MT solution.
- automt.minimumFinalStationFit¶
Type: double
The minimum fit of a station of a final solution. Stations are removed below this threshold unless the minimum station count has been reached.
- automt.minimumFinalFit¶
Type: double
The minimum overall fit for a MT solution to be valid.
- automt.relativIncrementalStationCount¶
Type: double
When in real-time mode a new intermediate processing step is performed when the data of X*current more stations within a certain timespan (see below) are available whereas X is this parameter and current the current number of stations with complete data.
- automt.expectedDataTimeSpan¶
Unit: s
Type: int
Time span in seconds for which to calculate the expected station count with complete data. That means that for any given point in time the expected arrival time of complete data is computed for any outstanding station. If the arrival time is within this configured time span then it will be added to the number of expected stations. This number is then compared to the number computed with relativeIncrementalStationCount. If less stations then required are expected then an intermediate processing is performed otherwise the processing is postponed.
Furthermore it is also checked if complete data for at least one additional station is expected within this time. If not then a new processing is triggered.
- automt.maximumDataDelay¶
Unit: s
Type: int
The maximum data delay in realtime mode to exclude stations from the above calculation. The delay is now - requested_data_endtime.
- automt.weightStationsByDistance¶
Type: boolean
Set station weight, w, according to distance: w = distance/min(distances). If false, all stations are equally weighted.
- automt.maxDepthVariation¶
Unit: km
Type: double
Defines the maximum depth variation of an inversion with respect to the current preferred origin. The depth search is performed between [depth-maxDepthVariation;depth+maxDepthVariation].
- automt.region¶
-90, -180, 90, 180
Unit: deg
Type: list:double
Defines the region of the event to trigger MT processing. Events outside this region are ignored. Format: minlat, minlon, maxlat, maxlon.
- automt.profiles¶
Type: list:string
Enabled profiles.
- automt.centroid.enabled¶
Type: boolean
Enabled/disables CMT computation.
Unit: s
Type: int
The maximum age of an event to be processed.
- automt.trigger.minimumMagnitude¶
Type: double
Minimum event magnitude to trigger the MT calculation.
- automt.trigger.minimumStations¶
Type: int
Minimum used station count of an event to trigger the MT calculation.
Note* Time window used to retrieve waveform data and Green’s functions. Margins are added to maxDistanceTimeWindows.
Unit: km:sec
Type: list:string
Distance-dependent signal length for loading data and Green’s functions starting from P onset (distance:window length). Uses default values if empty. Supports also arithmetic expressions, e.g., P+D*15 and constants, e.g. 100.
Unit: s
Type: int
How many seconds of data to use before the signal to stabilize deconvolution and so on.
Unit: s
Type: int
How many seconds of data after the signal to use and to fetch.
Unit: s
Type: int
Safety margin around the signal to shift the traces at different depth and distances.
- automt.whitelist.stations¶
Type: list:string
Defines the station whitelist as list of token NET.STA. Wildcards are allowed. A station is allowed if it is not on the blacklist. An empty whitelist allows all stations.
- automt.blacklist.stations¶
Type: list:string
Defines the station blacklist as list of token NET.STA. Wildcards are allowed. A station is blocked if it is on the blacklist. An empty blacklist allows all stations.
automt.settings.* Global phase settings. The following parameters are used if not defined in a profile.
- automt.settings.wZ¶
Type: double
Default vertical component weight.
- automt.settings.wR¶
Type: double
Default radial component weight.
- automt.settings.wT¶
Type: double
Default transverse component weight.
- automt.settings.minSNR.body¶
Type: double
The minimum SNR of a body wave signal.
- automt.settings.minSNR.surface¶
Type: double
The minimum SNR of a surface wave signal.
- automt.settings.minSNR.mantle¶
Type: double
The minimum SNR of a mantle wave signal.
- automt.settings.minSNR.w-phase¶
Type: double
The minimum SNR of a W-phase signal.
- automt.settings.minSNR.full¶
Type: double
The minimum SNR of full signal.
- automt.settings.maxShift.body¶
Unit: s
Type: double
The maximum time shift of a body wave signal.
- automt.settings.maxShift.surface¶
Unit: s
Type: double
The maximum time shift of a surface wave signal.
- automt.settings.maxShift.mantle¶
Unit: s
Type: double
The maximum time shift of a mantle wave signal.
- automt.settings.maxShift.w-phase¶
Unit: s
Type: double
The maximum time shift of a W-phase signal.
- automt.settings.maxShift.full¶
Unit: s
Type: double
The maximum time shift of full signal.
automt.profiles.* Processing profiles that can be selected in automt.profiles.
Defines a processing profile for a certain magnitude
$name is a placeholder for the name to be used and needs to be added to automt.profiles
to become active.
automt.profiles = a,b
automt.profiles.a.value1 = ...
automt.profiles.b.value1 = ...
# c is not active because it has not been added
# to the list of automt.profiles
automt.profiles.c.value1 = ...
- automt.profiles.$name.method¶
Type: string
A string with a method that will be used to populate the MomentTensor.methodID attribute.
- automt.profiles.$name.magnitudes¶
Type: string
Defines the magnitude range this profile is valid for. Format: min;max wheras INF and -INF is supported to define open boundaries.
- automt.profiles.$name.minItemFit¶
Unit: %
Type: int
The minimum item fit in percent.
- automt.profiles.$name.maxShift¶
Unit: s
Type: double
The maximum time shift of the complete waveform set accounting for differences in centroid time wrt. source time.
- automt.profiles.$name.shiftStep¶
Unit: s
Type: double
Time steps to shift the complete waveform set. Limited by maxShift.
- automt.profiles.$name.minDist¶
Unit: deg
Type: double
The minimum epicentral distance of a station to be included in the processing. If "auto" is specified then the minimum distance will be computed to be at least a single wavelength according to the configured filter periods.
- automt.profiles.$name.minSNR.body¶
Type: double
The minimum SNR of a body wave signal.
- automt.profiles.$name.minSNR.surface¶
Type: double
The minimum SNR of a surface wave signal.
- automt.profiles.$name.minSNR.mantle¶
Type: double
The maximum time shift of a mantle wave signal.
- automt.profiles.$name.minSNR.w-phase¶
Type: double
The minimum SNR of a w-phase wave signal.
- automt.profiles.$name.minSNR.full¶
Type: double
The minimum SNR of a full wave signal.
- automt.profiles.$name.minSNR.body.P¶
Type: double
The minimum SNR of a P wave signal.
- automt.profiles.$name.minSNR.body.S¶
Type: double
The minimum SNR of an S wave signal.
- automt.profiles.$name.minSNR.surface.R¶
Type: double
The minimum SNR of a Rayleigh wave signal.
- automt.profiles.$name.minSNR.surface.L¶
Type: double
The minimum SNR of a Love wave signal.
- automt.profiles.$name.minSNR.mantle.RM¶
Type: double
The minimum SNR of a Rayleigh mantle wave signal.
- automt.profiles.$name.minSNR.mantle.LM¶
Type: double
The minimum SNR of a Love mantle wave signal.
- automt.profiles.$name.maxShift.body¶
Unit: s
Type: double
The maximum time shift of a body wave signal.
- automt.profiles.$name.maxShift.surface¶
Unit: s
Type: double
The maximum time shift of a surface wave signal.
- automt.profiles.$name.maxShift.mantle¶
Unit: s
Type: double
The maximum time shift of a mantle wave signal.
- automt.profiles.$name.maxShift.w-phase¶
Unit: s
Type: double
The maximum time shift of a W-phase signal.
- automt.profiles.$name.maxShift.body.P¶
Unit: s
Type: double
The maximum time shift of a P wave signal.
- automt.profiles.$name.maxShift.body.S¶
Unit: s
Type: double
The maximum time shift of a S wave signal.
- automt.profiles.$name.maxShift.surface.R¶
Unit: s
Type: double
The maximum time shift of a Rayleigh wave signal.
- automt.profiles.$name.maxShift.surface.L¶
Unit: s
Type: double
The maximum time shift of a Love wave signal.
- automt.profiles.$name.maxShift.mantle.RM¶
Unit: s
Type: double
The maximum time shift of a Rayleigh mantle wave signal.
- automt.profiles.$name.maxShift.mantle.LM¶
Unit: s
Type: double
The maximum time shift of a Love mantle wave signal.
- automt.profiles.$name.wZ.body¶
Type: double
Vertical component weight of a body wave.
- automt.profiles.$name.wZ.surface¶
Type: double
Vertical component weight of a surface wave.
- automt.profiles.$name.wZ.mantle¶
Type: double
Vertical component weight of a mantle wave.
- automt.profiles.$name.wZ.w-phase¶
Type: double
Vertical component weight of a W-phase.
- automt.profiles.$name.wZ.full¶
Type: double
Vertical component weight of a full wave.
- automt.profiles.$name.wZ.body.P¶
Type: double
Vertical component weight of a P wave.
- automt.profiles.$name.wZ.surface.R¶
Type: double
Vertical component weight of a Rayleigh wave.
- automt.profiles.$name.wZ.mantle.RM¶
Type: double
Vertical component weight of a Rayleigh mantle wave.
- automt.profiles.$name.wR.body¶
Type: double
Radial component weight of a body wave.
- automt.profiles.$name.wR.surface¶
Type: double
Radial component weight of a surface wave.
- automt.profiles.$name.wR.mantle¶
Type: double
Radial component weight of a mantle wave.
- automt.profiles.$name.wR.w-phase¶
Type: double
Radial component weight of a W-phase.
- automt.profiles.$name.wR.full¶
Type: double
Radial component weight of a full wave.
- automt.profiles.$name.wR.body.S¶
Type: double
Radial component weight of an S wave.
- automt.profiles.$name.wR.surface.R¶
Type: double
Radial component weight of a Rayleigh wave.
- automt.profiles.$name.wR.mantle.RM¶
Type: double
Radial component weight of a Rayleigh mantle wave.
- automt.profiles.$name.wT.body¶
Type: double
Tangential component weight of a body wave.
- automt.profiles.$name.wT.surface¶
Type: double
Tangential component weight of a surface wave.
- automt.profiles.$name.wT.mantle¶
Type: double
Tangential component weight of a mantle wave.
- automt.profiles.$name.wT.w-phase¶
Type: double
Tangential component weight of a W-phase.
- automt.profiles.$name.wT.full¶
Type: double
Tangential component weight of a full wave.
- automt.profiles.$name.wT.body.S¶
Type: double
Tangential component weight of an S wave.
- automt.profiles.$name.wT.surface.L¶
Type: double
Tangential component weight of a Love wave.
- automt.profiles.$name.wT.mantle.LM¶
Type: double
Tangential component weight of a Love mantle wave.
automt.profiles.$name.wNormalize.* Defines whether the configured weights are normalized among all waveforms of a station of the same type. Normalization is done by dividing the weight by square root of the noise RMS times 1000: sqrt(rms*1000).
- automt.profiles.$name.wNormalize.body¶
Type: boolean
Normalization flag for body waves.
- automt.profiles.$name.wNormalize.surface¶
Type: boolean
Normalization flag for surface waves.
- automt.profiles.$name.wNormalize.mantle¶
Type: boolean
Normalization flag for mantle waves.
- automt.profiles.$name.wNormalize.w-phase¶
Type: boolean
Normalization flag for W-phases.
- automt.profiles.$name.wNormalize.full¶
Type: boolean
Normalization flag for full waves.
- automt.profiles.$name.wNormalize.body.P¶
Type: boolean
Normalization flag for P waves.
- automt.profiles.$name.wNormalize.body.S¶
Type: boolean
Normalization flag for S waves.
- automt.profiles.$name.wNormalize.surface.R¶
Type: boolean
Normalization flag for Rayleigh waves.
- automt.profiles.$name.wNormalize.surface.L¶
Type: boolean
Normalization flag for Love waves.
- automt.profiles.$name.wNormalize.mantle.RM¶
Type: boolean
Normalization flag for Rayleigh mantle waves.
- automt.profiles.$name.wNormalize.mantle.LM¶
Type: boolean
Normalization flag for Love mantle waves.
- automt.profiles.$name.periods.body¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The filter periods in seconds of the body wave signals. Format [lower]-[upper], e.g. 20-50.
- automt.profiles.$name.periods.surface¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The filter periods in seconds of the surface wave signals. Format [lower]-[upper], e.g. 20-50.
- automt.profiles.$name.periods.mantle¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The filter periods in seconds of the mantle wave signals. Format [lower]-[upper], e.g. 50-150.
- automt.profiles.$name.periods.w-phase¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The filter periods in seconds of the W-phase signals. Format [lower]-[upper], e.g. 100-600.
- automt.profiles.$name.periods.body.P¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The filter periods in seconds of the P wave signals. Format [lower]-[upper], e.g. 20-50.
- automt.profiles.$name.periods.body.S¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The filter periods in seconds of the S wave signals. Format [lower]-[upper], e.g. 20-50.
- automt.profiles.$name.periods.surface.R¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The filter periods in seconds of the surface Rayleigh wave signals. Format [lower]-[upper], e.g. 20-50.
- automt.profiles.$name.periods.surface.L¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The filter periods in seconds of the surface Love wave signals. Format [lower]-[upper], e.g. 20-50.
- automt.profiles.$name.periods.mantle.RM¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The filter periods in seconds of the mantle Rayleigh wave signals. Format [lower]-[upper], e.g. 50-150.
- automt.profiles.$name.periods.mantle.LM¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The filter periods in seconds of the mantle Love wave signals. Format [lower]-[upper], e.g. 50-150.
- automt.profiles.$name.signalBegin.w-phase¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The time of the signal to start for the W-phase with respect to origin time. This is an arithmetic expression. The following parameters are available: distance in km (d), distance in degree (D), onsets (P,sP,S,LQ,LR) and end of data (EOD).
Example: d/10-20
- automt.profiles.$name.signalBegin.full¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The time of the signal to start for full waveforms with respect to origin time. This is an arithmetic expression. The following parameters are available: distance in km (d), distance in degree (D), onsets (P,sP,S,LQ,LR) and end of data (EOD).
Example: d/10-20
- automt.profiles.$name.signalBegin.body.P¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The time of the signal to start for P phases with respect to origin time. This is an arithmetic expression. The following parameters are available: distance in km (d), distance in degree (D), onsets (P,sP,S,LQ,LR) and end of data (EOD).
Example: d/10-20
- automt.profiles.$name.signalBegin.body.S¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The time of the signal to start for S phases with respect to origin time. This is an arithmetic expression. The following parameters are available: distance in km (d), distance in degree (D), onsets (P,sP,S,LQ,LR) and end of data (EOD).
Example: d/10-20
- automt.profiles.$name.signalBegin.surface.R¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The time of the signal to start for Rayleigh phases with respect to origin time. This is an arithmetic expression. The following parameters are available: distance in km (d), distance in degree (D), onsets (P,sP,S,LQ,LR) and end of data (EOD).
Example: d/10-20
- automt.profiles.$name.signalBegin.surface.L¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The time of the signal to start for Love phases with respect to origin time. This is an arithmetic expression. The following parameters are available: distance in km (d), distance in degree (D), onsets (P,sP,S,LQ,LR) and end of data (EOD).
Example: d/10-20
- automt.profiles.$name.signalBegin.mantle.RM¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The time of the signal to start for Rayleigh mantle phases with respect to origin time. This is an arithmetic expression. The following parameters are available: distance in km (d), distance in degree (D), onsets (P,sP,S,LQ,LR) and end of data (EOD).
Example: d/10-20
- automt.profiles.$name.signalBegin.mantle.LM¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The time of the signal to start for Love mantle phases with respect to origin time. This is an arithmetic expression. The following parameters are available: distance in km (d), distance in degree (D), onsets (P,sP,S,LQ,LR) and end of data (EOD).
Example: d/10-20
- automt.profiles.$name.signalEnd.w-phase¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The time of signal end for the W-phase with respect to origin time. This is an arithmetic expression. The following parameters are available: distance in km (d), distance in degree (D), onsets (P,sP,S,LQ,LR) and end of data (EOD).
Example: 80+d/3.5
- automt.profiles.$name.signalEnd.full¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The time of signal end for full waveforms with respect to origin time. This is an arithmetic expression. The following parameters are available: distance in km (d), distance in degree (D), onsets (P,sP,S,LQ,LR) and end of data (EOD).
Example: 80+d/3.5
- automt.profiles.$name.signalEnd.body.P¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The time of signal end for P phases with respect to origin time. This is an arithmetic expression. The following parameters are available: distance in km (d), distance in degree (D), onsets (P,sP,S,LQ,LR) and end of data (EOD).
Example: 80+d/3.5
- automt.profiles.$name.signalEnd.body.S¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The time of signal end for S phases with respect to origin time. This is an arithmetic expression. The following parameters are available: distance in km (d), distance in degree (D), onsets (P,sP,S,LQ,LR) and end of data (EOD).
Example: 80+d/3.5
- automt.profiles.$name.signalEnd.surface.R¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The time of signal end for Rayleigh phases with respect to origin time. This is an arithmetic expression. The following parameters are available: distance in km (d), distance in degree (D), onsets (P,sP,S,LQ,LR) and end of data (EOD).
Example: 80+d/3.5
- automt.profiles.$name.signalEnd.surface.L¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The time of signal end for Love phases with respect to origin time. This is an arithmetic expression. The following parameters are available: distance in km (d), distance in degree (D), onsets (P,sP,S,LQ,LR) and end of data (EOD).
Example: 80+d/3.5
- automt.profiles.$name.signalEnd.mantle.RM¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The time of signal end for Rayleigh mantle phases with respect to origin time. This is an arithmetic expression. The following parameters are available: distance in km (d), distance in degree (D), onsets (P,sP,S,LQ,LR) and end of data (EOD).
Example: 80+d/3.5
- automt.profiles.$name.signalEnd.mantle.LM¶
Unit: s
Type: string
The time of signal end for Love mantle phases with respect to origin time. This is an arithmetic expression. The following parameters are available: distance in km (d), distance in degree (D), onsets (P,sP,S,LQ,LR) and end of data (EOD).
Example: 80+d/3.5
Command-Line Options¶
scautomt [options]
- -h, --help¶
Show help message.
- -V, --version¶
Show version information.
- --config-file arg¶
Use alternative configuration file. When this option is used the loading of all stages is disabled. Only the given configuration file is parsed and used. To use another name for the configuration create a symbolic link of the application or copy it. Example: scautopick -> scautopick2.
- --plugins arg¶
Load given plugins.
- -D, --daemon¶
Run as daemon. This means the application will fork itself and doesn’t need to be started with &.
- --auto-shutdown arg¶
Enable/disable self-shutdown because a master module shutdown. This only works when messaging is enabled and the master module sends a shutdown message (enabled with --start-stop-msg for the master module).
- --shutdown-master-module arg¶
Set the name of the master-module used for auto-shutdown. This is the application name of the module actually started. If symlinks are used, then it is the name of the symlinked application.
- --shutdown-master-username arg¶
Set the name of the master-username of the messaging used for auto-shutdown. If "shutdown-master-module" is given as well, this parameter is ignored.
- --verbosity arg¶
Verbosity level [0..4]. 0:quiet, 1:error, 2:warning, 3:info, 4:debug.
- -v, --v¶
Increase verbosity level (may be repeated, eg. -vv).
- -q, --quiet¶
Quiet mode: no logging output.
- --component arg¶
Limit the logging to a certain component. This option can be given more than once.
- -s, --syslog¶
Use syslog logging backend. The output usually goes to /var/lib/messages.
- -l, --lockfile arg¶
Path to lock file.
- --console arg¶
Send log output to stdout.
- --debug¶
Execute in debug mode. Equivalent to --verbosity=4 --console=1 .
- --log-file arg¶
Use alternative log file.
- -u, --user arg¶
Overrides configuration parameter
- -H, --host arg¶
Overrides configuration parameter
- -t, --timeout arg¶
Overrides configuration parameter
- -g, --primary-group arg¶
Overrides configuration parameter
- -S, --subscribe-group arg¶
A group to subscribe to. This option can be given more than once.
- --start-stop-msg arg¶
Set sending of a start and a stop message.
- --db-driver-list¶
List all supported database drivers.
- -d, --database arg¶
The database connection string, format: service://user:pwd@host/database. "service" is the name of the database driver which can be queried with "--db-driver-list".
- --config-module arg¶
The config module to use.
- --inventory-db arg¶
Load the inventory from the given database or file, format: [service://]location .
- --record-driver-list¶
List all supported record stream drivers.
- -I, --record-url arg¶
The recordstream source URL, format: [service://]location[#type]. "service" is the name of the recordstream driver which can be queried with "--record-driver-list". If "service" is not given, "file://" is used.
- --record-file arg¶
Specify a file as record source.
- --record-type arg¶
Specify a type for the records being read.
- --all-stations¶
Whether to use all stations or just stations associated with origin.
- --cmt¶
Enable CMT computation.
- --data-only¶
Acquire only data and return.
- --depth arg¶
Unit: km
Type: double
Fix depth.
- --dump-traces¶
Dump traces of result.
- --dump-wf¶
Dump waveforms.
- --lat arg¶
Unit: deg
Type: double
Fix latitude.
- --lon arg¶
Unit: deg
Type: double
Fix longitude.
- --max-dist arg¶
Unit: deg
Type: double
Maximum epicentral distance to stations.
- --offline¶
Do not connect to a messaging server and do not use the database.
- --profile arg¶
Type: string
Use fixed profile.
- --test¶
Do not send any object.
- --time-shift arg¶
Unit: s
Type: double
Shift of origin time.
- --vertical¶
Use only vertical components.
- -M, --model¶
Overrides configuration parameter