The automatic computation of moment tensors by scautomt can be triggered in playbacks or from scolv [1] of SeisComP.
Explicit triggering in playbacks¶
Read the section Playbacks and waveform retrieval for starting scautomt explicitely in playbacks for moment-tensor inversion but also for waveform retrieval.
Implicit triggering by event updates¶
The computation is implicitly triggered when committing a new origin in scolv [1] that updates the preferred origin of the event or that results in a new event and if the new origin meets the configurable trigger criteria.
Explicit triggering from scolv¶
For explicit triggering the button Trigger Mw computation can be added by configuration to the Focal Mechanisms sub-tab of the Event tab in scolv.

Trigger scautomt by pressing Trigger Mw computation in the Focal Mechanisms sub-tab of the Event tab in scolv.¶
As scautomt is not available on all SeisComP systems this button cannot
be configured by scconfig but must be added to scolv.cfg
eventedit.triggerFM = true