Logs EEW magnitude messages via file, email, ActiveMQ and FCM.
Part of the EEW package (used by VS and FinDer).
sceewlog logs the VS and FinDer magnitude messages received from scvsmag and scfinder (configurable), broadcasts these alerts, and triggers scripts, generates and disseminates reports.
sceewlog is released under the GNU Affero General Public License (Free Software Foundation, version 3 or later). It requires the Python 3 and the package dateutil [2] to be installed. sceewlog replaces scvslog that was originally part of the SeisComP implementation of the Virtual Seismologist [1] (VS) Earthquake Early Warning algorithm.
Once an event has timed out, the modules generates report files. These report files are saved to disk and can also be sent via email.
It also implements ActiveMQ [3] and Firebase Cloud Messaging [8] interfaces which can send alert messages in real-time. It supports regionalized filter profiles (based on polygons and EQ parameter threshold values). Currently, messages can be sent in four different formats (sc3ml, qml1.2-rt, shakealertml the UserDisplay format, CAP1.2). Optionally, a comment with ID EEW storing the EEW update number, can be added to each magnitude that passes all configured filters and scoring.
The SED-ETHZ team provides a client that can display qml1.2-rt messages sent via ActiveMQ, the Earthquake Early Warning Display (EEWD) [4] an OpenSource user interface developed within the European REAKT project and based on early versions of the ShakeAlert UserDisplay [5].
To receive alerts with the EEWD set the format to qml1.2-rt. There are currently no clients which can digest sc3ml and the shakealertml is not supported. Using pipelines alerts can be sent out in more than one format.
The real-time ActiveMQ interface requires the Python packages stompy [6] and lxml [7] to be installed.
It is beyond the scope of this documentation to explain the complete setup of an ActiveMQ broker. However, since sceewlog uses the STOMP protocol to send messages to the broker it is essential to add the following line to configuration of the ActiveMQ broker.
<serverTransport uri="stomp://your-server-name:your-port"/>
Please refer to ActiveMQ [3] for setting up an ActiveMQ broker.
Below is an example of the first few lines of a report file:
|#St. |
Tdiff |Type|Mag.|Lat. |Lon. |Depth |origin time (UTC) |Lik.|Or.|Ma.|Str.|Len. |Author |Creation t. |Tdiff(current o.)
5.24| MVS|2.40| 46.05| 6.89| 20.53|2020-06-23T06:25:38.55Z|0.40| 4| 2| | |scvsmag2@|2020-06-23T06:25:45.99Z| 7.44
6.24| MVS|3.69| 46.05| 6.89| 20.53|2020-06-23T06:25:38.55Z|0.40| 4| 4| | |scvsmag2@|2020-06-23T06:25:46.99Z| 8.45
6.79| MVS|3.71| 46.05| 6.89| 20.53|2020-06-23T06:25:38.55Z|0.40| 4| 3| | |scvsmag@s|2020-06-23T06:25:47.54Z| 8.99
7.24| MVS|3.65| 46.05| 6.89| 22.30|2020-06-23T06:25:38.33Z|0.99| 6| 5| | |scvsmag2@|2020-06-23T06:25:48.00Z| 9.67
7.79| MVS|3.53| 46.05| 6.89| 22.30|2020-06-23T06:25:38.33Z|0.99| 6| 5| | |scvsmag@s|2020-06-23T06:25:48.54Z| 10.21
8.24| MVS|3.61| 46.05| 6.89| 22.30|2020-06-23T06:25:38.33Z|0.99| 6| 5| | |scvsmag2@|2020-06-23T06:25:48.99Z| 10.66
8.62| Mfd|4.00| 46.04| 6.88| 5.00|2020-06-23T06:25:41.93Z|0.88| 0| | 80| 0.28|scfdalpin|2020-06-23T06:25:49.37Z| 7.44
8.62| Mfd|3.90| 46.04| 6.88| 12.00|2020-06-23T06:25:40.29Z|0.85| 0| | 140| 0.38|scfdforel|2020-06-23T06:25:49.37Z| 9.07
Creation time is the time the VS magnitude message was generated, tdiff is the time difference between creation time and last origin time in seconds, lik. is the likelihood that this event is a real event (see documentation of scvsmag), #St.(Or.) is the number of stations that contributed to the origin and #St.(Ma.) the number of envelope streams that contributed to the magnitude. Str. and Len. are the strike and length of the fault line provided by scfinder.
Regionalized Filters#
To filter alerts to be sent out through ActiveMQ or FCM, it is necessary to set profiles on RegFilters section. Since this is using regions defined as closed polygons, then the first step is to provide a BNA file that contains the polygons. If the user does not provide a BNA file, then the other profile parameters will be evaluated globally.
RegFilters.bnaFile = /opt/seiscomp/share/sceewlog/closedpolygons.bna
Then profile names have to be set. Two profile examples are provided below.
RegFilters.profiles = global, America
The global profile is not configured with polygon since this spans on the
entire world. The America profile uses the “America” closed polygon defined
in activeMQ.bnaFile
. = none
RegFilters.profile.America.bnaPolygonName = America
The magnitude and likelihood threshold values might be: = 6.0 = 0.5
RegFilters.profile.America.magThresh = 5.0
RegFilters.profile.America.likelihoodThresh = 0.3
There might also be a depth filter for each profile. The following parameters might be used to configure the global profile with shallow events, and the America profile with events from 0 to 100 km deep. = 0 = 33
RegFilters.profile.America.minDepth = 0
RegFilters.profile.America.maxDepth = 100
Finally, to avoid sending alerts for events outside of the network of interest
for EEW applications, a maxTime
can be set. The maxTime
is the maximum delay in seconds between the magnitude creation time since the
origin time. For the examples, on the global profile this parameter might
be “-1” in order to skip this filter, whereas it could be set to 60 seconds for
America. However, each of the Virtual Seismologist and Finite-Fault Rupture Detector algorithms have
their own default thresholds superseding maxTime
defined in
sceewlog. = -1
RegFilters.profile.America.maxTime = 60
Magnitude Association#
The magnitude association is similar than the scevent preferred-origin selection. The magnitude association evaluation is activated with the next configuration key-value pair:
magAssociation.activate = true
The following priorities are available:
and they can be listed on the next key-value:
magAssociation.priority = magThresh,likelihood,authors,stationMagNumber
The priority decreases in the order of the parameters.
The magThresh prority is a list of minimal magnitude to be allowed for each type of magnitude:
magAssociation.typeThresh = Mfd:6.0,MVS:3.5,Mlv:2.5
For one specific update of an event, its magnitude type-value must be equal or higher than the listed ones to continue the evaluation. Otherwise, the evaluation ends and the evalution does not continue.
The authors can be also used and their priority depends on the position on which they are listed. For example:
#if magAssociation.priority contains authors then
#the next parameter must contain valid magnitude authors' names
magAssociation.authors = scvsmag@@@hostname@, \
scvsmag0@@@hostname@, \
scfd85sym@@@hostname@, \
scfd20asym@@@hostname@, \
In this list of authors the highest value is for scvsmag and for this particular example this author has a value of 5. The author value reduces after each comma separator. For the same example scvsmag0 is 4, scfd85sym is 3, and so. The author is evaluated for every event update. If the author for a particular update has a higher o equal priority than an already evaluated and sent alert, then the evaluation continues, otherwise, whether the author is listed or not, the evaluation ends.
If likelihood is listed on priorities then this is evaluated against with a previous update that has been sent out as alert. Only when there is a first event update the likelihood is not evaluated. In case that an update has been sent out as an alert, if the current likelihood is higher or equal than the previous one, then it goes to the next priority evaluation, otherwise, the update is discarted.
For the stationMagNumber evaluation is necessary to have a similar list of Magtype and min number of stations used to quantify the magnitude value. For example:
magAssociation.stationMagNumber = Mfd:7,MVS:4
In this example for the mag type Mfd is necessary to at least have 7 stations to pass this evaluation, otherwise, the evaluation ends. For MVS must be at least 4 stations that have been used to qunatify the magnitude, otherwise, the valution ends.
Firebase Cloud Messaging#
EEW messages are controlled by the parameters Magnitude Association and Regionalized Profiles. Notifications are sent using the HTTP v1 [9] when topic notification option is enabled and it requires the following python libraries:
Further information on the Firebase Cloud Messaging interface can be found in Firebase Cloud Messaging [8]. This interface is activated in the module configuration file with the option:
FCM.activate = true
When this is enable then two options are possible:
For sending push notification to a topic:
FCM.topicnotification = true
In this case the configuration file defined in FCM.dataFile must be provided and containing the firebase configuration. Additionally, the python libraries mentioned above must be installed. The configuration file includes the path to a service JSON (see the Firebase project console Service JSON File [10]), the broadcasted topic (notification topic), the project ID string (see Project ID [11]), and it controls (enable or disable) notification to Android, iOS and a legacy notification format. Below is an example how this file, referenced in the FCM.dataFile, looks like:
servicefile= /opt/fcm/credentials/projectServiceFile.json
projectid = myappid
android = true
ios = true
oldformat = true
For creating an eew message dictionary:
FCM.eewmessagecomment = true
In this case this message contains the EQ origin information. It will be added as a comment type: eewmessage and text will be the message dictionary. In addition to this, the comment will be sent to the messaging system so that any other module can listen to this comment.
Headline Change for CAP1.2 XML alerts#
The converted CAP1.2 xml alert messages contain a headline. The default headline is:
@AGENCY@ Magnitude X.X Date and Time (UTC): YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:s.sssZ.
An alternative headline format might be preferred. The following alternative format can be selected:
@AGENCY@/Earthquake Magnitude X.X, XX km NNW of SOMECITY, SOMECOUNTRY
The aternative format supports both spanish and english languages. The spanish version is:
The alternative format can be enable as follows:
CAPheadlineChange = true
The alternative format requires to specify the language and the corresponding
file listing the world cities CitiesFile
. The language
can be selected as follows:
#Uncomment the next line to select English
AlertTextLanguage = en-US
#Uncomment the next line to select Spanish
#AlertTextLanguage = es-US
The file listing the world cities CitiesFile
must have
the following format:
Sao Paulo,Brazil,-46.6339,-23.5504
Both an english and a spanish version are provided in “@DATADIR@/sceewlog/world_cities_english.csv” and “@DATADIR@/sceewlog/world_cities_spanish.csv”.
sceewlog inherits global options.
- magTypes#
Type: list:string
The list of magnitude types handled by sceewlog Default is
MVS, Mfd
- generateReportTimeout#
Type: int
Timeout after which a report is generated. The timer is started on magnitude reception and restarted whenerver a new magnitude is received for the same event. Default is
- CitiesFile#
Type: string
CSV file that contains the location of cities. It is mandatory when changeHeadline or FCM is true. Default is
- EEW.comment#
Type: boolean
Save a comment for each EEW alert sent out through ActiveMQ or FCM. The comment is part of the Magnitude object and stored on the Comment table of the SC-DB. Default is
- EEW.script#
Type: string
Executes an external script for each EEW alert that are sent out. The script must be defined with full file path, and it must be executable. It receives all EEW parameters in arguments as follows: magID=.. type=M.. author=.. magnitude=.. lat=.. lon=.. depth=.. nstorg=.. nstmag=.. ot=.. When the module is started, the script is tested with argument test=1. An example of a script preparing a data file for posting on social media is provided with $SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/eew2file. An example of a script that can be adjusted to run Shakemap from EEW solutions is provided with $SEISCOMP_ROOT/bin/eew2shakemap.
- CAPheadlineChange#
Type: boolean
Change the headline in the cap1.2 XML alert. Default is
- AlertTextLanguage#
Type: string
Language for the string text on headline (cap1.2 XML) or FCM near location. Default is
- email.activate#
Type: boolean
Send email notifications. Default is
- email.smtpserver#
Type: string
URL of the smtp server to send the report files to.
- email.port#
Type: int
Port where the SMTP server accepts connections. Default is
- email.usetls#
Type: boolean
Whether to use TLS when connecting to the smtp server. Default is
- email.usessl#
Type: boolean
Whether to use SSL when connecting to the smtp server. Note, only ‘email.usetls’ or ‘user.ssl’ can be true. Default is
- email.authenticate#
Type: boolean
Whether the smtp server requires authentication (username + password). Default is
- email.credentials#
Type: file
If the smtp server requires authentication you have to specify a file that contains username and password in the format:
Make sure that you set the file permission as restrictive as possible.
- email.senderaddress#
Type: string
Email address that will appear as sender in the report email.
- email.subject#
Type: string
Any string that should be prepended to the email’s subject string.
Type: string
Host as it is supposed to appear in the email’s subject string.
- email.recipients#
Type: list:string
A list of email addresses that receive the report emails.
- email.magThresh#
Type: double
Only send a notification email if the magnitude threshold is exceeded. Default is
- email.sendForAlertOnly#
Type: boolean
Only send a notification email if an alert was sent (activeMQ, FCM, or script). Default is
- report.activate#
Type: boolean
Save reports to disk. Default is
- report.eventbuffer#
Type: int
Unit: s
Time in seconds that events and the related objects are buffered. Default is
Type: dir
Directory to save reports to. Default is
- ActiveMQ.activate#
Type: boolean
Send Alerts through ActiveMQ msg broker. Default is
- ActiveMQ.hostname#
Type: string
Server name that runs the ActiveMQ broker. Default is
- ActiveMQ.port#
Type: int
Port on which ActiveMQ broker accepts stomp messages. Default is
- ActiveMQ.username#
Type: string
Username with which messages are sent. Default is
- ActiveMQ.password#
Type: string
Password with which messages are sent. Default is
- ActiveMQ.topic#
Type: string
ActiveMQ broker topic to send alerts to. Default is
- ActiveMQ.hbtopic#
Type: string
ActiveMQ broker topic to send heart beats to. Default is
- ActiveMQ.messageFormat#
Type: string
ActiveMQ message format; can be either ‘cap1.2’, ‘qml1.2-rt’, ‘shakealert’, or ‘sc3ml’. Default is
- RegFilters.profiles#
Type: string
Profile names for regionalized alert filter. Use comma for more than one profile. Default is
- RegFilters.bnaFile#
Type: string
Path of BNA file that contains closed polygons which is used for regionalized filters. Default is
RegFilters.profile.* Profiles containing the profile-specific alert filtering parameters.
$name is a placeholder for the name to be used and needs to be added to RegFilters.profiles
to become active.
RegFilters.profiles = a,b
RegFilters.profile.a.value1 = ...
RegFilters.profile.b.value1 = ...
# c is not active because it has not been added
# to the list of RegFilters.profiles
RegFilters.profile.c.value1 = ...
- RegFilters.profile.$name.magThresh#
Type: double
Magnitude threshold; can be any float value. Default is
- RegFilters.profile.$name.likelihoodThresh#
Type: double
Likelihood threshold; can be between 0.0 to 1.0. Default is
- RegFilters.profile.$name.minDepth#
Type: double
Minimum depth value; can be any float value but less than maxDepth. Default is
- RegFilters.profile.$name.maxDepth#
Type: double
Maximum depth value; can be any float value but greater than minDepth. Default is
- RegFilters.profile.$name.bnaPolygonName#
Type: string
The polygon name must be one of the closed polygons that contains the ActiveMQ.bnaFile. If this is set to none, then the origin location will not be checked against any polygon. Default is
- RegFilters.profile.$name.maxTime#
Type: double
Time difference between origin time and magnitude creation time (in seconds). If this parameter is setup to -1, the time difference is not checked. Default is
- magAssociation.activate#
Type: boolean
Magnitude association and scoring. The score for each EQ update is the product of magnitude, likelihood, author and num. of arrivals. Default is
- magAssociation.priority#
Type: string
The priorities can be set as: magThresh, likelihood or authors. It can be all together or just one or two. Listed comma separated. Default is
- magAssociation.typeThresh#
Type: string
Set the minimum magnitude threshold values for each magnitude type configured in magTypes. Default is
- magAssociation.authors#
Type: string
Set the magnitude authors in a list comma separated. This should be generally the app name followed by the hostname. Default is
- magAssociation.stationMagNumber#
Type: string
Set the minimum number of stations on which magnitude was quantified for every magnitude type. Default is
- FCM.activate#
Type: boolean
Enable or disable FCM for using the eews2fcm interface. Default is
- FCM.topicnofication#
Type: boolean
Enable or disable FCM for topic notifications. It this case it is mandatory to provide the dataFile. Default is
- FCM.eewmessagecomment#
Type: boolean
Enable or disable this option to create a message dictionary that will be notify to the messaging system and persist it in the DB. Default is
- FCM.dataFile#
Type: string
The datafile must contain the authorization key and topic to send out a message preformated on the eews2fcm interface. Default is
Command Line#
- --savedir path#
Directory to save reports to.
- --playback#
Disable database connection.