ESE setup#


The following instructions are based on the SeisComP documentation [1].


There are multiple ways to install the ETHZ-SED SeisComP EEW (ESE) package. This is meant to provide the easiest method based on gsm [2].


gsm [2] is provided by Gempa [3].

  1. Install and enable precise system time (requires superuser privileges), e.g.:

    apt install chrony
    systemctl status chrony
  2. Install and configure gsm [2] according to gsm repository.

  3. Install SeisComP and ESE:

    cd gsm
    ./gsm install seiscomp sed-eew


  1. Configure your SeisComP system according to post-install configuration instructions. Pay special attention to the configuration of the innodb_buffer_pool_size (over 2G but no more than 70% of the RAM, more information in

  2. Enable the SeisComP database with EEW extensions:

    mysql -u sysop -p seiscomp < ~/seiscomp/share/db/vs/mysql.sql
    mysql -u sysop -p seiscomp < ~/seiscomp/share/db/wfparam/mysql.sql
  3. Add station inventory and configure bindings for real-time processing.

  4. Configure sceewenv, scautopick, scautoloc and scevent following the recommendation provided in scvsmag configuration.

  5. Enable the required modules:

    seiscomp enable scautopick scautoloc scevent sceewenv scvsmag sceewlog
    seiscomp restart


  1. Test the ESE setup with real-time playbacks using the data from a recent relevant event is available in the configured station data archive.

  2. Check the results in ~/.seiscomp/log/VS_reports/ (see Reports) and scolv.

Further advice#

  1. The SeisComP fdsnws module provides a convenient way to access station metadata and event parameters for further analysis.

  2. Gempa [3] SMP provides a convenient way to manage a large station metadata inventory.

  3. The seiscomp shell provides efficient ways to manage bindings for a large number of stations.

  4. The SeisComP scgitinit utility makes configuration versioning easier.
