FinDer setup#


This requires docker and ssh to be installed and enabled.

  1. First make sure that you complete docker login (authenticating to the container registry)

  2. Start the docker (only once or when updating docker image, old docker version: replace host-gateway by $(ip addr show docker0 | grep -Po 'inet \K[\d.]+')):

    docker stop finder && docker rm finder # That is in case you update an existing one
    docker run -d \
        --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway  \
        -p 9878:22 \
        -v finder:/home/sysop \
        --name finder \
  3. Setup ssh authentification key (see ssh-keygen) and define a shortcut function to manage scfinder (and SeisComP) inside the docker container (once per host session, or add to your .profile or .bashrc to make it permanent):

    ssh-copy-id  -p 9878 sysop@localhost
    seiscomp-finder () { ssh -X -p 9878 sysop@localhost -C "/opt/seiscomp/bin/seiscomp  $@"; }


  1. Configure Finite-Fault Rupture Detector based on the example in /usr/local/src/FinDer/config/finder.config. e.g.:

    # Basic docker configuration
    mkdir myconf
    docker cp  finder:/usr/local/src/FinDer/config/finder.config  myconf/
    # Edit myconf/finder.config with paths related to container
    # Copy your FinDer config to container
    docker cp myconf/finder.config finder:/home/sysop/.seiscomp/
  2. Configure scfinder (and SeisComP) with the seiscomp-finder shortcut, e.g.:

    # Basic scfinder container configuration
    mkdir myconf
    echo 'connection.server = host.docker.internal/production
    database = host.docker.internal/seiscomp
    finder.config = /home/sysop/.seiscomp/finder.config ' > myconf/scfinder.cfg
    ## In case the db setup is more complex you might need to adjust the following and add it to the above:
    #database.inventory = mysql://host.docker.internal/seiscomp
    #database.config = mysql://host.docker.internal/seiscomp
    # Copy your scfinder config to container
    docker cp myconf/scfinder.cfg finder:/home/sysop/.seiscomp/
    # Review and adjust configuration
    seiscomp-finder exec scconfig
  3. Backup your configuration, e.g.,:

    docker cp  finder:/home/sysop/.seiscomp/finder.config  myconf/
    docker cp  finder:/home/sysop/.seiscomp/scfinder.cfg myconf/


host.docker.internal is defined as a alias to the docker host that can be used in scfinder configuration (scfinder.cfg) in the docker container with parameter connection.server to connect to SeisComP host system. If the host scmaster does not forward database parameters, database, database.config, and database.inventory parameters using the host.docker.internal docker host alias might also be needed.

Alternatively scimex could be configured to push origins and magnitudes from scfinder from within the docker to another SeisComP system.


  1. Manage scfinder (and SeisComP) with the seiscomp-finder shortcut, e.g.:

    # debug and test:
    seiscomp-finder exec scfinder --debug
    # enable modules
    seiscomp-finder enable scfinder
    # restart modules
    seiscomp-finder restart
  2. Eventually, after restarting docker or the host system, once the seiscomp-finder alias is permanent, restart the finder container and its seiscomp as follows:

    # restart docker container
    docker start finder
    docker exec -u 0 -it  finder /etc/init.d/ssh start
    seiscomp-finder restart


You may also use FinDer without SeisComP with /usr/local/src/FinDer/finder_file and related utilities in /usr/local/src/FinDer/.