ESE modules documentation#
This is the documentation for the SED-ETHZ EEW SeisComP modules.

The SED-ETHZ SeisComP EEW modules (Massin, Clinton & Boese, 2021).#
Since 2021, the SED-ETHZ SeisComP EEW framework includes two EEW algorithms, the Virtual Seismologist and the Finite-Fault Rupture Detector. They are supported by generic pre-processing and post-processing modules. Their architecture is designed to be flexible and extensible to also include other EEW algorithms in the future.
The architecture of the SED-ETHZ SeisComP EEW package is based on a common, generic envelope processing library, compiled within the sceewenv module, that generates real-time envelope values for horizontal and vertical acceleration, velocity, and displacement from raw acceleration and velocity waveforms. The envelopes are uses by two EEW algorithms:
The Virtual Seismologist (Virtual Seismologist [4]) algorithm, receives envelopes from the sceewenv module, and provides near instantaneous estimates of earthquake magnitude as soon as SeisComP origins are available.
The Finite-Fault Rupture Detector (Finite-Fault Rupture Detector [3]) algorithm, is integrated in a single module with the envelope and the finder libraries, and matches emerging patterns of strong motion from the seismic network with most likely seismic sources to predict the location and size of finite faults.
In addition, the sceewlog module creates log output and mails solutions once a new event is fully processed. It also provides an interface to send alerts in real-time.
EEW license#
The ESE modules are free and open-source. Currently, they are distributed under the GNU Affero General Public License [1] (Free Software Foundation, version 3 or later).
2013, SeisComP3 Seattle v2013.200: Initial set of SED EEW modules based only on VS, under the SED Public License for Seiscomp Contributions [2], consisting of scenvelope, scvsmag, and scvsmaglog.
2020, SeisComP v4.0.0: Licence for the VS modules changed from SED Public License for Seiscomp Contributions [2] to GNU Affero General Public License [1].
2021: FinDer added to the SED-ETHZ SeisComP EEW package, modules repackaged, from SeisComP v4.6.0 in the SED-ETHZ EEW SeisComP contributions package [5]. Key changes:
scfinder module added.
Generic EEW pre-processing module sceewenv replaces VS-specific scenvelope (deprecated).
Generic EEW post-processing module sceewlog replaces VS-specific scvsmaglog (depracated). Licence for these new modules unchanged.
Table of Contents#
- Massin, F., J. F. Clinton, M. Boese (2021) Status of Earthquake Early Warning in
Switzerland, Frontiers in Earth Science, 9:707654. doi:10.3389/feart.2021.707654
- Behr, Y., J. F. Clinton, C. Cauzzi, E. Hauksson, K. Jónsdóttir, C. G. Marius, A.
Pinar, J. Salichon, and E. Sokos (2016) The Virtual Seismologist in SeisComP: A New Implementation Strategy for Earthquake Early Warning Algorithms, Seismological Research Letters, March/March 2016, v. 87, p. 363-373, doi:10.1785/0220150235