
Strong event parameter GUI


SIGMA is a graphical user interface to compute and visualize strong motion event parameters and to store them in a database.

Module Configuration


sigma inherits global options.


Modules/plugins may require a license file. The default path to license files is @DATADIR@/licenses/ which can be overridden by global configuration of the parameter gempa.licensePath. Example:

gempa.licensePath = @CONFIGDIR@/licenses

Default: http://localhost

Type: string

Configures the base URL of the FDSN web services. Provide the full URL before "event/1/query".


Type: list:string

Allows to configure GMPE groups for models. Ungrouped models will be added to a groups called "Ungrouped". This holds a list of group identifiers which need to be configured in the corresponding group structure.


Type: path

Specifies the path to a Vs30 GeoTIFF or grid file, e.g. the global_vs30.tif GeoTIFF file provided by USGS. Grid files must be in a modified Surfer6 format where dimX and dimY are integers rather than shorts. The magic first 4 bytes contain "GGBB". The GeoTIFF reader is activated if the file extension is ".tif".

Note$name.* $name is a placeholder for the name to be used.$

Type: string

The name of the group.$name.members

Type: list:string

The group members. Each member is a concatenation of the GMPE provider and its model name separated with a slash. E.g. "pygme/AbrahamsonEtAl2014".

Note* Adds configuration for Python2 GMPE processing.

Type: list:string

The PyGMPE models available and their corresponding python filename. The format of each list entry is "modelname;filename". If the semicolon is omitted then the item is expected to be the modelname and a file with the same name and extension .py will be searched for.

Default: @CONFIGDIR@/pygmpe/

Type: path

The base path for all python model implementations.


gmpe.py3.* Adds configuration for Python3 GMPE processing.


Type: list:string

The Py3GMPE models available and their corresponding python filename. The format of each list entry is "modelname;filename". If the semicolon is omitted then the item is expected to be the modelname and a file with the same name and extension .py will be searched for.


Default: @CONFIGDIR@/pygmpe/

Type: path

The base path for all python model implementations.


Type: list:string

A list of Shapefile paths used as target districts for GMPE/intensity computation.


Default: 400

Unit: km

Type: int

The maximum epicentral distance in km of a station being considered for processing. This value is used if wfparam.magnitudeDistanceTable is not specified.


Default: 8

Unit: km/s

Type: double

Velocity for predicting the P-wave arrival time from epicentral distance. This is a fallback if the time cannot be retrieved from the travel-time interface.


Default: 60

Unit: s

Type: int

The pre event time window length in seconds.


Default: (0.36*d)+60

Unit: s

Type: string

Default value of time window length after the event onset in seconds. This value is an numerical expression and can include three symbols: d (distance in km), D (distance in degree) and az (azimuth clockwise from North).


Default: true

Type: boolean

Enables/disables pre event cut-off. A hardcoded sta/lta algorithm (with sta=0.1s, lta=2s, sta/lta threshold=1.2) is run on the time window defined by (expected_P_arrival_time - 15 s). The pre event window is hence defined as [t(sta/lta =1.2) - 15.5s, t(sta/lta =1.2) - 0.5s].


Default: true

Type: boolean

Enables/disables aftershock removal (Figini, 2006; Paolucci et al., 2008)


Default: 1.5

Type: double

Defines the factor applied to the significant duration to define the processing spectra time window. If that value is <= 0, the totalTimeWindowLength is used.


Default: 1

Unit: s

Type: double

Specifies the STA length in seconds of the applied STA/LTA check.


Default: 60

Unit: s

Type: double

Specifies the LTA length in seconds of the applied STA/LTA check.


Default: 3

Type: double

Specifies the minimum STALTA ratio to be reached to further process a station.


Default: 5

Unit: s

Type: double

Specifies the number of seconds around P to be used to check the STA/LTA ratio.


Default: -1.0

Type: double

Minimum snrPd amplitude for sending pdPvR and any other amplitude.


processing.filter.* Parameters of the 1st stage filter.


Default: 4

Type: int

Specifies the order of the 1st stage filter.


Default: 0.025

Type: double

Specifies the frequency of the 1st stage hi-pass filter. If this parameter is equal to 0 the hi-pass filter is not used. If negative, then the absolute value is multiplied by the Nyquist frequency of the data to get the final corner frequency of the filter.


Default: 40

Type: double

Specifies the frequency of the 1st stage lo-pass filter. If this parameter is equal to 0 the lo-pass filter is not used. If negative, then the absolute value is multiplied by the Nyquist frequency of the data to get the final corner frequency of the filter.


Default: -1

Unit: s

Type: double

Defines the cosine taper length in seconds if non-causal filters are activated applied on either side of the waveform. If a negative length is given 10 percent of the pre event window length is used on either side of the waveform.


Default: -1

Unit: s

Type: double

The length of the zero padding window in seconds applied on either side of the waveform. If negative, it is computed following Boore (2005) as 1.5*order/corner_freq and applied half at the beginning and half at the end of the waveform.


Default: 5

Unit: %

Type: double

Specifies the damping value (in percent) for computation of the pseudo absolute acceleration elastic response spectrum.


Default: 0.3,1,3

Unit: s

Type: list:double

Specifies the natural periods for computation of the pseudo absolute acceleration elastic response spectrum.


Default: -1

Unit: s

Type: double

The lower bound of the period range to compute response spectra for. A negative value disables the range and only the list of periods is used.


Default: -1

Unit: s

Type: double

The upper bound of the period range to compute response spectra for. A negative value disables the range and only the list of periods is used.


Default: 0

Type: int

The number of natural periods that are created with linear spacing between Tmin and Tmax.


output.* Parameters controlling the output of processing products.


Type: string

Configures the URI of the output database containing the SIGMA tables. If nothing is configured, the seiscomp3 database will be used.


Type: path

The path where all result files are saved.


Type: path

The script that will be called when an incident is exported. Please ensure that the script is executable. 3 parameters are passed: The eventID, an internal eventID and the export path where all files are stored.


Default: false

Type: boolean

If enabled then the systems file browser will be started with the configured output directory after a successful export.


Type: gradient

The color gradient of the heatmap, e.g. the events heatmap.


Default: false

Type: boolean

If false then colors from the heatmap gradient are interpolated between two nodes. Otherwise the color configured at the next lower value node is taken.


Type: gradient

The color gradient of the vs30 color values, e.g. the station symbols of the GMPE plot.


Default: true

Type: boolean

If false then colors from the vs30 color gradient are interpolated between two nodes. Otherwise the color configured at the next lower value node is taken.


Type: gradient

The intensity color gradient for ground motion values. This gradient will be used without normalization.


Type: gradient

The base color gradient for ground motion values. This gradient will be scaled to the final value range unless absolute scale is enabled in sigma.


Default: false

Type: boolean

If false then colors from the base gradient are interpolated between two nodes. Otherwise the color configured at the next lower value node is taken.


Default: true

Type: boolean

Whether to normalize the base color gradient to the current value range or not.

Default: diamond

Type: string

Defines which station symbol to use. The default is a diamond shape with a single point pointing to the location of the station. An alternative shape is the triangle as used in SeisComP. Use "triangle" to switch to this style.

Default: 0.5,0

Type: list:double

Defines the hotspot (center) of the station symbol in relative coordinates as x,y tuple. x is increasing from left to right and y is increasing from bottom to top. This setting is not taken into account when using the diamond shape.


Default: bottomcenter

Type: string

Defines the location of the scale layer legend. Acceptable values are: topleft, topcenter, topright, bottomleft, bottomcenter and bottomright.


Default: false

Type: boolean

Sets the initial visibility of the scale layer.

Bindings Parameters


Default: true

Type: boolean

Enables/disables the station for strong motion processing.


Type: list:string

Defines a list of preferred channels that are activated by default for that station. If this option is undefined then the highest sample rate channels for acceleration and velocity are used by default. If the list is empty (which is a different state than undefined) then no channels are selected by default.

Command-Line Options


