
SHARD application suite


SHARD is a web based application to monitor the structural health.

Module Configuration


shard inherits global options.


Modules/plugins may require a license file. The default path to license files is @DATADIR@/licenses/ which can be overridden by global configuration of the parameter gempa.licensePath. Example:

gempa.licensePath = @CONFIGDIR@/licenses


Type: list:string

Set the address and port for incoming connections.


Default: @DATADIR@/shard/apps

Type: list:string

Set the path where to look for your web application.


Default: @DATADIR@/gaps/zoom12.mbtiles

Type: path

Configures the MBTiles tile database if the SHARD server should serve map tiles itself. Further, set apps.mapURI to "tiles/{z}/{y}/{x}". If mapURI is configured with a remote tile server, this is not required.


Default: 65536

Unit: byte

Type: int

Set the buffer size for each request.


Default: 10

Type: int

Set the maximal amount of record threads.


Default: 10

Unit: s

Type: int

Set the thread timeout.


Type: string

The GDS dissemination address. Format is "host:port/queue", e.g. "localhost:20000/shard". Note that the queue must be configured in GDS.


Type: list:string

List of configured buildings. Each building listed here is the name of a parameter structure which has to be configured with "building.[name].*".


Default: @DATADIR@/gaps/zoom12.mbtiles

Type: path

Alternative configuration parameter for @tileDB.


building.$name.* $name is a placeholder for the name to be used and needs to be added to buildings to become active.

buildings = a,b
building.a.value1 = ...
building.b.value1 = ...
# c is not active because it has not been added
# to the list of buildings
building.c.value1 = ...

Type: string

Name of the building as shown in the frontend.


Type: string

Optional building description to be used in e.g. tooltips.


Type: list:double

Latitude and Longitude as two item list, e.g. 52.23456, 13.23456.


Default: building

Type: string

Optional building type that is used to generate a corresponding icon on the map. The type name corresponds to the filename of the icon to be used. This icon must exist in "$SEISCOMP_ROOT/share/shard/apps/share/css/icons/structure/[type].png". If the icon can not be found just a shadow is plotted onto the map at the position of the building/structure.


Type: string

Path to your building picture relative to a path of a web application. This path is actually a URI and not a file path. It can be used as absolute path starting with "https://". Every locator that a browser supports is possible. Default directory to check for pictures is "@DATADIR@/shard/apps/assets/images/structure"


Type: list:string

List of sensors. Each live stream listed here is the name of a parameter structure which has to be configured with "building.[name].liveStream.[stream].*".


Default: 1200

Type: integer

Size of record buffer. It corresponds to the length of the data time window shown in the dashboard.


Type: list:string

List of sensors. Each sensor listed here is the name of a parameter structure which has to be configured with "building.[name].sensor.[sensor].*".


building.$name.liveStream.$name.* $name is a placeholder for the name to be used and needs to be added to liveStreams to become active.

liveStreams = a,b
building.$name.liveStream.a.value1 = ...
building.$name.liveStream.b.value1 = ...
# c is not active because it has not been added
# to the list of liveStreams
building.$name.liveStream.c.value1 = ...

Type: string

Description of the live stream


Type: string

URL directing towards a live stream


building.$name.sensor.$name.* $name is a placeholder for the name to be used.


Type: string

The name of the sensor. The name is shown in the frontend.


Type: string

The type of the sensor. Types "acceleration", "velocity" and "displacement" are supported. If the type is velocity or displacement then data are differentiated to acceleration in the frontend.


Type: string

The sensor id. The id is composed of network-, station- and location-code, e.g. "XX.ABCD". This will take the sensor location at station XX.ABCD with empty location code. A non-empty location code may be added to the station code, e.g. "XX.ABCD.00".


Type: list:int

The position in the provided station picture of the sensor as two item list, e.g. 123, 456.


Type: list:string

The list of channel codes for each component to be shown in the frontend.


Type: list:string

The list of displacement channel codes for each component to be shown in the frontend if displacement traces are selected.


Type: list:string

The list of drift channel codes for each component to be shown in the frontend if drift traces are selected.


Type: list:string

The list of fundamental frequency channel codes for each component to be shown in the frontend if fundamental frequency traces are selected.


Default: @ROOTDIR@/var/lib/shard/archive.db

Type: string

Path to the SQLite3 database file. If a database server (e.g. MYSQL) should be used, provide a database URI as with any SeisComP3 application, e.g. "mysql://sysop:sysop@localhost/shard".


apps.* Web app specific configurations.


Default: ../

Type: string

Defines the path where to request your data.


Default: http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png

Type: string

The tile server URL for for the SHARD frontend, e.g., "{z}/{y}/{x}". Default is "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png". Depending on the service the order/arrangement of "{z}/{x}/{y}" might be different as well as the file ending, e.g., ".png". For SHARD serving the maps configure "tiles/{z}/{y}/{x}".


Default: 18

Type: int

The initial zoom of the map.


Default: 2e-4

Type: double

The minimum trace scale in sensor units of trace data in e.g. the dashboard.

Default: http://localhost:18080/events/query

Type: string

The QuakeLink event request URI that is called by the web browser that accesses the SHARD frontend. This URI must be public for the clients and accessible via the web browser.

Default: 12

Unit: hours

Type: double

Size of the event buffer in the browser. The default value shows e.g. the events of the last 12 hours in a map.

Type: string

In addition to the above filters this filter must contain a valid Quakelink WHERE statement which will be combined with the generated WHERE clause with AND. Don’t set this option if you don’t know what that really means.

Type: double

The minimum magnitude.

Type: double

The maximum magnitude.

Type: double

The minimum depth in km.

Unit: km

Type: double

The maximum depth in km.

Unit: deg

Type: double

The minimum latitude in degree.

Unit: deg

Type: double

The maximum latitude in degree.

Unit: deg

Type: double

The minimum longitude in degree.

Unit: deg

Type: double

The maximum longitude in degree.


Default: 7

Unit: days

Type: int

Number of days shown in the browser. The default value loads the data of the last 7 days.


avd.* (A)cceleration, (V)elocity and (D)isplacement specific processing parameters.


Type: list:string

Defines a list of stream ids that can contain wildcards that should be processed. For each stream a real-time peak ground amplitude is computed.


Type: list:string

Defines a global default reference spectrum either as a list of pairs frequency:magnitude, e.g. "0.5:1, 1:2, -1:3", whereupon -1 is a special frequency value that corresponds to the Nyquist frequency of the processed stream, or as a path to a file beginning with "<", e.g. "<@DATADIR@/shard/stations/design/referenceSpectrum.ds". The customizable reference spectrum can be retrieved from "". If the reference spectrum is exceeded at at least one node an alert is issued.


Type: path

Defines the default fragility curves filepath to a file in NRML format. Supported formats are v0.4 and v0.5. Each structure can be configured with its own fragility curves. If no fragility curves are assigned to a structure, this default curve set will be used.


Default: -1

Unit: sensor units squared

Type: double

Defines a global default variance threshold. If the variance of the sensitivity corrected data used to compute a spectrum is below this threshold a warning is issued. Negative numbers disable warnings.


Default: -1

Unit: s

Type: double

Defines a global default delay threshold. If that threshold is exceeded per received record (receive time - record end time) a warning is issued. Negative numbers disable warnings.


Default: -1

Unit: m/s/s

Type: double

Defines a global default PGA threshold used to issue an information if exceeded.


Default: -1

Unit: m/s/s

Type: double

Defines a global default PGA threshold used to issue a warning if exceeded.


Default: -1

Unit: m/s/s

Type: double

Defines a global default PGA threshold used to issue an alert if exceeded.


Default: -1

Unit: MMI

Type: double

If not absolute pga watch threshold is configured it will be calculated according to the given MMI intensity according to Kaestli and Faeh (2006).


Default: -1

Unit: MMI

Type: double

If not absolute pga warning threshold is configured it will be calculated according to the given MMI intensity according to Kaestli and Faeh (2006).


Default: -1

Unit: MMI

Type: double

If not absolute pga alert threshold is configured it will be calculated according to the given MMI intensity according to Kaestli and Faeh (2006).


Default: 3600

Type: double

Defines the time span of incidents held in memory and sent to a client initially. This buffer is a real time ring buffer and buffers the last configured time span of incidents.


Default: 60

Unit: s

Type: double

Defines the time span to compute the maximum value for each configured pseudo elastic response spectrum frequency (node in the reference spectrum). A value <= 0 disables it.


Type: list:string

Define a list of channel profiles to be used. The profiles are evaluated in the given order and each match updates the previous match.


avd.bindings.$name.* $name is a placeholder for the name to be used.


Type: list:string

A list of stream id patterns that activate the profile a channel where its id matches at least one item of the pattern list. Each item can contain wildcards and network-, station-, location- and channel codes are separated with a dot.


Type: list:string

The reference spectrum either as a list of pairs frequency:magnitude, e.g. "0.5:1, 1:2, -1:3", whereupon -1 is a special frequency value that corresponds to the Nyquist frequency of the processed stream, or as a path to a file beginning with "<", e.g. "<@DATADIR@/shard/stations/design/referenceSpectrum.ds". The customizable reference spectrum can be retrieved from "". If the reference spectrum is exceeded at at least one node an alert is issued.


Type: path

Defines the fragility curves filepath to a file in NRML format for this particular structure.


Default: -1

Unit: sensor units squared

Type: double

The variance threshold. If that threshold is exceeded with the variance of the sensitivity corrected raw data used to compute a spectrum a warning is issued. Negative numbers disable warnings.


Default: -1

Unit: s

Type: double

The delay threshold. If that threshold is exceeded per received record (receive time - record end time) a warning is issued. Negative numbers disable warnings.


Default: -1

Unit: m/s/s

Type: double

PGA threshold used to issue an information if exceeded.


Default: -1

Unit: m/s/s

Type: double

PGA threshold used to issue a warning if exceeded.


Default: -1

Unit: m/s/s

Type: double

PGA threshold used to issue an alert if exceeded.


Default: -1

Unit: MMI

Type: double

If not absolute pga watch threshold is configured it will be calculated according to the given MMI intensity according to Kaestli and Faeh (2006).


Default: -1

Unit: MMI

Type: double

If not absolute pga warning threshold is configured it will be calculated according to the given MMI intensity according to Kaestli and Faeh (2006).


Default: -1

Unit: MMI

Type: double

If not absolute pga alert threshold is configured it will be calculated according to the given MMI intensity according to Kaestli and Faeh (2006).


avd.spec.* If a reference spectrum is specified this parameters are in effect to configure the spectra computation.


Default: 20

Unit: s

Type: double

Defines the trace length in seconds to compute the spectra from.


Default: 0.5

Type: double

Defines the overlap ratio of the time windows used for the running spectra computation. The overlap in seconds is then length*overlap.


report.* Parameters controlling the output of processing products.


Default: true

Type: boolean

Remove temporary data after script run.


Default: en

Type: string

The default language of automatic generated reports. The default language is "en" (English). Other supported languages are "es" (Spanish) and "de" (German).


Type: path

The script that will be called when an incident is exported. Please ensure that the script is executable. The script gets the working directory and the language as argument.


Default: 1024x768

Type: string

Map output resolution


Default: 30

Unit: s

Type: double

The pre event/incident time window length in seconds.


Default: 30

Unit: s

Type: double

The post event/incident time window length in seconds.

Type: string

The QuakeLink event request URI that is called from the SHARD server itself. It can be an internal URI but must start with either http:// or https://. The default value is taken from apps.quakelink.


Type: string

Sets the recordstream URI for report generation. It is important to note that this URI should be an archive source that does not block if data are not available such as Seedlink. In connection with CAPS the option "arch" should be used, e.g. "caps://localhost:18002?arch".


report.filter.* Filter options for automatic reporting


Default: false

Type: boolean

No description available


Default: true

Type: boolean

No description available


Default: 3

Type: double

The minimum intensity (GMPE) at the building for automatic reporting.


Default: 180

Unit: s

Type: double

The minimum time delay after origin time for automatic reporting.


Default: 3600

Unit: s

Type: double

The maximum time delay after origin time for automatic reporting.


Default: false

Type: boolean

No description available


Default: false

Type: boolean

No description available

Default: false

Type: boolean

No description available


Type: list:string

A list of Shapefile paths used as target districts for GMPE/intensity computation.


Default: 400

Unit: km

Type: int

The maximum epicentral distance in km of a station being considered for processing. This value is used if wfparam.magnitudeDistanceTable is not specified.


Default: 8

Unit: km/s

Type: double

The maximum epicentral distance in km of a station being considered for processing. This value is used if wfparam.magnitudeDistanceTable is not specified.


Default: 60

Unit: s

Type: int

The pre event time window length in seconds.


Default: (0.36*d)+60

Unit: s

Type: string

Default value of time window length after the event onset in seconds. This value is an numerical expression and can include three symbols: d (distance in km), D (distance in degree) and az (azimuth clockwise from North).


Default: true

Type: boolean

Enables/disables pre event cut-off. A hardcoded sta/lta algorithm (with sta=0.1s, lta=2s, sta/lta threshold=1.2) is run on the time window defined by (expected_P_arrival_time - 15 s). The pre event window is hence defined as [t(sta/lta =1.2) - 15.5s, t(sta/lta =1.2) - 0.5s].


Default: true

Type: boolean

Enables/disables aftershock removal (Figini, 2006; Paolucci et al., 2008)


Default: 1.5

Type: double

Defines the factor applied to the significant duration to define the processing spectra time window. If that value is <= 0 the totalTimeWindowLength is used.


Default: 1

Unit: s

Type: double

Specifies the STA length in seconds of the applied STA/LTA check.


Default: 60

Unit: s

Type: double

Specifies the LTA length in seconds of the applied STA/LTA check.


Default: 3

Type: double

Specifies the minimum STALTA ratio to be reached to further process a station.


Default: 5

Unit: s

Type: double

Specifies the number of seconds around P to be used to check the STA/LTA ratio.


report.processing.filter.* Parameters of the 1st stage filter.


Default: 4

Type: int

Specifies the order of the 1st stage filter.


Default: 0.025

Type: double

Specifies the frequency of the 1st stage hi-pass filter. If this parameter is equal to 0 the hi-pass filter is not used. If negative, then the absolute value is multiplied by the Nyquist frequency of the data to get the final corner frequency of the filter.


Default: -0.8

Type: double

Specifies the frequency of the 1st stage lo-pass filter. If this parameter is equal to 0 the lo-pass filter is not used. If negative, then the absolute value is multiplied by the Nyquist frequency of the data to get the final corner frequency of the filter.


Default: -1

Unit: s

Type: double

Defines the cosine taper length in seconds if non-causal filters are activated applied on either side of the waveform. If a negative length is given 10 percent of the pre event window length is used on either side of the waveform.


Default: -1

Unit: s

Type: double

The length of the zero padding window in seconds applied on either side of the waveform. If negative, it is computed following Boore (2005) as 1.5*order/corner_freq and applied half at the beginning and half at the end of the waveform.


Default: 5

Unit: %

Type: double

Specifies the damping value (in percent) for computation of the pseudo absolute acceleration elastic response spectrum.


Default: 0.3,1,3

Unit: s

Type: list:double

Specifies the natural periods for computation of the pseudo absolute acceleration elastic response spectrum.


Default: -1

Unit: s

Type: double

The lower bound of the period range to compute response spectra for. A negative value disables the range and only the list of periods is used.


Default: -1

Unit: s

Type: double

The upper bound of the period range to compute response spectra for. A negative value disables the range and only the list of periods is used.


Default: 0

Type: int

The number of natural periods that are created with linear spacing between Tmin and Tmax.

Command-Line Options


-h, --help

Show help message.

-V, --version

Show version information.

--config-file arg

Use alternative configuration file. When this option is used the loading of all stages is disabled. Only the given configuration file is parsed and used. To use another name for the configuration create a symbolic link of the application or copy it. Example: scautopick -> scautopick2.

--plugins arg

Load given plugins.

-D, --daemon

Run as daemon. This means the application will fork itself and doesn’t need to be started with &.


--verbosity arg

Verbosity level [0..4]. 0:quiet, 1:error, 2:warning, 3:info, 4:debug.

-v, --v

Increase verbosity level (may be repeated, eg. -vv).

-q, --quiet

Quiet mode: no logging output.

--print-component arg

For each log entry print the component right after the log level. By default the component output is enabled for file output but disabled for console output.

--component arg

Limit the logging to a certain component. This option can be given more than once.

-s, --syslog

Use syslog logging backend. The output usually goes to /var/lib/messages.

-l, --lockfile arg

Path to lock file.

--console arg

Send log output to stdout.


Execute in debug mode. Equivalent to --verbosity=4 --console=1 .


Execute in trace mode. Equivalent to --verbosity=4 --console=1 --print-component=1 --print-context=1 .

--log-file arg

Use alternative log file.



List all supported database drivers.

-d, --database arg

The database connection string, format: service://user:pwd@host/database. "service" is the name of the database driver which can be queried with "--db-driver-list".

--config-module arg

The config module to use.

--inventory-db arg

Load the inventory from the given database or file, format: [service://]location .


Do not use the database at all



List all supported record stream drivers.

-I, --record-url arg

The recordstream source URL, format: [service://]location[#type]. "service" is the name of the recordstream driver which can be queried with "--record-driver-list". If "service" is not given, "file://" is used.

--record-file arg

Specify a file as record source.

--record-type arg

Specify a type for the records being read.