Cart: Collect and Send Information

The Cart window is used to collect and process all observations:

  • Collect all origins and phase picks from loaded events,

  • Collect all origins phase picks from analysis in lambda,

  • Select phase picks for relocating,

  • Relocate and create new origins,

  • Select an origin and provide to the SeisComP messaging system.


Cart window for joint phase processing.


  1. Add picks from array methods or from an event in the database to cart,

  2. Select phases in cart and relocate,

  3. Select and commit an origin to SeisComP,

  4. Verify and add more details, e.g. magnitudes in scolv.


Committing origins from within the cart is certainly the most comprehensive way to send the solutions to SeisComP. However, individual pick parameters or origins from back projection may also be sent directly and interactively from each individual analysis GUI.