Execution and Automatic Startup¶
CAPS uses the SeisComP infrastructure for startup, configuration and logging. Please refer to the SeisComP documentation for a comprehensive description of SeisComP.
Figure 9 shows a screen shot of scconfig
, which
is the central SeisComP GUI allowing to configure, start and monitor the
CAPS server.

scconfig: SeisComP utility allowing to configure, start and monitor CAPS.¶
On the command line the following sequence may be used to enable, start and monitor the CAPS:
seiscomp enable caps
seoscomp start caps
seiscomp check caps
Dependent on the configured log level CAPS will log to
. For debugging purposes it is a good practice to
stop the CAPS background process and run it in the foreground using
the --debug
seiscomp stop caps
seiscomp exec caps --debug
File System Tuning¶
Depending on the number of streams a CAPS server handles a number of settings can improve the I/O throughput and overall performance. Since channel data are organized in an archive structure where each stream is written into a dedicated file, CAPS needs to open and close a lot of files if thousands of streams are fed into it. In the default configuration CAPS caches up to 250 open files for later reuse. An open file here is not only the data file for the CAPS stream but might also include the index file if records have been received out-of-order. So in the default configuration CAPS need to open 500 file at the same time.
Operating systems control the maximum number of open file descriptors a process might hold. Often a default value is 1024. If the maximum open files in CAPS should be increased to 2000 (assuming CAPS manages 2000 streams) then the limit for the user who runs CAPS should be increased to at least 4000. In many Linux distributions ulimit can be used for that.
Furthermore CAPS requires file descriptors for incoming connections. Each active connection holds a socket descriptor for network communication and a file descriptor (or two if index files are present) for reading data.
Depending on the number of concurrent connections one is expecting, it would be safe to add this number times three to the user limit in the operating system.
Example for 2000 streams:
# The maximum number of open files managed by CAPS.
# 2000 + margin
AS.filebase.cache.openFileLimit = 2100
# Set ulimit to 7500 files: 2100 * 2 + 1000 * 3 (network)
$ ulimit -n 7200
Security and Access Control¶
Access control¶
CAPS provides access control on the service and stream level. On the service level access can be granted by client IP, on the stream level by client IP or user/group name obtained during authentication. In addition read and write permission may be granted for individual users and groups. The configuration is described in the following sections.
Service level access¶
Service level access is defined in the main caps configuration file, e.g.
The following services are availble:
Plugin - Incoming data send by CAPS plugins, configuration prefix:
Client - Default CAPS client protocol, e.g. used by the CAPS recordstream or by the capstool, configuration prefix:
HTTP - Administrative web interface and FDSNWS dataselect service, configuration prefix:
WWS - Built-in Winston waveform server, configuration prefix:
For each sevice access can be granted on IP level through allow and deny rule sets. By default no restrictions are in place. If an allow rule is present access is only granted to matching IPs. Deny rules may be used to override a subset of the IP range defined in the allow set.
The formal definition of a rule is:
IP_MASK[, IP_MASK[, ...]]
where IP_MASK
may be a single address or a subnet described by a network
Using the HTTP service as an example the configuration options
are AS.http.allow
and AS.http.deny
AS.http.allow =
AS.http.deny =
These rules provide access to the HTTP service for all clients of the subnet except for the IP
Stream level access¶
Stream level access is controlled by an access file defined by
Each line of the file consists of a ALLOW or DENY rule. The formal definition of one rule is:
is defined as:[NET[.STA[.LOC[.CHA]]]]
. Regular expressions are not supported.USER
is a user account defined in the shadow file or the special idall
is a user group definition from the group file. A%
must be placed before the group name to distinguish it from a user.
For access control, two cases must be distinguished:
Client access without username and password
All client sessions have guest permissions when no login credentials are provided. By default data can be read and written. The guest account can be restricted by IP rules only. Please have in mind that for instance the rule DENY=all does not have any effect here.
Client access with username and password
In this case user rules will be evaluated only and IP restrictions have no effect. In addition user rules does not apply to the guest user. This leads to that DENY=all prohibits access for all users except the guest user. If the access should be denied for all users the following rule must be used: DENY=all,
This leads to that the rule DENY = all prohibits data access for all users but anonymous logins can still access data. If guest access should also be prohibited the rule must be extended by an IP address.
By default access is unrestricted. If a stream ID is not matched by any access rule then access will be granted. This behavior is different from the service level access where an allow rule will implicitly revoke access to any non matching IP.
To restrict access by default you may add a global DENY rule which references no
stream id and which matches all IP addresses and all users using the special
user id all
DENY =, all
The rules in the access file are evaluated independent of the order in which they are defined. A rule with more stream id components overrules a more generic line. E.g., considering a request from the local machine the following rule set would
grant access to all networks except for AM
grant access to station AM.R0000 except for the stream 00.ENN stream
AM.R0000.ALLOW =
AM.R0000.00.ENN.DENY =
The client IP is only evaluated in the absence of user authentication. E.g., the following rule would block access to any anonymous user but still grant access to any authenticated user:
Please refer to Service-specific users for a definition of service specific users.
The following example shows how anonymous access by IP and access by user name may be combined:
AM.DENY =, all
AM.ALLOW =, %group1, user1
AM.R0000.ALLOW = user2
AM.R0000.DENY = user1
The example above
grants access to anybody except for the AM network
grants access to the AM network for
anonymous users on the same machine
users belonging to the
groupthe user
in addition grants access to the station AM.R0000 to the user
while local anonymous users and authenticated users of thegroup1
would still have accessexplicitly denies access to station AM.R0000 for
The stream level access can be tested and debugged on the command line by specifying a stream and (optionally) an IP to test for:
$ caps -v --print-access AM.R0000.00.ENN
Authentication by user name and password (shadow file)¶
Authentication can be used, e.g. together with the capss RecordStream
or capstool.
It is performed against a shadow file defined by
. It contains the user name and password information
for the user accounts. Each line consist of a user name and password hash
separated by a colon (:
). The formal definition of one line is:
To encrypt a password mkpasswd
can be used. It is recommended to apply a
strong algorithm such as sha-256 or sha-512. The command
$ user=sysop pw=`mkpasswd -m sha-512` && echo $user:$pw
generates a password hash for user sysop.
An empty password is represented by an asterisk (*
# The user name is equal to the password
Guest user¶
The CAPS server ships with a pre-configured anonymous user identified by
. It may be used during login at the
web interface in which case access is authorized
against the client IP.
The guest user may be assigned to a user group and its access properties may be defined.
Anonymous access may be disabled through IP-based DENY rules in the access control list file.
Service-specific users¶
For some services it might be desirable to disable the authentication entirely. This can be archived by adding one of the special service specific users to the shadow file followed by an asterisk indicating an empty password. Optionally stream specific access can be granted or revoked to this user as well. The flowing users are available for the individual services:
HTTP - Access to the web interface
FDSNWS - Access to Built-in FDSNWS dataselect service served through the HTTP protocol (
)WWS - Access to the Built-in Winston waveform server Protocol
A group file, defined by AS.auth.basic.users.group
, allows to assign users
to groups. Each line of the file consists of a group name followed by a user
list. The formal definition of one rule is:
GROUP: USER[, USER[, ...]]
is the name of the new group definitionUSER
is a user account defined in the shadow file or the special idguest
group1: user1, user2
A group may by referenced by the
access control or
Passwd: user access properties file. In both cases a %
prefix is required to
distinguish it from a user name.
Passwd: user access properties¶
In addition to authentication by user name and password,
user access control properties can be set in a
passwd file defined by AS.auth.basic.users.passwd
. The formal definition of
a line is
is a user account defined in the shadow file or one of the special idsall
is a user group definition from the group file. A%
must be placed before the group name to distinguish it from a user.PROP
is a property granted to the user or group. The following properties are currently supported:read - Grants permission to request data from the server
write - Grants permission to store data into the server
admin - Grants permission to request server statistics and the view server statistics on the server website.
By default read and write permissions are granted to the guest user and all authenticated users not listed in this file.
The following example changes this and revokes read and write permissions per
default. Read access is provided to anonymous and users belonging to the
while write access is only granted to user1
guest: read
%group1: read
user1: read,write
Secure sockets layer (SSL)¶
The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a standard for establishing a secured communication between applications using insecure networks. Neither client requests nor server responses are readable by communication hubs in between. SSL is based on a public-key infrastructure (PKI) to establish trust about the identity of the communication counterpart. The concept of a PKI is based on public certificates and private keys.
The following example illustrates how to generate a self-signed certificate using the OpenSSL library:
$ openssl req -new -x509 -sha512 -newkey rsa:4096 -out caps.crt -keyout caps.key -nodes
The last parameter -nodes
disables the password protection of the private
key. If omitted, a password must be defined which will be requested when
accessing the private key. CAPS will request the password on the command
line during startup.
To enable SSL in CAPS the AS.SSL.port
as well as the location of the
and AS.SSL.key
file must be specified.
Optionally the unencrypted AS.port
may be deactivated by setting a value
of -1
Module Configuration¶
caps inherits global options.
Modules/plugins may require a license file. The default path to license
files is @DATADIR@/licenses/
which can be overridden by global
configuration of the parameter gempa.licensePath
. Example:
gempa.licensePath = @CONFIGDIR@/licenses
AS.* CAPS server control parameters
- AS.filebase¶
Type: string
Defines the path to the archive directory.
- AS.port¶
Type: int
Defines the server port for client requests.
- AS.clientBufferSize¶
Unit: B
Type: int
Size of the client buffer in bytes. In case the client fails to read the buffered data in time (buffer overflow) the connection falls back to archive requests.
- AS.minDelay¶
Unit: s
Type: int
Limits the retrieval of real-time data. The value specifies the maximum relative end time of the time range to be requested. The maximum absolute end time is now - minDelay. This is only valid for FDSNWS and WWS.
- AS.inventory¶
Type: path
The path to an optional inventory XML file with SeisComP3 schema. This inventory information is used by WWS to populate the channel coordinates. In future possibly more endpoints will make use of it.
- AS.logRequests¶
Type: boolean
Whether to maintain a request log file or not. Each request will be logged and partly traced.
- AS.logAnonymousIP¶
Type: boolean
Log only parts of the IP to respect users privacy.
- AS.logPurge¶
Type: boolean
Whether to maintain a purge log file or not. Each purge operation will be logged.
- AS.allow¶
Type: list:string
List of IPs which are allowed to access the caps(s) port. By default access is unrestricted.
- AS.deny¶
Type: list:string
List of IPs which are not allowed to access the caps(s) port. By default access is unrestricted.
AS.filebase.* File buffer control parameters
- AS.filebase.logFile¶
Type: path
The path to the archive log file which contains the stream start and end times. By default it is written to $filebase/archive.log.
- AS.filebase.keep¶
Type: list:string
Number of days to keep data per stream ID before "AS.filebase.purge.referenceTime". For stream-specific configuration create a list of pairs consisting of stream ID : days. Separate pairs by comma. The first occurrence in the list takes priority.
Example keeping all streams but AM.* and GR.* for 14 days:
GR.*:-1, AM.*.*.*:365, *.*.*.*:14
Default (empty parameter) or -1: keep all data forever.
- AS.filebase.preallocationSize¶
Unit: B
Type: int
Preallocation size of data files in bytes. Some file system allow to reserve disk space for files in advance. Especially on spinning disks the read performance will be improved if data can be read sequentially. The speed is traded for disk space consumed by the file since its size will be a multiple of the specified value. Set the value to 0 to disable this feature.
AS.filebase.cache.* CAPS does not keep all files of all streams open. It tries to keep open the most frequently used files and closes all others. The more files CAPS can keep open the faster the population of the archive. The limit of open files depends on the security settings of the user under which CAPS is running.
- AS.filebase.cache.openFileLimit¶
Type: int
The maximum number of open files. Because a stream file can have an associated index file this value is half of the physically opened files in worst case.
- AS.filebase.cache.unusedFileLimit¶
Type: int
Limit of cached files in total. This value affects also files that are actually explicitly closed by the application. CAPS will keep them open (respecting the openFileLimit parameter) as long as possible and preserve a file handle to speed up reopening the file later.
- AS.filebase.params.writeMetaOnClose¶
Type: boolean
This is an optimization to write the datafile meta record only on file close and not every time a new record has been added to a file. To save IO bandwidth when handling many channels, this could be helpful.
- AS.filebase.params.alignIndexPages¶
Type: boolean
This forces to align index pages in the file at 4k boundaries. In order to achieve that, NULL chunks must be inserted to allow padding. This will lead to less device page updates but slightly larger data files.
- AS.filebase.params.priority¶
Type: int
A value greater than 0 will raise the write thread priority to the given value. This value is in accordance to the pthread_setschedparam function.
- AS.filebase.params.q¶
Type: int
The real-time notification queue size.
AS.filebase.purge.* Parameters controlling IO resources occupied by the purge operation. The deletion of many data files at once may have a significant impact on the server performance. E.g. if the server did not run for a while or the keep parameter was reduced significantly, the purge operation may slow down the processing of real-time data.
- AS.filebase.purge.referenceTime¶
Type: string
The reference time defining the end of the time window to keep the data. The window length is set by "AS.filebase.keep". Data outside the window will be purged. Available values:
EndTime: The reference time is the end time per stream. This keeps older data if no more recent data arrive.
Now: The reference time is current time. This deletes old data even if no recent data arrive.
- AS.filebase.purge.idleTime¶
Unit: s
Type: double
Idle time between two purge runs.
- AS.filebase.purge.initIdleTime¶
Unit: s
Type: double
Idle time before the first purge run starts. Normally after a start the server tries to catch up all data which might be an IO intensive operation. In case of a huge archive the purge operation slow downs the read/write performace of the system too. To reduce the load at start it is a good idea to postpone this operation.
- AS.filebase.purge.maxProcessTime¶
Unit: s
Type: double
Maximum processing time for one purge run. If exceeded the purge task will pause for AS.filebase.purge.idleTime seconds freeing IO resources.
- AS.filebase.purge.startTime¶
Type: string
Time of the day when to run the daily purge run. Time is in UTC.
AS.SSL.* Parameters for SSL-based data requests
- AS.SSL.port¶
Type: int
Defines the SSL server port for client requests. By default SSL requests are disabled.
- AS.SSL.certificate¶
Type: string
Defines the path to the SSL certificate to use.
- AS.SSL.key¶
Type: string
Defines the path to the private SSL key to use. This key is not shared with clients.
AS.auth.* Parameters controlling the authentication system for data requests based on user ID, IP addresses, access roles and access control lists.
- AS.auth.backend¶
Type: string
The server provides an authentication plug-in interface. An authentication plugin implements access control checks. It is free where it gets the access information from e.g from a local database/file or a remote server. The option sets which authentication plugin should be used for authentication. Don’t forget to load the plugin in the plugin section. The basic plugin is built-in.
AS.auth.basic.* Basic authentication parameters. The configuration can be reloaded without restarting the server. Use “seiscomp reload caps`” to reload the authentication parameters without a restart.
- AS.auth.basic.access-list¶
Type: file
Path to the access control list controlling access based on rules. By default access is unrestricted. Allow rules are evaluated first.
This example rule set prohibits all AM network stations for localhost because the DENY rule is evaluated after the ALLOW rule.
IP restrictions apply to the guest user only. In addition to IPs the access can be also restricted by user or group. In the latter case the "%" must be placed in front of the group name. Here an example:
AM.ALLOW = %users
AM.R44F5.ALLOW = sysop
Rules are evaluated on the basis of one another. This can lead to misunderstandings. Here an example:
AM.ALLOW = sysop
This rule will allow the AM network for sysop only. But
DENY = %users AM.ALLOW = sysop
will allow the access to the AM network for all users except those are member of the group users.
- AS.auth.basic.users.shadow¶
Type: file
Location of the users authentication file. For each user one line of the following format must exist:
To encrypt the password mkpasswd can be used. It is recommended to apply a strong algorithm such as sha-256 or sha-512. The command
u=sysop pw=`mkpasswd -m sha-512` && echo $u:$pw
generates one line for user "sysop". Add the line to the authentication file.
- AS.auth.basic.users.passwd¶
Type: file
Location of the users access control file. Each line starts with a user ID (uid) or a group ID (gid) and a list of access properties in the form:
"%" indicates a gid instead of a uid. The properties grant access to certain CAPS features. Supported access property values are: read, write, admin.
- AS.auth.basic.users.group¶
Type: file
Location of the optional group file. Each line maps a group id to a list of users in format
- AS.plugins.port¶
Type: int
Defines the server port to use for plugin connections.
- AS.plugins.allow¶
Type: list:string
List of IPs which are allowed to access the plugin port. By default access is unrestricted.
- AS.plugins.deny¶
Type: list:string
List of IPs which are not allowed to access the plugin port. By default access is unrestricted.
- AS.plugins.SSL.port¶
Type: int
Defines the SSL server port to use for plugin SSL connections. The SSL port is disabled by default.
- AS.plugins.SSL.certificate¶
Type: string
Defines the path to the SSL certificate to use.
- AS.plugins.SSL.key¶
Type: string
Defines the path to the private SSL key to use. This key is not shared with clients.
AS.http.* Web interface control parameters
- AS.http.port¶
Type: int
Defines the server port for HTTP connections. By default the Web interface is disabled.
Typical value: 18081
- AS.http.allow¶
Type: list:string
List of IPs which are allowed to access the http(s) port. By default access is unrestricted.
- AS.http.deny¶
Type: list:string
List of IPs which are not allowed to access the http(s) port. By default access is unrestricted.
- AS.http.resolveProxyClient¶
Type: boolean
Sets if the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header is evaluated to retrieve the real client IP address from a proxy server. This is important if the web frontend is behind a proxy, e.g. Apache. Since data access is configured per IP, the real IP is required to grant access to requested channels. Enabling this opens a possible security hole as clients can then easily spoof their IP if the proxy does not correctly maintain this header or if CAPS does not run behind a proxy.
- AS.http.disableBasicAuthorization¶
Type: boolean
Controls whether basic authorization is enabled or not. In case you are running CAPS behind a proxy which already configures basic authorization then enable this flag. If basic authorization is disabled then the default HTTP user should have access without a password.
- AS.http.fdsnws¶
Type: string
Sets the optional relative FDSNWS path which is being used by the CAPS frontend client. Do not append "fdsnws/dataselect/1/query" as this is done automatically. Set it to "/" if the CAPS frontend is running with a relative path behind e.g. Nginx.
AS.http.SSL.* Use https instead of http when setting the following parameters
- AS.http.SSL.port¶
Type: int
Defines the server port for HTTPS connections. By default the SSL Web interface is disabled.
- AS.http.SSL.certificate¶
Type: string
Defines the path to the SSL certificate to use.
- AS.http.SSL.key¶
Type: string
Defines the path to the private SSL key to use. This key is not shared with clients.
AS.FDSNWS.* FDSNWS control parameters for dataselect. The FDSNWS service is provided through the “AS.http.port”.
- AS.FDSNWS.maxTimeWindow¶
Unit: s
Type: int
Maximum length of time window per request. A value greater than zero limits the maximum request time window including all data. 0 disables the limit.
- AS.FDSNWS.maxRequests¶
Type: int
Maximum number of requests per post. A value greater than or equal to zero limits the number of request lines per POST request.
AS.WWS.* Winston waveform server (WWS) control parameters. When set, CAPS will also serve WWS.
- AS.WWS.port¶
Type: int
Server port for WWS connections. Please note that inventory information (see AS.inventory) is required to fully support WWS requests otherwise empty values for the channel location and unit will be returned.
Default (no value): The WWS interface is disabled.
- AS.WWS.maxTimeWindow¶
Unit: s
Type: int
Maximum length of time window in seconds per request. A value greater than zero limits the maximum request time window including all data. 0 disables the limit.
- AS.WWS.maxRequests¶
Type: int
A value greater than or equal to zero limits the number of request lines per POST request.
- AS.WWS.allow¶
Type: list:string
List of IPs which are allowed to access the WWS port. By default access is unrestricted.
- AS.WWS.deny¶
Type: list:string
List of IPs which are not allowed to access the WWS port. By default access is unrestricted.
Command-Line Options¶
caps [options]
- -h, --help¶
Show help message.
- -V, --version¶
Show version information.
- --config-file arg¶
Use alternative configuration file. When this option is used the loading of all stages is disabled. Only the given configuration file is parsed and used. To use another name for the configuration create a symbolic link of the application or copy it. Example: scautopick -> scautopick2.
- --plugins arg¶
Load given plugins.
- -D, --daemon¶
Run as daemon. This means the application will fork itself and doesn’t need to be started with &.
- --verbosity arg¶
Verbosity level [0..4]. 0:quiet, 1:error, 2:warning, 3:info, 4:debug.
- -v, --v¶
Increase verbosity level (may be repeated, eg. -vv).
- -q, --quiet¶
Quiet mode: no logging output.
- --print-component arg¶
For each log entry print the component right after the log level. By default the component output is enabled for file output but disabled for console output.
- --component arg¶
Limit the logging to a certain component. This option can be given more than once.
- -s, --syslog¶
Use syslog logging backend. The output usually goes to /var/lib/messages.
- -l, --lockfile arg¶
Path to lock file.
- --console arg¶
Send log output to stdout.
- --debug¶
Execute in debug mode. Equivalent to --verbosity=4 --console=1 .
- --trace¶
Execute in trace mode. Equivalent to --verbosity=4 --console=1 --print-component=1 --print-context=1 .
- --log-file arg¶
Use alternative log file.
- --server-ssl-port int¶
Overrides configuration parameter
- -P, --plugin-port int¶
Overrides configuration parameter
- --http-port int¶
Overrides configuration parameter
- --read-only¶
Do not store any packets.
- --configtest¶
Run a configuration file syntax test. It parses the configuration files and either reports Syntax Ok or detailed information about the particular syntax error.
- --print-access¶
Print access information for one or more channels from a given IP and a user with password, format: NET.STA.LOC.CHA, e.g.,
IP check
caps --print-access GE.*.*.*
IP and user:password check
caps --print-access GE.APE.*.* --user gempa:gempa
The stream ID filter supports wildcards. Use option -v to enable the trace mode to get detailed information about the rule evaluation.
- -u, --user¶
Server user and password. Format: user:password .