The GNS/Geonet local magnitude
The MLr magnitude provides a GNS/Geonet local magnitude (Ristau et al. [26]). MLr magnitudes are implemented by the mlr plugin. It is a modified version of the gempa ML magnitude developed at the Liverpool developer meeting (gempa GmbH [8]) based on the SED MLh magnitude. The mlr plugin is designed to use the MLv station amplitudes for computing MLr magnitudes. The magnitude uses a station correction term and the hypocentral distance.
Station Magnitude¶
The mLr plugin calculates individual MLr station local magnitudes from MLv amplitudes as:
waampl: the MLv amplitude.
hypdistkm: the distance from the sensor to the hypocenter in kilometers.
A(station): Station correction is given by module.trunk.NZ.WEL.MLR.params, A. Station Correction is set to be distance dependent.
Format: “UpToKilometers A ; UpToNextKilometers A “. The option “nomag” disables the station magnitude.
General parameters:
Amplitude unit in SeisComP: millimeter (mm) from MLv
Time window: 150 s by scautopick or distance dependent
Distance range: 0 - 20 deg (hypocentral distance, hard-coded)
Depth range: 0 - 800 km (hard-coded)
Network magnitude¶
The GNS/Geonet Mlr local magnitude is using the default SeisComP behaviour for the automatic network magnitudes. Hard-coded ranges are 0-20 degrees maximum distance and 800 km maximum depth.