.. _toast_plugins: Tsunami simulation plugins ========================== Plugins allow to generate or to select tsunami simulations and to load their corresponding parameters and results into |toast|. .. _toast_plugin_onthefly: On-the-fly simulation --------------------- Plugins for on-the-fly simulations flexibly accept earthquake source parameters to trigger new simulations and to read the results during runtime of |toast|. Therefore, on-the-fly simulations allow to quickly react to earthquake parameter updates and to provide realistic tsunami simulations for given scenarios. Due to the real-time character of the simulation, the algorithms used are highly optimized for computational speed. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 :titlesonly: EasyWave EW TTT Geoware TTT HySEA .. note:: Current plugins do not compute tides, this is why in the :ref:`toast_waveform_picker` the *Tsunami* filter should be applied to observed time series which contain tide signals. .. hint:: If a simulation fails, an error symbol is shown on the simulation in *icon* view. A tooltip with more information is displayed when hovering on the symbol with the mouse pointer. The same applies to the column *Info* in *details* view. Often it is also helpful to inspect the simulation directory using right mouse click on the simulation and then *Show files...*. .. _toast_plugin_database: Simulation databases -------------------- Plugins connecting to databases with precalculated tsunami simulations provide very fast access to tsunami wave parameters for a predefined scenario. The plugins select a simulation based on the rupture parameters of the triggering event. They are specific to the type of the simulation database. The simulation databases are created by backend software for a given set of tsunami scenarios including earthquake magnitude, location and other assumptions on rupture parameters, geology and bathymetry. The backend thus determines the structure of the database. Precalculating simulations allows the use of tsunami propagation algorithms, which are too slow for on-the-fly simulation but may provide a higher level of detail. However, they are confined to the considered source parameters and less flexible in reacting to updates. Currently, there exist plugins that connect to simulation databases created by different software including * `TsunAWI `_ * `MHRAS `_ * `MOST `_ `Contact us `_ for development of plugins tailored to your specific simulation database or on-the-fly tsunami modeling software.