.. _toast_gui: Graphical User Interface ======================== .. _fig-toast_ui: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/toast_ui.png :align: center :width: 22 cm |toast| user interface .. raw:: html
.. figure:: media/toast/same_size/perspective_map.png :alt: Map perspective :ref:`Map perspective shows maximum wave height, arrival lines and warning levels.` .. figure:: media/toast/same_size/perspective_traces.png :alt: Traces perspective :ref:`Real-time waveforms provide instantaneous sea-level information.` .. figure:: media/toast/same_size/perspective_arrivals.png :alt: Arrivals perspective :ref:`Arrivals perspective shows tsunami metrics for tide gauges and buoys computed on simulations and manual picks.` .. figure:: media/toast/same_size/perspective_forecast.png :alt: Forecast perspective :ref:`Forecast zones perspective shows aggregated tsunami metrics and threat level in tabular form.` .. raw:: html
Overview -------- The :ref:`TOAST user interface ` consists of one large main panel with several tabs and three smaller panels. .. _fig-toast_ui_panels: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/toast_ui_panels.png :align: center :width: 16 cm |toast| user interface panels The tabs in the main panel offer following perspectives: .. _fig-perspectives: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/perspective_tabs.png :align: center :width: 14 cm * :ref:`toast_map_perspective` * :ref:`toast_traces_perspective` * :ref:`toast_arrivals_perspective` * :ref:`toast_gnss_perspective` * :ref:`toast_forecast_zones_perspective` * :ref:`toast_impact_reports_perspective` * :ref:`toast_live_tabs_perspective` The first six are always present. The others are configurable :ref:`toast_live_tabs_perspective` which are used to create, view and disseminate bulletins. They are set up as described in: :ref:`toast_live_tab_config`. On the right side (by default), there are three smaller panels: * :ref:`Map Layers ` * :ref:`Database ` * :ref:`Wave Propagation ` .. _note-docking: .. hint:: The various perspective tabs in the main panel and the *Map Layers-*, *Database-* and *Wave Propagation* panels can be undocked and moved to an other position or even different screen using drag and drop with the left mouse button. Upon closing, the perspectives get reinserted in the main window. The three small panels can be switched on or off using :menuselection:`Menu --> View`. :term:`Incidents ` are the primary objects in |toast|. They can contain a |scname| event reference and zero or multiple simulations. In case simulations are present, they can be set :ref:`active ` using the :ref:`database panel `. In the :ref:`Map layers panel ` they can be switched on and off for display in the :ref:`Map perspective ` and the :ref:`Wave Propagation panel `. |scname| events are received through the messaging system and - depending on configuration settings - can automatically trigger the creation of new :term:`incidents ` and simulations. New incidents and simulations can also be generated manually by user interaction. See also: :ref:`toast_importing_creating` and :ref:`toast_simulations`. The :ref:`toast_map_perspective` shows the location of the tide gauges as well as information related to active incidents and simulations, like maximum wave height and forecast zones warning levels. Real-time data from the configured tide gauge stations is shown in the :ref:`toast_traces_perspective`. In the :ref:`toast_arrivals_perspective`, tsunami metrics at the tide gauges for real data as well as simulations are listed. The :ref:`toast_waveform_picker` is used to manually pick tsunami arrivals, amplitudes and periods on observed tide gauge time series (black line). Traces corresponding to :ref:`active simulations ` are shown in the same color throughout all perspectives. Observed and simulated data can be compared here. The :ref:`toast_forecast_zones_perspective` is used to assess the warning levels at the defined coastal sections. .. _toast_test_mode: Test mode ~~~~~~~~~ |toast| has a test mode which can be toggled on and off using `CTRL+T` or by: :menuselection:`Menu --> Extras --> Toggle test mode`. If enabled, a thick orange bar is drawn around the |toast| user interface. In test mode, bulletins can not be disseminated, unless their configured templates explicitly allow it. .. _fig-test_mode: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/test_mode.png :align: center :width: 20 cm |toast| test mode Hotkeys ~~~~~~~ Following hotkeys are available in all perspectives. .. csv-table:: |toast| hotkeys :widths: 2, 3 :header: Action, Description F2, Open connection setup dialog F3, Hide legend F4, Open 'Import |scname| event' dialog F7, Open task manager F8, Open client application log F11, Toggle full screen CTRL+G, Open Gradients and colors editor CTRL+H, Open Displacement settings dialog CTRL+P, Open Gradients profile editor CTRL+T, Toggle test mode .. _toast_main_panel: Main panel ---------- .. _toast_incident_summary: Incident Summary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The top of the main panel contains the :ref:`fig-incident_summary`, which shows some information on the active :term:`Incident`, namely: * Origin time * Time span ago * Region, Coordinates * Focal mechanism (if available), Preferred magnitude, Depth, :ref:`Severity ` (if available) * Event ID * Source type, Source type comment (if available) See :ref:`toast_database_panel` and :ref:`toast_importing_creating` on how to select or import incidents. .. _fig-incident_summary: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/incident_summary.png :align: center :width: 16 cm Incident Summary If the lock button on the right side is pushed, the current incident remains active if the creation of new incidents is triggered by the messaging system. .. _toast_map_perspective: Map perspective ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The :ref:`Map tab ` presents an overview of the current situation. It displays the tide gauge stations (either clustered or not), the configured tectonic faults and the location of the active incident. By right mouse click on the map several options can be configured. .. _fig-map_perspective: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/perspective_map.png :align: center :width: 20 cm *Map* perspective If one or more simulations are :ref:`active `, the map can also display results related to the simulation(s), like arrival times, predicted wave height, warning levels for the forecast zones and others. Which features are to be shown can be selected in the :ref:`toast_map_layers_panel`. The handling of the *Map* perspective is similar as in |scname|. For instance, to locate a station on the map, press CTRL+F, enter or select a station ID from the list and click the find button. With CTRL+mouse click distances and directions can be measured. By clicking on a station or a forecast zone, it is selected in the *Arrivals-* or the *Forecast Zones* perspective as well. With SPACE+mouse click the tables are additionally scrolled to the selection. This works as well the other way around: SPACE+mouse click in the *Arrivals* or *Forecast Zones* perspective centers the object on the map. .. _toast_sim_player: Simulation player ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. note:: Do not confound the *simulation player* with the :ref:`toast_sim_pb`! Upon moving the mouse to the lower edge of the map, the *simulation player bar* is shown, see figure :ref:`fig-player`. For instance, if *SSH max* is selected in the :ref:`toast_map_layers_panel`, it can be used to illustrate the propagation of the tsunami wave for :ref:`active simulations ` in real- or accelerated time. .. _fig-player: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/perspective_player.png :align: center :width: 20 cm |toast| simulation player The triangle icon starts the playback, the watch icon jumps to current time before starting playback. Using the settings icon on the right you can select among other things whether to display absolute time (that is, simulation time corresponding to player position) in the lower left of the map. You can also display relative time either with respect to origin time or current time. Hotkeys ^^^^^^^ Following additional hotkeys are available in *Map* perspective. .. csv-table:: *Map* perspective hotkeys :widths: 2, 3 :header: Action, Description CTRL+F, Show station search Arrows, Move map Mouse wheel, Zoom Double click, Center map Pan, Move map Middle mouse button, Create artificial incident "Mouse click on POI (tide gauge, buoy or GNSS station)", Select (also in *Arrivals* perspective) Mouse click on forecast zone, Select (also in *Forecast Zones* perspective) SPACE+mouse click on POI or zone, Additionally scroll to selection in other perspectives .. _toast_traces_perspective: Traces perspective ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The :ref:`Traces tab ` displays the observed water levels at the tide gauge stations in real time. .. _fig-traces_perspective: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/perspective_traces.png :align: center :width: 20 cm *Traces* perspective The labels on the left are: * Network code * Station code * Location code * Channel code In addition to the stream information, the offset (mean) and the difference between the offset and the maximum wave height (amax) are displayed. The number of shown decimals can be configured via the option :confval:`scheme.precision.traceValues`. The toolbar of the *Traces* perspective provides the following functions: * Enable computation of :ref:`spectrograms ` (color bar symbol) * Show/hide spectrograms (eye symbol) and select mode (long click) * Sort by (Network / Station) * Tide gauge time series filter * Stream selection filter (e.g. `VZ.*` or `*.A*`) * Start/stop real time acquisition (green arrow / circle) A tide gauge time series filter can be applied using the filter drop-down menu. The current filter affects all traces. To change the available filters use: :program:`scconfig` :menuselection:`--> Modules --> gempa --> toast --> toast --> rttv` to set :confval:`rttv.seaLevel.filters`. New filters may be added temporarily by drag and dropping a filter on a trace. The button with the green arrow starts/stops the data acquisition. A progress indicator is shown if the acquisition is running. To start the acquisition automatically use the configuration option :confval:`rttv.acquireStreams`. .. _toast_spectrogram: Spectrogram ^^^^^^^^^^^ The spectrogram can be seen as a sequence of spectra in time where the frequency axis is vertically arranged and the amplitude is color-coded. .. note:: The spectrogram is computed using an :term:`Infinite Impulse Response Filter `, which allows it to be shown in real-time. Note that due to the low sampling rate of tide gauge data, a delay of about 30 minutes may appear. This is still less than if using a :term:`Fast Fourier Transform ` algorithm. Enable the computation of the spectrograms using the *color bar* icon. Activate the display of the spectrograms using the *eye* icon. The spectrograms can be shown in two different modes which are selected by long mouse click on the eye symbol: Local scale Local scale computes the minimum and maximum of each trace and maps the configured gradient color with value 0 to this minimum and gradient color with value 1 to the maximum. Fixed scale The configured values (:confval:`rttv.spectrogram.fixedMinimum` and :confval:`rttv.spectrogram.fixedMaximum`) are mapped to :confval:`rttv.spectrogram.gradient` value 0 and 1. The trace minimum/maximum is ignored. To configure the frequency or period range per stream, create a |toast| binding profile using: :program:`scconfig` and set :confval:`spectrogram` to either: * periods_log(from, to, ranges, bands) - logarithmic scale * periods(from, to, ranges, bands) - linear scale * freqs_log(from, to, ranges, bands) - logarithmic scale * freqs(from, to, ranges, bands) - linear scale Then drag and drop the profile to the left either onto a network or station. Hotkeys ^^^^^^^ *Traces* perspective supports following hotkeys. .. csv-table:: *Traces* perspective hotkeys :widths: 2, 3 :header: Action, Description CTRL+Arrows, Zoom in/out in Time and Amplitude Buttons, Zoom in/out in Time and Amplitude Mouse wheel, Scroll through traces Y / SHIFT+Y, Zoom in/out in Y-scale < / >, Zoom in/out in X-scale Pan, Move in time f, Toggle filter .. _toast_arrivals_perspective: Arrivals perspective ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The :ref:`fig-perspective_arrivals_runup` shows tsunami metrics computed on observed data and simulations for tide gauges or buoys (so called points of interest or :term:`POI`) which fulfill at least one of the following conditions: * At least one simulation is active which affects the POI * A manual pick or an amplitude were set on the observed tide gauge time series using the :ref:`toast_waveform_picker`. .. _fig-perspective_arrivals_runup: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/perspective_arrivals_runup.png :align: center :width: 20 cm *Arrivals* perspective with *Runup* coloring and sorting by *Runup* (*Impact Time* has its own :ref:`color gradient `) .. TODO:: * OTA, OTM etc should not be shown for simulations after expanding! * Background color depends on SSH, more intuitive would be SSH max(?) For each POI the following information can be displayed in tabular form: * POI (Station code) * Network (Network code) * Location (Latitude Longitude) * Distance (in km from epicenter) * Country * Place * Type * Description * Observations * OTA: Observed Time of tsunami Arrival * OTM: Observed Time of tsunami Maximum (amplitude) * OMSSH: Observed Maximum Sea Surface Height (amplitude) * OTP: Observed Tsunami Period * OTMType: OTM Type of amplitude * EffMag: :ref:`effective_magnitude` * Mag Range: :ref:`mag_range` * Runup (from simulations, unless OMSSH is set) * Simulation results * Impact Time: Time in minutes until T1 Time (exceedance of detection threshold) * Impact Progress: Graphical visualization of Impact Time, full bar corresponds to simulation time * T1 Time: Time of exceedance of the detection threshold (see also plugin configuration parameters :confval:`easywave2.T1Threshold` and :confval:`easywave2.T1Absolute`) * T2 Time: Time of first exceedance of the threat threshold * T3 Time: Time of maximum positive amplitude * T4 Time: Time of last exceedance of the threat threshold * Tx Value: Wave height at time Tx .. _note-runup: .. note:: Depending on the simulation backend that is used, *Runup* and *T3 Value* might slightly differ. In case of |ewname| for instance, *T3 Value* is extracted from time series while *Runup* is output directly. If the difference is large, this could be related to :term:`Green's Law`, which, depending on configuration, might be active only on *Runup*. See |ewname| documentation for more details. If *OMSSH* is set, it overwrites the *Runup* value. .. _fig-perspective_arrivals_impact: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/perspective_arrivals_impact.png :align: center :width: 20 cm *Arrivals* perspective with *Impact Time* background coloring (uses :ref:`color gradient `: Impact time) Tide gauges or buoys are represented as top level rows which can be expanded by clicking on the plus sign. Then the :ref:`active simulations ` affecting the tide gauge are shown. The text color of the simulations coincides with the fill color of the active simulations in the :ref:`database panel ` and the other perspectives. The results for different active simulations are aggregated to obtain results for a tide gauge assuming worst case, that means *minimum* for arrival times and *maximum* for wave heights. The background color of a tide gauge reflects the maximum of *OMSSH* and *Runup*. The color scheme is based on the selected SSH :ref:`color gradient `. A filter can be set to display only a subset of the tide gauges in following way: Click the funnel symbol, select the criterion (e.g. *Country*), and enter a regular expression (e.g. Indo\*). Upon mouse click on a POI it is also selected in the *Map* perspective. By SPACE+mouse click, it is additionally centered on the map. .. _effective_magnitude: Effective magnitude ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The effective magnitude is an intuitive new |toast| feature which allows for a quantitative comparison between simulations and observations. It works in the following way. If for a :term:`POI` both simulated wave height (*T3 Value*) and observed wave height (*OMSSH*) are available, then an effective magnitude *EffMag* is computed for this :term:`POI`. It is defined as the magnitude to which the simulation would have to be rescaled assuming linearity in order to match the observation. The formula is given by: .. math:: EffMag = SimMag + 2/3 \cdot \log_{10}(OMSSH/T3\ Value) In the *EffMag* column of the :ref:`toast_arrivals_perspective`, the range from minimum to maximum over all selected simulations is shown. The effective magnitude is computed by the |toastc|. .. _mag_range: Magnitude range ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Similarly to :ref:`effective_magnitude`, this feature shows a range of magnitudes which are compatible with a wave height observation at a :term:`POI`. It is denoted as *Mag Range* and displayed in :ref:`toast_arrivals_perspective`. Unlike :ref:`effective_magnitude`, :ref:`mag_range` is computed by a |gss| simulation plugin. Currently only the *simbommost* plugin implements this feature. A simulation of the type implementing the feature has to be active (selected) in order to display *Mag Range*. Switch off display of the *Mag Range* column if the feature is not implemented by one of the used |gss| plugins (right-click on column header). .. _toast_waveform_picker: Waveform picker ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The button *Show waveforms* at the lower right corner of the *Arrivals* perspective opens the :ref:`picker ` which allows setting of tsunami arrival, amplitudes tsunami periods on observed wave height time series. Values can also be entered manually without using real data for instance for training purposes. If the data source is configured correctly and data are available, the observed tide gauge or buoy trace is shown as gray line. If simulations are present and :ref:`active `, corresponding traces are shown in the same color as in the :ref:`toast_database_panel`. .. _fig-perspective_waveforms: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/perspective_arrivals_waveforms.png :align: center :width: 22 cm Waveform picker The toolbar of the manual picker provides the following functions: * Compute :ref:`spectrograms ` (color bar symbol) * Show/hide spectrograms (eye symbol) * Sort by (e.g. Distance, Network etc.) * Time series filter (Raw, Tsunami, ...), indicated on right side of trace. Recommendation: Use *Raw* unless the observations are not detided. * Stream selection filter (e.g. `VZ.T*` or `*.A*`) * Phase picking (arrival time) (blue P) * Amplitude and period picking (blue A, on observation trace and manually) * Apply picks and amplitudes (red button) * Slot (enable or disable observed time series). Recommendation: enable. * Mode for showing selected time series (drop-down menu). Recommendation: Stacked. * Remove offset selector. Recommendation: disable. * Align traces by origin/real time * Update real time bar To pick a tsunami arrival (onset) click on the button *P* (Phase), move the mouse to the position where you want to set it and do a left double-click. Observed time of arrival is labeled *OTA*. To store arrival times, polarities or amplitudes, **click on the red Apply button** to submit to the |toast| database. The pick is shown in the :ref:`toast_arrivals_perspective`. To delete a pick, right-click on it in the picker and *Delete*. After an arrival is picked, its polarity can be set by right-clicking on the OTA line on the trace. Options are: *positive*, *negative*, *undecidable*, *unset*. It is indicated in the column *POL* in arrivals perspective. To pick tsunami amplitudes and periods on observed data, use the button *A* (Amplitude). Then select the amplitude type in the drop-down menu. Using the mouse with left-click-and-drag on the selected trace in the top part of the window you can now define a time window which should contain the desired start and end points. A blue selection appears showing where the amplitude processor looks for the end points. Once you release the mouse button, a green selection shows the time window between the found start and end. Observed time of maximum amplitude is labeled *OTM*. Click on the red *Apply* button to save as described above. There are four amplitude types available: Peak-To-Trough (PT), Peak-To-Peak (PP), Zero-To-Peak (ZP) and Zero-To-Trough (ZT). The **default amplitude type is ZP**. The default can be configured via :confval:`picker.amplitudeType`. All amplitude types are stored to *OTM*, and the type is indicated in the column *OTMType* in arrivals perspective. If no observed data are available, or if you want to manually enter maximum wave height for a station, select *Artificial wave height* on the right of the button *A* and proceed as described above. Then enter a value for the maximum wave height. Maximum time is set to the middle of the window. Click on the red *Apply* button to save as described above. The tsunami period is computed by multiplying the time window by a factor, depending on the amplitude type. .. csv-table:: Multiplication factor for period depending on amplitude type :widths: 2, 3, 2 :header: "", Amplitude Type, Factor PT, Peak-To-Trough, 2 PP, Peak-To-Peak, 1 ZP, Zero-To-Peak, 4 ZT, Zero-To-Trough, 4 AF, Artificial, 1 Picked tsunami arrivals (green vertical line labeled :term:`OTA`) can be visually compared to simulated arrivals (small red vertical line labeled T1). Their difference is also used to compute the :ref:`toast_residual_arr`. The green window and line labeled :term:`OTM` indicates the picked observed tsunami period, maximum, and corresponding time. The blue vertical line shows the maximum wave height and corresponding time of the selected simulations (worst-case aggregation). .. note:: As later waves are often influenced by the local conditions, for example harbor walls and reflections, it is often useful to focus on the first incoming wave of a simulation. .. _toast_gnss_perspective: Displacements perspective ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The *Displacements* perspective shows the observed coseismic static displacements (either received automatically by messaging, set manually or imported) as well as computed displacements of the active :ref:`simulation(s) ` in tabular form. They correspond to the :ref:`displacement vectors ` shown in :ref:`toast_map_perspective`. Both observed and computed displacements are used to compute :ref:`Displacement residuals ` to rank simulations. .. _fig-perspective_gnss: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/perspective_gnss.png :align: center :width: 20 cm Displacements and active simulations For each GNSS station the following information can be displayed (right click on table header to select columns): * Station code * Network code * Location (Lat/Lon) * Distance to epicenter * Country * Place * Station type * Description * Length: total vector length * H Length: horizontal vector length * East displacement * East channel code * East amplitude ID (if available) * North displacement * North channel code * North amplitude ID (if available) * Up displacement * Up channel code * Up amplitude ID (if available) Manually set displacement values have a user icon, values received automatically by messaging have a GNSS icon and values imported from an XML file have a file icon. See :ref:`toast_create_gnss` for more information. Displacements can be removed via :menuselection:`Observed displacement --> Unset`. It is possible to remove all observed displacements at once by right-clicking on an incident and :menuselection:`Remove all displacements` or via :menuselection:`Extras --> Remove all incident displacements` if an incident is active. By clicking on the plus symbol of a station, the view is expanded to show the :ref:`active ` simulation(s) and the simulation results. The text color of the simulations coincides with the fill color of the active simulations in the :ref:`database panel ` and in the other perspectives. Upon mouse click on a station, it is also selected in the *Map* perspective. By SPACE+mouse click, it is additionally centered on the map. .. _toast_forecast_zones_perspective: Forecast Zones perspective ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The *Forecast Zones* perspective shows the :ref:`forecast zones ` which are affected by the :ref:`active ` simulation(s) with their corresponding forecast points and the simulation results. .. _fig-perspective_forecast_runup: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/perspective_forecast_runup.png :align: center :width: 20 cm *Forecast Zones* perspective with active simulations and *Colorize by threat level* selected For each forecast zone, the following information can be displayed in tabular form: * Name * ID * Place * Province * Country * Geo Code * Categories * Simulation backend * Threat Level (mapped from simulation values via configuration or manually set) * Runup (from simulations or manually set) * Impact Time: Time in minutes until T1 Time (exceedance of detection threshold) * Impact Progress: Graphical visualization of Impact Time, the length of the bar corresponds to simulation length * T1 Time: Time of exceedance of the detection threshold (see also plugin configuration parameters :confval:`easywave2.T1Threshold` and :confval:`easywave2.T1Absolute`) * T2 Time: Time of first exceedance of the threat threshold * T3 Time: Time of maximum positive amplitude * T4 Time: Time of last exceedance of the threat threshold * Tx Value: Wave height at time Tx By clicking on the plus symbol of a forecast zone, the view is expanded to show the forecast points associated with the zone. Clicking on the plus sign of a point expands to show the currently active simulations for this point. The text color of the simulations coincides with the fill color of the active simulations in the :ref:`database panel ` and the other perspectives. If *Colorize by runup* is selected in the drop-down menu on top, then background color corresponds to the *Runup* value (see also: :ref:`Note on Runup `) and the selected forecast zones :ref:`color gradient `. The same coloring is also used for the forecast zones in *Map* perspective. Similarly, if *Colorize by impact time* or *Colorize by threat level* is selected, the color is according to that choice. Note that in case of *Colorize by impact time* the color of the bar in the *Impact Progress* column is grey. .. _toast-table-colorize: The following table lists which :ref:`color gradient ` is used for the three available forecast zone coloring schemes. .. csv-table:: :widths: 3, 3 :header: Colorize by ..., Color gradient runup, Forecast zones impact time, Impact time threat level, Threat level A filter can be set to display only a subset of the forecast zones in the following way: Click the funnel symbol, select the criterion (e.g. *Province*), and enter a regular expression (e.g. WEST\*). If the configuration parameter :confval:`customForecastZonesView` is enabled, the icon *Show Customized Forecast Zones View* is shown, and by clicking on it, a new Forecast Zones window is displayed. Quickfilters can be defined by adding filterProfiles. Consult the tooltips in :program:`scconfig` :menuselection:`--> Modules --> gempa --> toast --> customForecastZonesView --> filters` for an explanation and example on the filter syntax. .. _fig-perspective_forecast_custom: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/perspective_forecast_custom.png :align: center :width: 20 cm *Customized Forecast Zones* window with *Impact time* background coloring (:ref:`color gradient ` *Impact time* is applied) Upon mouse click on a forecast zone it is also selected in the *Map* perspective. By SPACE+mouse click it is additionally centered on the map. .. _note-aggregation: Aggregation strategy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. note:: First, the simulations are aggregated at the forecast points assuming worst-case: that means at minimum time for T1 and T2, at maximum value for T3 and runup and at maximum time for T4. Then the aggregation is done over the points in the same way, except for *runup*, where it is done using the selected *runupPercentiles* profile in the drop-down selector on top. By default this is *Median*. The definition of percentiles is according to Python numpy convention. You can add and register additional profiles using :program:`scconfig` :menuselection:`--> Modules --> gempa --> toast --> toast`. .. _toast-manual-runup: Manually entering runup or threat level for a forecast zone ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It is possible to enter the runup value or the threat level for a forecast zone manually. This is useful for instance if an observed value is received by an external channel like telephone or for training purposes. To do so, right-click on a forecast zone and then: :menuselection:`Runup --> Set manually...` or :menuselection:`Threat level --> Set manually...` respectively. This can be done both in *Map* and in *Forecast Zones* perspective. A user icon on the left side of the column indicates manually entered values. Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For the setup and configuration of forecast zones, see: :ref:`toast_forecast_zones_configuration`. Please consult :ref:`toast_threat_level_configuration` on how to configure the mapping for the threat levels. .. _toast_impact_reports_perspective: Impact Reports perspective ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The *Impact Reports* perspective can be used to add, edit and remove text-based observations. They are associated with an incident. .. _fig-perspective_impact_report: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/perspective_impact_reports.png :align: center :width: 22 cm *Impact Reports* perspective with 3 example reports New reports are added by clicking the *+*-icon, removed by clicking *-*, and edited via double-click on a report. *Report name*, *Type* and *Time* are mandatory, while *Source*, *Location* and *Text* are optional. *Author* and *ID* are generated automatically. .. _fig-impact_reports_dialog: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/impact_reports_dialog.png :align: center :width: 12 cm *Impact Reports* dialog In the bulletin templates, the impact reports can be iterated over similarly to the forecast zones or points of interest. See the example template: *impact_reports.txt.example* delivered with |toast|. The default configuration contains the 3 report types "Damage due to tsunami waves", "Inundation of low-lying coastal areas", and "Unusual currents and waves". Additional report types can be configured using :program:`scconfig` by adding *impactReports* profiles and registering them using the configuration parameter :confval:`impactReports`. .. _toast_live_tabs_perspective: Live Tabs ~~~~~~~~~ Live tabs offer a very powerful way for the creation and dissemination of bulletins based on templates and simulation results. They are displayed as tabs in the :ref:`main panel `. Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For the configuration of live tabs and templates, see: :ref:`toast_bulletin_config`. On how to create templates using the ClearSilver templating system and examples, see: :ref:`toast_export`. .. _toast_database_panel: Database panel -------------- The database panel has two modes: **Incidents mode** and **Simulations mode**. Former is used to import and list currently loaded :term:`incidents `, while latter shows the simulations (sometimes also called scenarios) available for an incident. The current mode is indicated in the title bar. Both modes feature an *Icons* and a *Details view* which can be activated using the list-icon on the upper right of the panel. In *Incidents mode*, by right-clicking on an incident and selecting *Open log file...* you can open the log file for the respective incident in the system default text editor. To open the incident log viewer click on the *Show incident log* button in the database panel in *Simulations mode* or use the Menu or shortcut `CTRL+I`. For more information see: :ref:`toast_incident_log`. .. _toast_incident_mode: Incident mode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _fig-database_incidents_icons: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/database_incidents_icons.png :align: center :width: 8 cm Database panel in Incidents mode in Icons view Import incidents ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ See: :ref:`toast_importing_creating`. .. _toast_db_quickfilter: Quickfilter ^^^^^^^^^^^ In *Incidents mode*, the upper drop-down menu in the database panel is for filtering incidents and by default allows: *Show all*, *threat* and *tsunamigenic*. Additional filters can be configured using: :program:`scconfig` :menuselection:`--> Modules --> gempa --> toast --> toast --> filter --> incidents`. Add an *incident filter profile* by clicking the green plus button and then configure following parameters: * :confval:`filter.incidents.$name.magnitude` * :confval:`filter.incidents.$name.depth` * :confval:`filter.incidents.$name.timeSpan` * :confval:`filter.incidents.$name.simulationCount` * :confval:`filter.incidents.$name.observationCount` New filters become available after saving the configuration and restarting |toast|. Sorting ^^^^^^^ The lower drop down menu is for sorting. Per default the incidents are sorted by origin time. Other possibilities are by Magnitude and by Distance. .. _toast_inc_icon_view: Icons view ^^^^^^^^^^ In *Icons view*, the symbols display following information about the incidents: magnitude, focal mechanism, region and origin time. .. _fig-icons_incident: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/icons_incidents.png :align: center :width: 8 cm Incident mode in Icons view If simulations are available for an incident, this is shown by the large right arrow on the right side of an incident. In *Details view*, the *#*-column indicates the number of available simulations. .. _toast_inc_detail_view: Details view ^^^^^^^^^^^^ In *Incidents mode* in *Details view* (activate by clicking the list-icon on the upper right), the database panel displays following information. .. csv-table:: Columns of Database panel in *Incidents mode* in *Details view* :widths: 5 20 :header: Shortcut, Description M, Preferred magnitude of event TP, Preferred magnitude type D, Hypocenter depth Lat, Hypocenter latitude Lon, Hypocenter longitude Origin time, Origin time CenM, Centroid magnitude CenTP, Centroid type CenD, Centroid depth CenLat, Centroid latitude CenLon, Centroid longitude Cen time, Centroid time FM, Preferred focal mechanism Type, Event type Type comment, Event type comment Severity, Severity in hours #, Simulation count Creation time Region, Region Mode, Trigger type (messaging / manual) # Picks, Pick count Event ID, "From |scname| if by messaging, from |toast| if manual" ID, Incident ID .. _toast_simulation_mode: Simulation mode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Switching from *Incidents mode* to *Simulations mode* is done by double clicking an incident, which turns this incident to *active* and shows simulations available for this incident. Returning to *Incidents mode* is achieved by clicking the left arrow button or automatically when a new event is sent by the messaging system (unless lock button in :ref:`fig-incident_summary` is pushed). .. _fig-database_simulations_icons: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/database_simulations_icons.png :align: center :width: 8 cm Database panel in Simulations mode in Icons view (top two are active, second is set to preferred) Active simulations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. _note-active_sim: .. note:: Simulations can be selected using left mouse click (CTRL+left mouse click to add simulations, SHIFT+left mouse click to select a range of simulations). Note however that simulations become *active* only after a left mouse **double** click has been performed! Only active simulations are shown in the *Map*, *Arrivals* and *Forecast Zones* perspectives and are used for the bulletins in the live tabs. For active simulations, the black part of the beach ball icon on the left is automatically assigned a unique color. If *Details view* is selected, a colored bar in the magnitude column is shown. The same color is used when showing data related to the corresponding simulation in other perspectives. Preferred simulations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. _note-preferred_sim: .. note:: One or more of the simulations of an incident can be set to *preferred* by right-click. They are indicated by a star in *Icons view* and a corresponding column in *Details view*. They are intended as an orientation for the user and have no other default functionality. Show more information ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Right mouse click on a simulation shows a context menu. Among others, it contains the options *Show GSS request...*, *Show meta data...* and *Show files...*. All three open a browser to display the desired information. The *GSS request* and the *meta data* are retrieved from the |gss| database. *Show files* opens the directory where the simulation has been computed for read only access. For instance, the grid files or time series in native simulation backend format can be opened in the browser or downloaded. Incident log ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Click the *Show incident log* button to display incident related information, see: :ref:`toast_incident_log`. Quickfilter ^^^^^^^^^^^ In *Simulations* mode, the upper drop-down menu in the database panel is for filtering simulations. The default value is *Show all*. Additional filters can be configured using: :program:`scconfig` :menuselection:`--> Modules --> gempa --> toast --> toast --> filter --> simulations`. Add a *simulation filter profile* by clicking the green plus button and then configure following parameters: * :confval:`filter.simulations.$name.simulation` * :confval:`filter.simulations.$name.sortColumn` * :confval:`filter.simulations.$name.descendingOrder` * :confval:`filter.simulations.$name.maxNumberOfSims` * :confval:`filter.simulations.$name.calculationDuration` * :confval:`filter.simulations.$name.trigger` .. csv-table:: Possible filter settings for simulations :widths: 1, 3, 1, 1 :header: Parameter, Description, Default, Example simulation, Simulation backend, Empty (show all), EasyWave2 sortColumn, See *Details view* for possible values, M, Residual descendingOrder, Descending or ascending, Descending, Ascending maxNumberOfSims, Limit number of shown simulations, -1 (show all), 4 calculationDuration, Show simulations with duration equal or larger (in min), -1 (show all), 360 trigger, "Simulation trigger type (all, automatic, manual)", all, manual New filters become available after saving the configuration and restarting |toast|. Sorting ^^^^^^^ The lower drop down menu is for sorting. Per default the simulations are sorted by :ref:`toast_residual`. Other possibilities are: * Creation time * Magnitude (M) * Depth (D) * Duration (Simulation time span) * Simulation backend * Guidance (functionality has to be provided by backend) .. _toast_sim_icon_view: Icons view ^^^^^^^^^^ The *Icons view* allows a fast assessment of the situation. .. _fig-icons_simulations: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/icons_simulations.png :align: center :width: 8 cm Simulations mode in Icons view The header displays: * Preferred (as star, only if set) * Label (if not set then Magnitude and Depth) * Simulation backend * Simulation time span * Progress (while computing) * Error symbol (if aborted, hover mouse for more details). The first and larger icon is used to identify currently :ref:`active simulations `: if the dark part of the beach ball is colored, this simulation is active and used for the other perspectives as well (*Map*, *Arrivals*, *Displacements*, *Forecast Zones*) and visualized there using the same unique color. Black means the simulation is not active. The smaller icons represent: * :ref:`toast_residual_source` * :ref:`toast_residual_fm` * :ref:`toast_residual_fault` * :ref:`toast_residual_arr` * :ref:`toast_residual_displ` * :ref:`toast_residual_wr` (not implemented) For more details, place the mouse over the symbols and consult the hover tooltips or see the table in :ref:`toast_sim_detail_view`. The color code under the smaller icons displays matching quality between the simulation and observed data, see :ref:`toast_residual`. The color range is from green to red based on following definitions: For residual 0 -> green; 0.5 -> yellow; 1 -> red. .. TODO:: Das sind alte Definitionen!??? * magnitude difference: 0.1 green; 0.2 yellow; 0.3 orange; 0.5 red * depth difference: 0 km green; 50 km yellow; 100 km orange; 200 km red * epicenter difference: 0.1° green; 0.2° yellow; 0.5° orange; 1° red * moment tensor matrix match: 1 green; 0,5 yellow; 0 red * tide gauge arrival time difference: 10 minutes green; 30 minutes yellow; 60 minutes red Black means that a comparison is not possible since either simulated or observed data is not available. The :ref:`toast_residual_total` is shown in form of the colored bar on the left side. While a simulation is being computed, the estimated progress is shown on the upper right. .. _toast_sim_detail_view: Details view ^^^^^^^^^^^^ In *Simulations mode* in *Details view* (activate by clicking the list-icon on the upper right), the Database panel displays following information. .. csv-table:: Columns in *Simulations mode* in *Details view* :escape: ' :widths: 1 4 :header: Shortcut, Description M, Magnitude D, Depth Lat, Latitude Lon, Longitude FM, Focal mechanism used for this simulation. :ref:`Residual `, Overall residual computed as RMS on sub-residuals. :ref:`R Source `, "Residual computed as RMS based on distance, depth and magnitude residuals." :ref:`R Dist `, Residual based on distance of simulation and incident parameters. :ref:`R Mag `, Residual computed based on magnitude difference between simulation and incident parameters. :ref:`R Depth `, Residual computed based on depth difference between simulation and incident parameters. :ref:`R FM `, Residual between FM used for simulation and incident FM. Rot. FM, :term:`Minimum rotation angle ` between FM used for simulation and incident FM. :ref:`R Fault `, Residual between fault parameters of simulation and orientation expected from faults. Rot. Fault, :term:`Minimum rotation angle ` between fault used for simulation and orientation expected from faults. :ref:`R Arr `, Residual between observed (picked) and simulated arrival times at buoys and tide gauges. :ref:`R Displ `, Residual between simulated and observed coseismic surface displacements (GNSS vectors). R WR, Residual wave radar. Not implemented yet. Creation time, Simulation creation time. Time ago, Current time - Creation time Simulation, Simulation backend used. Status, Status of the simulation. Progress, Simulation computation progress. Duration, Time span of simulation. Info, Real time used for computing simulation. Trigger, Trigger type. Preferred, *Yes* for simulation(s) marked as preferred. Used in in analogy to |scname| preferred origin. Guidance, *Yes* for simulations(s) matching guidance criteria. Feature has to be supported by simulation backend. Label, User defined simulation description. ID, Simulation ID. Add simulations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ See: :ref:`toast_simulations` on how to generate simulations automatically or to add simulations to an :term:`incident ` manually. .. _toast_map_layers_panel: Map Layers panel ---------------- The *Map Layers* panel is used to enable/disable the display of features and simulation results in the :ref:`toast_map_perspective` and :ref:`toast_wave_propagation_panel`. Options are listed and explained below. .. _fig-map_layers: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/panel_map_layers.png :align: center :width: 8.5 cm Map Layers panel .. _toast_map_layers_panel_profile: Color profile ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here you can select the active color profile or open the *Gradient Profile Editor*, see :ref:`toast_gradients_profiles` for more information. The color or gradient defined for the layers in the selected color profile is displayed as a color bar next to the layer name. By clicking on this bar the :ref:`fig-color_profile_editor` opens with the active profile and the clicked layer selected. Faults ~~~~~~ Show/hide faults used for automatic patch generation on map, turn on labels. .. _fig-faults: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/faults.png :align: center :width: 20 cm *Map* perspective with activated Faults feature Faults are shown as colored lines with triangles indicating the direction of subduction. The color corresponds to depth and follows the same scheme as the bna-files in |scname| (which are shown as thin lines without triangles if present in `~/.seiscomp/bna`). |toast| is delivered with an extensive set of preconfigured faults covering most subduction zones. See :ref:`toast_fault_geometry_configuration` on how to set up additional faults. Forecast zones ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _fig-forecast_zones: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/forecast_zones.png :align: center :width: 20 cm *Map* perspective with activated Forecast zones feature * Forecast zones: Show/hide forecast zones on map. * Colorize by: If simulations are :ref:`active `, the color of the forecast zones corresponds to the selected criterion at :ref:`Colorize by `, which is either : * Impact time * Runup * Threat level. * Fill: Do fill the zones in addition to coloring the outline. * IDs: Turn on zone IDs. * Inactive: Do show zones without simulation results in black outline. * Colorize: Do colorize inactive zones with the color of the lowest value in the selected gradient. * Points: Show forecast points belonging to forecast zone upon selecting zone. * IDs: Show forecast point IDs. * Names: Show forecast point names. Forecast zones can be selected in *Map view* by clicking. Only then corresponding points are shown. If switching to :ref:`toast_forecast_zones_perspective`, the same zone is selected. .. _gnss_display_settings: Displacements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Show/hide coseismic displacement vectors. **Observed** displacements can either be obtained automatically by messaging, be set manually or be imported from a file in XML format. See also: :ref:`toast_gnss_perspective` and :ref:`toast_create_gnss`. By default, they are rendered as black arrows. See :ref:`toast_gradients_profiles` on how to change the color. **Simulated** displacements are computed by simulations. They are rendered in the color according to the :ref:`active simulations `. The horizontal displacement is shown with a solid line, the vertical displacement with a dashed line and a semicircular arrow head. Depending on the displacement display settings, the length of the displacement is represented by the length of the arrows. A tooltip for the arrows shows additional information. .. _fig-gnss_arrows: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/gnss_arrows.png :align: center :width: 20 cm *Map* perspective with active *Displacement* feature showing two selected simulations with the same epicenter but different rupture planes The display settings can be changed via |toast| configuration or dialog: :menuselection:`Menu --> Settings --> Displacement vector settings` or by right mouse click on *Map view* :menuselection:`--> Layers --> Displacements --> Settings...`. The *Min displacement threshold* allows to hide arrows with a length smaller than this threshold. Additionally, the size of the arrowhead and the line width of the arrow can be set. Using the *Screen* option, the length of the largest visible arrow is set to *Max visible length* and the length of all other arrows in relation to it. When using the *Zoom* option, the arrow length is scaled with the *Scaling factor* and changes according to the zoom level of the map. The *Independent vertical scaling* option enables separate scaling for the vertical displacement arrows. .. _fig-gnss_settings: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/gnss_settings.png :align: center :width: 9 cm Displacement Vector Settings dialog .. note:: The settings of the dialog are stored in the |toast| configuration in `@CONFIGDIR@/toast.cfg` (and not in `@SYSTEMCONFIGDIR@/toast.cfg`). Legends ~~~~~~~ Show/hide legends. Note that only legends corresponding to features which are selected in the *Map Layers* panel are shown. Following image shows all possible legends. .. _fig-legends: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/legends.png :align: center :width: 18 cm Legends in *Map* perspective POIs ~~~~ Show/hide tide gauge positions on map, turn on their station codes. .. _fig-poi: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/poi.png :align: center :width: 20 cm *Map* perspective with activated POIs feature If simulations are :ref:`active `, the coloring of the tide gauge corresponds to the highest maximum wave height of the active simulations at that location. If *Cluster* is selected, nearby stations are grouped and shown as a circled number, the color is according to the highest value in the group. Grouping is dynamically adjusted depending on zoom level. Rupture area ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Show/hide the *Rupture area* of the :ref:`active simulations `. .. _fig-rupture: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/rupture_patch.png :align: center :width: 15 cm *Map* perspective with activated Rupture area feature This option enables the display of the :ref:`patches ` which were used for the simulations. The colored bar indicates the *deeper* side of the patch, the color corresponds to the simulation color. Simulation layer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Show/Hide simulation layers. Simulation layers show additional information for the available simulations (e.g. the location of precomputed *TsunAWI* simulations). If no simulation layer is available, this option is hidden. Wave propagation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Show/hide wave propagation layer for active simulations in the :ref:`toast_map_perspective` and :ref:`toast_wave_propagation_panel`. * :ref:`toast_arrival_lines` * :ref:`toast_arrival_times` * :ref:`toast_bathymetry` * :ref:`toast_isochrones` * :ref:`toast_ssh` * :ref:`toast_sshmax` Use the :ref:`toast_sim_player` to select a time for *isochrones* and *ssh*. See also: :ref:`toast_display_simulation_results`. .. TODO:: Optimize naming scheme! * Arrival lines -> Isochrones * Isochrones -> Extent .. _toast_wave_propagation_panel: Wave Propagation panel ---------------------- This panel shows numerical values for the :ref:`active simulations ` for those features which are selected in the :ref:`toast_map_layers_panel`. Move the mouse in the :ref:`toast_map_perspective` to get values at different locations. If several simulations are active, then the worst-case value is shown (maximum for wave heights, minimum for arrival times). .. _fig-wave_propagation: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/panel_wave_propagation.png :align: center :width: 9 cm Wave Propagation panel .. _toast_gradients_profiles: Color profiles, gradients and colors ------------------------------------ Each profile consists of different types that define the colors or gradients of map-related features like *Forecast zones warning levels* or *SSH max*. The current active *profile* is shown in the *Map Layers Panel*, for more information see :ref:`Color Profile in Map Layers Panel `. .. _toast_color_profiles: Create and modify color profiles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By default, all simulation related results are color coded according to the *DefaultProfile*. This profile can not be changed, but new profiles can be added using the :ref:`fig-color_profile_editor`. To launch it, select *Configure...* in the the :ref:`toast_map_layers_panel_profile` drop-down menu of the *Map Layers Panel*. Alternatively you can click on one of the color bars there or use :menuselection:`Menu --> Settings --> Color profiles...`. .. _fig-color_profile_editor: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/color_profile_editor.png :align: center :width: 16 cm Color Gradient Profile Editor First, add a color profile by clicking on *New* or *Copy*. *New* creates a new color profile based on the default profile, while *Copy* copies the selected profile. Then select the tab of the feature you want to edit. Next select the color or gradient you want to use for the feature in the drop-down menu. If the existing colors or gradients do not match your desired settings, you can change them using the :ref:`fig-color_gradient_editor`. To launch it, you can click on the colored bar representing the color or gradient. The minimum and maximum values below the color bar are by default set to the minimum and maximum values defined in the selected color gradient. You can override them by selecting *Overall gradient mapping*, in which case the whole gradient is linearly mapped to the range of these values. This is useful if a quick change is necessary. Click *Save*, to save the color profiles. Now you have a new color gradient profile which can be selected in the :ref:`toast_map_layers_panel`. The color profiles are stored in the file |toastdata|/mapstyles, see also :ref:`toast_mapstyles`. .. note:: *Overall gradient mapping* is deactivated for default profile features or when a color is selected. Create and modify colors and gradients ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The :ref:`fig-color_gradient_editor` is a tool for creating, changing and removing colors and gradients. To launch it, click the color bar in the :ref:`fig-color_profile_editor` or select :menuselection:`Menu --> Settings --> Gradients and colors...`. .. _fig-color_gradient_editor: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/color_gradient_editor.png :align: center :width: 12 cm Color Gradients Editor Add a new gradient or color by clicking on *New* or *Copy* or by right mouse click on one of the present gradients and using the context menu actions. *New* creates a empty color or gradient based on your last selection, while *Copy* creates a copy of the current selected item. Select a gradient or a color from the list to edit it. .. note:: Gradients and colors assigned in the default profile or assigned to multiple profiles are immutable. You can see the corresponding profiles by hovering over the gradient or color item in the list. In *Gradient* mode you can edit gradients. The gradient thresholds are shown as black arrows below the color bar. Select a threshold to edit the corresponding value, color and label. Add new thresholds with double click or right mouse click on the color bar. By right mouse click on an arrow, you can remove it. Select *Interpolated* for a continuous gradient or change the *Unit*. The value of the currently selected threshold can be changed with the *Value* edit or by sliding the threshold arrow underneath the color bar. The color of the currently selected threshold can be set by clicking the colored square icon. Note that transparency is defined using the *Alpha* value: 0 means transparent and 255 means opaque. The *#* opens a dialog for changing the label. The *...* icon opens the :ref:`fig-color_table_editor` for editing values (*Key* column), colors (*Color*) and labels (*Tag*). Select *Single color* to edit a gradient containing only one color. In this mode you can select the color by clicking on the color bar. Add or change the tag and the unit of the color. Currently only *Displacements - Observed* and *Iso chrones* use *Single color* mode. .. _fig-color_table_editor: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/color_table_editor.png :align: center :width: 7 cm Color Table Editor Click *Save*, to save the colors and gradients. Now, they are available in the color profile editor. The gradients and colors, like the profiles, are also stored in the file |toastdata|/mapstyles, see also :ref:`toast_mapstyles`. .. _toast_task_manager: Task Manager ------------ The task manager lists all processes started by |toast|. Processes can be killed using right mouse click. The task manager is opened using :menuselection:`Menu --> Extras --> Task manager` or by clicking the *gear* icon on the right of the status bar. The first number in the icon shows the number of running, the second of pending processes. .. _fig-task_manager: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/task_manager.png :align: center :width: 8 cm Task manager .. _toast_system_log: |toast| Client Application Log -------------------------------- In order to display the application logging output of the |toastc|, click the *Show client application log* button in the status bar on the lower right of the |toast| window or via :menuselection:`Menu --> Extras --> Client application log`. It contains information from the startup procedure but also regarding connectivity to the |toastc| or |gss| as well as general errors. The application log is stored in the file *.seiscomp/toast.log* in the user home directory. For logs which are of interest for the operator, e.g. everything related to incidents, simulations or templates, the :ref:`toast_global_log` and :ref:`toast_incident_log` should be consulted. Use the buttons on top for filtering. .. _fig-system_log: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/system_log.png :align: center :width: 20 cm Client application log Use the *settings* icon to select which channels should be received and notified (latter in form of an icon in the status bar). Note that the selectable option on the bottom: *Send only notifications if the warn level increases* is related to system channel type and has nothing to do with tsunami warning levels. .. _fig-log_settings: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/system_log_settings.png :align: center :width: 9 cm Client application log settings .. _toast_global_log: Global Log ---------- The global log contains information provided by the |toasts|, the |gss| as well as by all |toastc| applications regarding shared objects, basically everything that is related to an incident and is of interest for the end-user of |toast|, the operator. This includes the creation of an incident or of simulations, the manual setting of threat levels and picks or dissemination of bulletins. The global log window is opened via :menuselection:`Menu --> Extras --> Global log...`, or by clicking the globe icon in the status bar. The global log is stored in the |toast| database. Note that the log entries cannot be deleted by the |toastc|, even if the concerning objects are removed. .. _fig-incident_log: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/incident_log.png :align: center :width: 20 cm Incident log .. TODO:: replace incident log image by global log By clicking on the *+* icon on the upper right, a manual log entry can be added. Once added, the manual entry can not be removed or modified by the user of the |toastc|. .. _fig-incident_log_add_manual: .. figure:: media/toast/gui/incident_log_add_manual.png :align: center :width: 15 cm Manually add log entry .. _toast_incident_log: Incident Log ------------ The incident log displays a subset of the information provided in the :ref:`toast_global_log`: everything which is related to the currently selected incident. The functionality is the same as for the global log. The incident log window is opened via :menuselection:`Menu --> Extras --> Global log`, or with the shortcut `CTRL+I`, or by clicking the sheet icon in the database panel when an incident is selected.