.. highlight:: rst .. _toast: ##### toast ##### **Software for tsunami simulation and verification.** Module Configuration ==================== | :file:`etc/defaults/global.cfg` | :file:`etc/defaults/toast.cfg` | :file:`etc/global.cfg` | :file:`etc/toast.cfg` | :file:`~/.seiscomp/global.cfg` | :file:`~/.seiscomp/toast.cfg` toast inherits :ref:`global options`. .. note:: Modules/plugins may require a license file. The default path to license files is :file:`@DATADIR@/licenses/` which can be overridden by global configuration of the parameter :confval:`gempa.licensePath`. Example: :: gempa.licensePath = @CONFIGDIR@/licenses .. confval:: forecastZones Type: *list:string* Registration of forecast zones. .. confval:: impactReports Default: ``damage, inundation, unusual`` Type: *list:string* Registration of impact reports. The first element of the list defines the initial sort order. .. confval:: isoInterval Default: ``30`` Unit: *min* Type: *int* Interval for arrival lines \(has to be provided by simulation backend\). TOAST displays the arrival lines as follows: full hour: solid line, half hour: dashed line, otherwise: dotted line. .. confval:: liveTabs Type: *list:string* Registration of live tabs. .. confval:: runupPercentiles Default: ``median`` Type: *list:string* Registration of runup percentiles. The first element of the list defines the initial sort order. .. confval:: processAutoMT Default: ``false`` Type: *boolean* Enables\/disables the usage of automatically generated moment tensors for event processing. By default only manual confirmed moment tensors will be taken into account. .. confval:: threatLevels Default: ``passed, major, warning, advisory, nothreat`` Type: *list:string* Registration of threat level profiles. List in descending order. .. confval:: translationFilename Type: *file* File name of the translation file. If this parameter is empty, the default file \"toast_[agencyID].qm\" is used, where the agencyID is in lower case. If the file is not found, no translation is applied. To add a suffix to the default filename, use an asterisk and the suffix, e.g. \"\*_io\" is substituted to \"toast_gempa_io.qm\". The file must be located at \@DATADIR\@\/toast\/translations. .. confval:: lockIncident Default: ``false`` Type: *boolean* If unlocked, a new incident created via messaging is selected automatically. If locked, the currently selected incident remains selected. This option can be used to set the initial state of the lock incident button. The user may still lock\/unlock the button in TOAST no matter what is selected here. .. confval:: startRegion Type: *list:double* Shows the rectangular region on the central map at the start of TOAST. Define the rectangle with a list of 4 values: latbottom, lonleft, lattop, lonright. Example: \"\-55,160,\-30,\-170\". .. confval:: playbackExternalScript Default: ``@DATADIR@/toast/scripts/eqscenegenerator.sh`` Type: *file* Path to external script which is executed after playback data \(simulation metadata XML and time series mseed\) has been exported. The script gets the simulation ID and the directory as input arguments. .. confval:: activeColorProfile Default: ``DefaultProfile`` Type: *string* Name of the color profile to be loaded when starting the application. .. _auth: .. confval:: auth.backend Type: *string* Registration of the auth backend, e.g. ldap .. _auth.ldap: .. confval:: auth.ldap.serverURI Default: ``ldap://localhost:389`` Type: *string* LDAP Uniform Resource Identifier, e.g., ldaps:\/\/localhost:636 .. confval:: auth.ldap.bindDN Type: *string* Bind DN, .e.g., \"uid\=\@USERNAME\@,cn\=users,cn\=accounts,dc\=gempa,dc\=de\". USERNAME is placeholder for the username and is filled by the login dialog. .. confval:: auth.ldap.insecure Default: ``false`` Type: *boolean* Disables LDAP SSL server certificate check. Use this option when the LDAP server uses a self signed certificate. .. _auth.ldap.search: .. confval:: auth.ldap.search.baseDN Type: *string* LDAP directory entry point .. confval:: auth.ldap.search.filter Default: ``uid=@USERNAME@`` Type: *string* LDAP search filter string .. confval:: auth.ldap.search.scope Default: ``LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE`` Type: *int* LDAP Scope, e.g., LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, ... .. _customForecastZonesView: .. confval:: customForecastZonesView.enable Default: ``false`` Type: *boolean* If set to true, a button is visible in the Forecast Zones Perspective that opens a customized forecast zones view. .. confval:: customForecastZonesView.title Default: ``Customized Forecast Zones View`` Type: *string* The title of the customized forecast zones view. It also changes the button text in the Forecast Zones Perspective to open this view. .. _customForecastZonesView.filterProfiles: .. _customForecastZonesView.filterProfiles.$name: .. note:: **customForecastZonesView.filterProfiles.$name.\*** $name is a placeholder for the name to be used. .. confval:: customForecastZonesView.filterProfiles.$name.name Type: *string* Name of the filter profile. .. confval:: customForecastZonesView.filterProfiles.$name.filters Type: *list:string* List of filters for filtering the Forcast Zones in the customized view. Use the format \"[columnName][operator][value]\" with \"columnName\" is the name of the column of the Forecast Zones View, \"operator\" of type <, <\=, >, >\= or \=, and \"value\" the value to filter the column by. Note, that \"value\" is handled case sensitive and without unit, e.g. use \"T3 Value>0.1\" to filter the column 'T3 Value' by a value greater than 0.1m. A possible filter list is \"Country\=Indonesia;Thailand,Runup>\=0.5\" for showing only forecast zones in Indonesia or Thailand with a runup greater than 0.5m. .. confval:: customForecastZonesView.filterProfiles.$name.visibleColumns Type: *list:string* List of visible columns. If this list is empty, every column is visible. .. _displacementVectors: .. note:: **displacementVectors.\*** *Configure visualization settings for the coseismic* *displacement arrows (GNSS) in Map view.* *Note that if they are set using the dialog in TOAST,* *they are saved to the user configuration file at* *@CONFIGDIR@/toast.cfg and not to system configuration file at* *@SYSTEMCONFIGDIR@/toast.cfg.* .. confval:: displacementVectors.arrowHeadLength Default: ``12`` Unit: *px* Type: *int* Length of the arrow head. .. confval:: displacementVectors.arrowHeadWidth Default: ``8`` Unit: *px* Type: *int* Width of the arrow head. .. confval:: displacementVectors.arrowLineWidth Default: ``2`` Unit: *px* Type: *int* Width of the arrow line. .. confval:: displacementVectors.maxVisibleLength Default: ``300`` Unit: *px* Type: *int* Length of the largest visible displacement arrow if screenDependingScaling is 'true'. .. confval:: displacementVectors.maxVisibleLengthVertical Default: ``200`` Unit: *px* Type: *int* Length of the largest visible vertical displacement arrow if screenDependingScaling is 'true'. .. confval:: displacementVectors.minThreshold Default: ``0`` Unit: *mm* Type: *int* Only arrows with a length larger than minThreshold are visible. .. confval:: displacementVectors.scale Default: ``20`` Type: *int* Scaling factor for the arrows if screenDependingScaling is 'false'. .. confval:: displacementVectors.scaleVertical Default: ``20`` Type: *int* Vertical scaling factor for the arrows if screenDependingScaling is 'false'. .. confval:: displacementVectors.screenDependingScaling Default: ``true`` Type: *boolean* If 'true', then the largest visible arrow is scaled to maxVisibleLength. If 'false', then the length of the arrows is fix with respect to the map and changes with zoom level. .. confval:: displacementVectors.verticalScalingEnabled Default: ``false`` Type: *boolean* If 'true', then the scaling of the vertical displacement arrows is independent of the scaling of the horizontal arrows. .. _dissemination: .. note:: **dissemination.\*** *Configure settings for the disseminate process.* .. confval:: dissemination.alwaysShowAdditionalOptions Default: ``false`` Type: *boolean* Always show \"Execute with additional options\" dialog before running templates. If \"false\", then only after a long click on Disseminate button and selection. .. confval:: dissemination.confirmationRequired Default: ``true`` Type: *boolean* Show \"Additional confirmation required\" dialog before running templates, or more precisely: before executing ClearSilver functions \"save\" and \"addScript\" in the templates. .. confval:: dissemination.selectionBehavior Default: ``current`` Type: *string* Template selection behavior of the advanced dissemination dialog. Available options: \"current\": Select the currently visible template. \"previous\": Use previous selection. \"all\": Select all templates. Note that option is only available when the option \"dissemination.selectionMode\" is \"multi\". .. confval:: dissemination.selectionMode Default: ``single`` Type: *string* Template selection mode of the advanced dissemination dialog. Available options: \"single\": When selecting a template, any already\-selected template becomes unselected. Deselecting the selected template is possible by pressing the Ctrl key when clicking the selected template. Note that option \"multi\": When selecting a template, the selection status of that item is toggled and the other items are left alone. Multiple items can be toggled by dragging the mouse over them. .. _filter: .. note:: **filter.\*** *Define incident and simulation filters for the drop-down menu* *in the Database panel.* *These profiles are used automatically and need not be registered.* .. _filter.incidents: .. _filter.incidents.$name: .. note:: **filter.incidents.$name.\*** $name is a placeholder for the name to be used. .. confval:: filter.incidents.$name.magnitude Default: ``0.0`` Type: *float* Minimum magnitude. .. confval:: filter.incidents.$name.depth Default: ``6500`` Unit: *km* Type: *float* Maxmimum depth. .. confval:: filter.incidents.$name.timeSpan Default: ``-1`` Unit: *s* Type: *int* Show incidents not older than \"timeSpan\" seconds. .. confval:: filter.incidents.$name.simulationCount Default: ``false`` Type: *boolean* If set to true only incidents with simulations will be shown, if set to false vice versa. .. confval:: filter.incidents.$name.observationCount Default: ``false`` Type: *boolean* If set to true only incidents with picks will be shown, if set to false vice versa. .. _filter.simulations: .. _filter.simulations.$name: .. note:: **filter.simulations.$name.\*** $name is a placeholder for the name to be used. .. confval:: filter.simulations.$name.simulation Type: *list:string* Show only simulations of these simulation backends. .. confval:: filter.simulations.$name.sortColumn Default: ``Residual`` Type: *string* Sort table by this column. .. confval:: filter.simulations.$name.descendingOrder Default: ``true`` Type: *boolean* Sort table descending \(true\) or ascending \(false\). .. confval:: filter.simulations.$name.maxNumberOfSims Default: ``-1`` Type: *int* Limit the number of shown simulations. .. confval:: filter.simulations.$name.calculationDuration Default: ``-1`` Unit: *min* Type: *int* Show simulations with a calculation duration of at least that time. .. confval:: filter.simulations.$name.trigger Default: ``all`` Type: *string* Show simulations with that trigger type. Three possible options: show only manually triggered simulations \(manual\), only automatically triggered simulations \(automatic\) or simulations of both types \(all\). .. _forecastZones: .. note:: **forecastZones.\*** *Define forecast zone profiles.* *Register the profiles at 'forecastZones'.* *Note that forecast points have to be defined and registered* *at simulation backends like easywave2.* .. confval:: forecastZones.additionalColumns Type: *list:string* Define additional columns that are read from the forecast zones files and shown in the forecast zones tab. Use a comma separated list to add multiple columns. For each column the name used in the dbf file is mandatory. Optionally, an alias and a tool tip can be added by using a colon as separator, e.g. columnName:\"Alias\":\"Tool tip\",columnName2,columnName3:\"Alias3\",columnName4::\"toolTip\" .. _forecastZones.$name: .. note:: **forecastZones.$name.\*** $name is a placeholder for the name to be used and needs to be added to :confval:`forecastZones` to become active. .. code-block:: sh forecastZones = a,b forecastZones.a.value1 = ... forecastZones.b.value1 = ... # c is not active because it has not been added # to the list of forecastZones forecastZones.c.value1 = ... .. confval:: forecastZones.$name.filename Type: *string* Absolute filename without file extension .. _forecastZones.$name.whitelist: .. confval:: forecastZones.$name.whitelist.country Type: *list:string* List of countries to include when loading forecast zones. .. confval:: forecastZones.$name.whitelist.exBoxID Type: *list:int* List of ExBoxIDs to include when loading forecast zones. .. _forecastZones.$name.blacklist: .. confval:: forecastZones.$name.blacklist.country Type: *list:string* List of countries to exclude when loading forecast zones. .. confval:: forecastZones.$name.blacklist.exBoxID Type: *list:int* List of ExBoxIDs to exclude when loading forecast zones. .. _gssConnection: .. note:: **gssConnection.\*** *gempa simulation server related connection settings* .. confval:: gssConnection.timeout Default: ``15`` Unit: *s* Type: *int* Timeout in seconds which is used to detect dead connections and to attempt a reconnections. If the GSS connection does neither read nor write within the given timeout, a ping request will be sent. .. confval:: gssConnection.respTimeout Default: ``10`` Unit: *s* Type: *int* Timeout in seconds which is used to detect dead connections and to attempt a reconnections. If the GSS connection doesn't response to the ping or heartbeat message within the given timeout, the connection to GSS will be reconnected. The respTimeout must be smaller than the timeout. .. _impactReports: .. note:: **impactReports.\*** *Define impact report types for the Impact Reports tab.* *These profiles are used automatically and need not be registered.* .. _impactReports.$name: .. note:: **impactReports.$name.\*** $name is a placeholder for the name to be used and needs to be added to :confval:`impactReports` to become active. .. code-block:: sh impactReports = a,b impactReports.a.value1 = ... impactReports.b.value1 = ... # c is not active because it has not been added # to the list of impactReports impactReports.c.value1 = ... .. confval:: impactReports.$name.text Type: *string* Type selection box text .. confval:: impactReports.$name.toolTip Type: *string* Tool tip shown when the mouse is over the selected type item .. _liveTab: .. note:: **liveTab.\*** *Define Live tabs containing bulletin templates.* *Register the profiles at 'liveTabs'.* .. _liveTab.$name: .. note:: **liveTab.$name.\*** $name is a placeholder for the name to be used and needs to be added to :confval:`liveTabs` to become active. .. code-block:: sh liveTabs = a,b liveTab.a.value1 = ... liveTab.b.value1 = ... # c is not active because it has not been added # to the list of liveTabs liveTab.c.value1 = ... .. confval:: liveTab.$name.title Type: *string* Title of the tab .. confval:: liveTab.$name.defaultTemplate Type: *string* Active template of the live tab. The option expects a path of the template tree, e.g., \/National\/Watch .. confval:: liveTab.$name.entryPoint Type: *string* Template tree entry point, e.g., \/National. This option can be used to limit the template selection of the live tab to a specific subtree. .. confval:: liveTab.$name.buttonText Default: ``Disseminate`` Type: *string* Text of the disseminate button .. confval:: liveTab.$name.hideDissButton Default: ``false`` Type: *boolean* Hide the dissemination button in the live tab. .. confval:: liveTab.$name.hideTemplMenu Default: ``false`` Type: *boolean* Hide the template menu in the live tab. .. _patches: .. note:: **patches.\*** *Configure settings for the automatic patches (rupture plane)* *generation.* .. confval:: patches.width Default: ``50`` Unit: *km* Type: *int* The patch width option is not used at this time. .. confval:: patches.depthMode Default: ``1`` Type: *int* Mode of the automatic depth correction. The following modes are available: 0 \= Off, 1 \= Adjust the depth to avoid negative z\-top, 2 \= Abort the patch generation in case of negative z\-top .. confval:: patches.maxFaultDist Default: ``1`` Unit: *degree* Type: *double* Maximum horizontal distance between epicenter and closest fault point allowed for automatic patch generation. .. confval:: patches.maxFootWallDist Default: ``-1`` Unit: *degree* Type: *double* Deprecated: Maximum distance between epicenter and closest fault point if epicenter is on foot wall. Note that this parameter is deprecated, use 'maxFaultDist' instead. .. confval:: patches.maxHangingWallDist Default: ``-1`` Unit: *degree* Type: *double* Deprecated: Maximum distance between epicenter and closest fault point if epicenter is on hanging wall. Note that this parameter is deprecated, use 'maxFaultDist' instead. .. confval:: patches.maxDip Default: ``80.0`` Unit: *degree* Type: *double* Maximum dip in degree. .. confval:: patches.maxRakeVariance Default: ``20.0`` Unit: *degree* Type: *double* Maximum variance of the rake from 90 degree. .. confval:: patches.extrapolateFault Default: ``false`` Type: *boolean* Selection of this option will extrapolate fault lines beyond their endpoints, so that they can provide patch generation information for epicenters otherwise not covered. .. _perspectives: .. note:: **perspectives.\*** *Configure settings for the TOAST perspectives* .. confval:: perspectives.displacements Default: ``true`` Type: *boolean* Show\/hide displacements perspective .. confval:: perspectives.impactReports Default: ``true`` Type: *boolean* Show\/hide impact reports perspective .. confval:: perspectives.traces Default: ``true`` Type: *boolean* Show\/hide traces perspective .. _picker: .. note:: **picker.\*** *Configure settings for the tide gauge waveform picker.* .. confval:: picker.amplitudeType Default: ``ZP`` Type: *string* Default amplitude type used when measuring amplitudes. Available options: ZP \- Zero to peak, ZT \- Zero to through, PP \- Peak to peak and PT \- Peak to through. .. confval:: picker.bufferSize Default: ``86400`` Unit: *s* Type: *int* Total sea level buffer .. confval:: picker.defaultAddStationsDistance Default: ``5000.0`` Unit: *km* Type: *double* The default value for adding stations in the picker. .. confval:: picker.filters Default: ``"@Tsunami;CUTOFF(1)>>ITAPER(15000)>>BW(4,0.0002,0.002)"`` Type: *list:string* Predefined sea level filters. .. confval:: picker.leadTime Default: ``48200`` Unit: *s* Type: *int* Time of sea level data before the current time. .. confval:: picker.slots Default: ``self, tpred, rmtides`` Type: *list:string* Registration of slots .. confval:: picker.stream.codes Default: ``*.*.*.*`` Type: *list:string* White list of stream code patterns. Use to filter the available streams. .. _picker.slot: .. _picker.slot.$name: .. note:: **picker.slot.$name.\*** $name is a placeholder for the name to be used and needs to be added to :confval:`picker.slots` to become active. .. code-block:: sh picker.slots = a,b picker.slot.a.value1 = ... picker.slot.b.value1 = ... # c is not active because it has not been added # to the list of picker.slots picker.slot.c.value1 = ... .. confval:: picker.slot.$name.alias Type: *string* Alternative text. .. confval:: picker.slot.$name.filter Type: *string* User\-defined filter. .. confval:: picker.slot.$name.pen Type: *string* User\-defined pen. A pen is defined by a color, a width and a style. Pen styles are: 1 \- A plain line, 2 \- Dashes separated by a few pixels, 3 \- Dots separated by a few, 4 \- Alternate dots and dashes and 5 \- One dash, two dots, one dash, two dots. .. confval:: picker.slot.$name.predefined Default: ``false`` Type: *boolean* Received data from acquisition are not taken into account. .. confval:: picker.slot.$name.visible Default: ``true`` Type: *boolean* Show\/hide slot initially. .. _picker.spectrogram: .. confval:: picker.spectrogram.fixedMaximum Type: *double* The corresponding maximum value mapped to value 1 of spectrogram.gradient. .. confval:: picker.spectrogram.fixedMinimum Type: *double* If spectrograms are painted with a fixed gradient this value defines the minimum value which is mapped to gradient value 0 of spectrogram.gradient. .. confval:: picker.spectrogram.gradient Type: *list:string* Default spectrogram gradient. Value 0 is always mapped to a minimum value and 1 is mapped to a maximum \(either a fixed range or the extrema of each single trace\). .. _residuals: .. note:: **residuals.\*** *Configure the weights of the residual contributions.* .. confval:: residuals.useLegacyDefinition Default: ``false`` Type: *boolean* Enables\/Disables legacy source residual computation. Consult the documentation for more information. .. _residuals.source: .. confval:: residuals.source.weight Default: ``1.0`` Type: *double* Weight of source residual for overall residual calculation. .. confval:: residuals.source.gradient Type: *list:string* Gradient of source residual. .. _residuals.source.weights: .. confval:: residuals.source.weights.magnitude Default: ``1.0`` Type: *double* Weight of magnitude for source residual calculation. .. confval:: residuals.source.weights.depth Default: ``1.0`` Type: *double* Weight of depth for source residual calculation. .. confval:: residuals.source.weights.distance Default: ``1.0`` Type: *double* Weight of distance to origin for source residual calculation. .. _residuals.momentTensor: .. confval:: residuals.momentTensor.weight Default: ``1.0`` Type: *double* Weight of moment tensor or focal mechanism residual for overall residual calculation. .. confval:: residuals.momentTensor.gradient Type: *list:string* Gradient of moment tensor residual. .. _residuals.expectedPlane: .. confval:: residuals.expectedPlane.weight Default: ``1.0`` Type: *double* Weight of expected plane or fault residual for overall residual calculation. .. confval:: residuals.expectedPlane.gradient Type: *list:string* Gradient of expected plane residual. .. _residuals.tideGauge: .. confval:: residuals.tideGauge.weight Default: ``1.0`` Type: *double* Weight of tide gauge or arrival residual for overall residual calculation. .. confval:: residuals.tideGauge.gradient Type: *list:string* Gradient of tide gauge residual. .. _residuals.displacement: .. confval:: residuals.displacement.weight Default: ``1.0`` Type: *double* Weight of coseismic displacement \(GNSS\) residual for overall residual calculation. .. confval:: residuals.displacement.gradient Type: *list:string* Gradient of coseismic displacement \(GNSS\) residual. .. _residuals.radar: .. confval:: residuals.radar.weight Default: ``1.0`` Type: *double* Weight of wave radar residual for overall residual calculation. .. confval:: residuals.radar.gradient Type: *list:string* Gradient of radar residual. .. _rttv: .. note:: **rttv.\*** *Configure settings for the Traces tab (Real-Time-Trace-Viewer).* .. confval:: rttv.acquireStreams Default: ``false`` Type: *boolean* Enables\/Disables real time acquisition .. confval:: rttv.bufferSize Default: ``86400`` Unit: *s* Type: *int* Total sea level buffer .. confval:: rttv.leadTime Default: ``48200`` Unit: *s* Type: *int* Time of sea level data before the current time. .. confval:: rttv.seaLevel.filters Default: ``"Raw;self""@Tsunami;CUTOFF(1)>>ITAPER(15000)>>BW(4,0.0002,0.002)"`` Type: *list:string* Predefined sea level filters in the traces perspective. .. confval:: rttv.stream.codes Default: ``*.*.*.*`` Type: *list:string* White list of stream code patterns. Use to filter the available streams. .. confval:: rttv.stream.filter Type: *string* Set rttv stream filter. .. _rttv.spectrogram: .. confval:: rttv.spectrogram.fixedMaximum Type: *double* The corresponding maximum value mapped to value 1 of spectrogram.gradient. .. confval:: rttv.spectrogram.fixedMinimum Type: *double* If spectrograms are painted with a fixed gradient this value defines the minimum value which is mapped to gradient value 0 of spectrogram.gradient. .. confval:: rttv.spectrogram.gradient Type: *list:string* Default spectrogram gradient. Value 0 is always mapped to a minimum value and 1 is mapped to a maximum \(either a fixed range or the extrema of each single trace\). .. _runupPercentiles: .. note:: **runupPercentiles.\*** *Define percentiles for the drop-down menu in the Forecast* *Zones tab.* *Register the profiles at 'runupPercentiles'.* .. _runupPercentiles.$name: .. note:: **runupPercentiles.$name.\*** $name is a placeholder for the name to be used and needs to be added to :confval:`runupPercentiles` to become active. .. code-block:: sh runupPercentiles = a,b runupPercentiles.a.value1 = ... runupPercentiles.b.value1 = ... # c is not active because it has not been added # to the list of runupPercentiles runupPercentiles.c.value1 = ... .. confval:: runupPercentiles.$name.text Default: ``Median`` Type: *string* Menu item text .. confval:: runupPercentiles.$name.value Default: ``50`` Type: *int* Value of the runup percentile. .. _scConnection: .. note:: **scConnection.\*** *Configure the SeisComP database.* .. confval:: scConnection.database Type: *string* Define the SeisComP database connection. The format is: service:\/\/user:pwd\@host\/database. \"service\" is the name of the database driver which can be queried with \"\-\-db\-driver\-list\". .. _scheme: .. note:: **scheme.\*** *Configure visualization settings for TOAST.* *Colors can be defined in HTML convention, e.g. as rgb(a) values,* *hexadecimal numbers or color keyword names as defined by W3C.* *If rgb or rgba is used, it must be quoted because the comma* *is handled as list separator.* *Examples: "rgb(255,0,0)", "rgba(0,255,0,100)", FF00FF40, green.* .. confval:: scheme.precision.traceValues Default: ``2`` Type: *int* Decimal places of the trace values .. _scheme.colors: .. _scheme.colors.records: .. confval:: scheme.colors.records.eta Default: ``FF0000`` Type: *color* Color of the ETA \(T1 Time\) marker .. confval:: scheme.colors.records.etm Default: ``0000FF`` Type: *color* Color of the ETM \(T3 Time\) marker .. confval:: scheme.colors.records.ot Default: ``FF0000`` Type: *color* Color of the incident origin time bar .. _symbol: .. note:: **symbol.\*** *Define POI symbols.* *These profiles are used automatically and need not be registered.* .. confval:: symbol.shape Default: ``ignore`` Type: *list:string* Default symbol for unknown POI types. .. confval:: symbol.types Type: *list:string* Registration of POI types, no default configuration here. The names must match with the POI types in the acquisition and processing configuration. For instance symbol.types \= buoy, tg .. _symbol.$name: .. note:: **symbol.$name.\*** $name is a placeholder for the name to be used and needs to be added to :confval:`symbol.types` to become active. .. code-block:: sh symbol.types = a,b symbol.a.value1 = ... symbol.b.value1 = ... # c is not active because it has not been added # to the list of symbol.types symbol.c.value1 = ... .. confval:: symbol.$name.shape Type: *list:string* Shape configuration for a symbol type. A shape is defined by a type, a size, a color and a border color separated by commas. Available shape types are circle, triangle, square and image. In case of an image the second parameter specifies the path including the filename. Parameters can be omitted from right to left. A sample configuration may look like: symbol.tg.shape \= image, \@DATADIR\@\/toast\/icons\/tg.png, ffffff .. _systemTray: .. confval:: systemTray.enableNotifications Default: ``true`` Type: *boolean* Display important notifications as balloon messages in the system tray area .. _templates: .. note:: **templates.\*** *Configure template options.* .. _templates.logging: .. note:: **templates.logging.\*** *Template logging options.* .. confval:: templates.logging.stdout Default: ``false`` Type: *boolean* Capture standard out process output. .. _threatLevel: .. note:: **threatLevel.\*** *Define the threat level mapping and corresponding configuration parameters.* *Please consult the documentation at:* *https://docs.gempa.de/toast/current/base/installation.html#threat-level-definition* *for instructions and examples.* *Register the profiles in descending order at 'threatLevels'.* .. confval:: threatLevel.t1TimeOffset Default: ``14400`` Unit: *s* Type: *int* Offset for the T1TimeOffsetPassed variable. This variable can be used in a threat level condition. .. confval:: threatLevel.t2TimeOffset Unit: *s* Type: *int* Offset for the T2TimeOffsetPassed variable. This variable can be used in a threat level condition. .. confval:: threatLevel.t3TimeOffset Unit: *s* Type: *int* Offset for the T3TimeOffsetPassed variable. This variable can be used in a threat level condition. .. confval:: threatLevel.t4TimeOffset Default: ``7200`` Unit: *s* Type: *int* Offset for the T4TimeOffsetPassed variable. This variable can be used in a threat level condition. .. _threatLevel.$name: .. note:: **threatLevel.$name.\*** $name is a placeholder for the name to be used and needs to be added to :confval:`threatLevels` to become active. .. code-block:: sh threatLevels = a,b threatLevel.a.value1 = ... threatLevel.b.value1 = ... # c is not active because it has not been added # to the list of threatLevels threatLevel.c.value1 = ... .. confval:: threatLevel.$name.name Type: *string* The name of the threat level. .. confval:: threatLevel.$name.condition Type: *double* Set the condition as mathematical expression using ExprTk syntax. .. _tsunami: .. _tsunami.database: .. confval:: tsunami.database.loadLastDays Default: ``1`` Unit: *days* Type: *int* Load incidents of the last n days from database. .. confval:: tsunami.database.loadLastDays.logs Default: ``1`` Unit: *days* Type: *int* Load global logs of the last n days from database. Bindings Parameters =================== .. confval:: maxGapTolerance Default: ``3600.0`` Type: *double* Maximum gap in seconds between two records to apply linear interpolation .. confval:: spectrogram Type: *string* Min, max, periods and ranges of the spectrogramview e.g. periods_log\(1000,10000,5,10\) Command-Line Options ==================== .. _Generic: Generic ------- .. option:: -h, --help Show help message. .. option:: -V, --version Show version information. .. option:: --plugins arg Load given plugins. .. _Database: Database -------- .. option:: --db-driver-list List all supported database drivers. .. option:: -d, --database arg The database connection string, format: service:\/\/user:pwd\@host\/database. \"service\" is the name of the database driver which can be queried with \"\-\-db\-driver\-list\". .. option:: --config-module arg The config module to use. .. option:: --inventory-db arg Load the inventory from the given database or file, format: [service:\/\/]location . .. option:: --config-db arg Load the configuration from the given database or file, format: [service:\/\/]location . .. _Messaging: Messaging --------- .. option:: -u, --user arg Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`connection.username`. .. option:: -H, --host arg Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`connection.server`. .. option:: -g, --primary-group arg Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`connection.primaryGroup`. .. option:: -S, --subscribe-group arg A group to subscribe to. This option can be given more than once. .. option:: --start-stop-msg arg Default: ``0`` Set sending of a start and a stop message. .. _Verbosity: Verbosity --------- .. option:: --verbosity arg Verbosity level [0..4]. 0:quiet, 1:error, 2:warning, 3:info, 4:debug. .. option:: -v, --v Increase verbosity level \(may be repeated, eg. \-vv\). .. option:: -q, --quiet Quiet mode: no logging output. .. option:: --component arg Limit the logging to a certain component. This option can be given more than once. .. option:: -s, --syslog Use syslog logging backend. The output usually goes to \/var\/lib\/messages. .. option:: -l, --lockfile arg Path to lock file. .. option:: --console arg Send log output to stdout. .. option:: --debug Execute in debug mode. Equivalent to \-\-verbosity\=4 \-\-console\=1 . .. option:: --log-file arg Use alternative log file.