.. highlight:: rst .. _geowarettt: ########## geowarettt ########## **GSS plugin for Geoware TTT (Tsunami Travel Times) computation** Description =========== The GSS simulation plugin **simgeowarettt** estimates predicted tsunami travel times given an event represented by a point source (epicenter lat/lon). Its output in TOAST comprises arrival lines and times in *Map* view as well as T1 time (exceedance of detection threshold) in *Arrivals* and *Forecast Zones* view. The plugin requires the commercial `TTT (Tsunami Travel Times) `_ software package developed and distributed by `Geoware `_ as backend. A file with the bathymetry has to be provided and configured. The computation comprises several steps. #. First, a binary is executed which ingests the bathymetry file and produces an arrival grid (output file: *result.b*). #. Then an other binary is executed which extracts arrival times from the grid for the locations of the forecast points and the points of interest, that is buoys and tide gauges (output files: *cfp.summary.txt* and *poi.summary.txt*). #. Next a contouring algorithm creates arrival contours which are used for visualization by the TOAST client (output file: *contours.txt*). #. Finally, an optional external script can be configured to further process the generated output on the file system. It can be used for instance to create images or contour lines using external software like GMT (Generic mapping tools) or to copy files to other locations on the file system. See below for more details. Simulation guidance ------------------- The simgeowarettt plugin supports the so-called simulation guidance of TOAST: The simulation which is compatible with the current incident hypocenter is labeled *Yes* in the *Guidance* columnn in simulation details view. It is also marked with a pin in simulation icons view. Whenever the inicident source is changed or new simulations are triggered, the guidance is updated. Guidance updates are reported in the incident log. The context menu on the simulations has the entry: *Set active according guidance*. Note however, that only simulations which are already present are activated, and no new simulations are triggered. Configuration ============= In order to be loaded by the GSS, the *simgeowarettt* plugin needs to be added either in the global module configuration (global.cfg) or in the global section of the gss module (gss.cfg). :: plugins = ${plugins},simgeowarettt The configuration of *simgeowarettt* can be done using :program:`scconfig` :menuselection:`Modules --> gempa --> geowarettt` or by editing the configuration file *geowarettt.cfg*. Area of interest ---------------- The area of interest defines for which area manual and automatic simulations are returned by the simulation backend. No simulations are generated for events outside of this area. It is defined in a bna text file. :: geowareTTT.areaOfInterest = @DATADIR@/simgeowarettt/rtsp.bna .. note:: To show the area of interest in map view, copy or link the bna file to either of two locations: * $SEISCOMP_ROOT/share/bna * ~/.seiscomp/bna Bathymetry ---------- :confval:`geowareTTT.bathymetry` points to the bathymetry file in GMT i2(2 Byte integer) format. Engine ------ :confval:`geowareTTT.binaryTTT` points to the Geoware *ttt* executable file which is used as engine for the simulation. This program computes the arrival grid in GMT format. :confval:`geowareTTT.binaryTTTPick` points to the Geoware *ttt_pick32* execuable which extracts the travel times for specific locations from the computed arrival grid. Forecast points --------------- Forecast point profiles can be registered as follows: :: # Registration of a forecast point profile. geowareTTT.forecastPoints = rtsp For each entry of the list (comma-separated), there has to be a forecast point profile. The profile sets the filename of the forecast point file in DBF format. :: # Absolute filename of the forecast point file in dBase format geowareTTT.forecastPoints.rtsp.filename = /home/data/forecastzones/rtsp/6.3.1/cfp/CFP_Version_2018Mar14.dbf Post processing --------------- The plugin supports to call a post processing script after a simulation has been computed. The script must be executable and can be configured as follows: :: # Absolute filename of an executable script file that is run after a simulation # has been completed. The script is executed in the working directory # of the simulation. geowarettt.postProcessingScript = @DATADIR@/simgeowarettt/scripts/script.sh Use earthquake parameters ------------------------- The plugin only uses latitude and longitude as input for the computation, and thus earthquake magnitude and depth are by default not associated with a simulation. In some uses cases, the user might want to have the association made. Set :confval:`geowareTTT.useEqParams` to *true* to do so. Note that in this case, for every different magnitude or depth a new simulation can be created. Example configuration --------------------- Here is an example configuration (file geowarettt.cfg): :: # Path to Geoware TTT bathymetry file in GMT i2 format(2 byte integer). geowarettt.bathymetry = @DATADIR@/toast/ttt/ttt_topo_10m.i2 # Geoware TTT executable. geowarettt.binaryTTT = @DATADIR@/toast/ttt/ttt32 # Geoware TTT pick executable. geowarettt.binaryTTTPick = @DATADIR@/toast/ttt/ttt_pick32 # Registration of forecast points. geowarettt.forecastPoints = bom_sig, rtsp_2018 # Absolute filename of an executable script file that is run after a simulation # has been completed. geowarettt.postProcessingScript = @DATADIR@/simgeowarettt/scripts/ttt_pp_example.sh # Add earthquake magnitude and depth to the simulation meta data. These # parameters have no effect on the computation, as Geoware TTT only uses # latitude and longitude as input. But for some use cases it might be useful to # have this information associated with the simulation. If true, for every # different magnitude or depth a new simulation can be created. If false, # different magnitude or depth will all result in the same simulation. geowarettt.useEqParams = true # Absolute filename of the forecast point file in dBase format. geowarettt.forecastPoints.bom_fzp.filename = /home/data/forecastzones/bom/2.6/cfp/BOM_forecast_points.dbf # Absolute filename of the forecast point file in dBase format. geowarettt.forecastPoints.bom_sig.filename = /home/data/forecastzones/bom/2.6/cfp/locations_significant_fps.dbf # Absolute filename of the forecast point file in dBase format. geowarettt.forecastPoints.rtsp_2018.filename = /opt/data/forecastzones/rtsp/6.3.1/cfp/CFP_Version_2018Mar14.dbf Output ====== The Geoware TTT simulation plugin produces tsunami arrival times for given locations and an arrival time grid. The arrival time grid is in GMT binary format(4 byte float values). The output directory is usually located at: `~/.seiscomp/gss/geowarettt/output`. A typical simulation directory looks like this: :: `-- 83 `-- 004006S `-- 100102E `-- 83004006S100102E6543c67e7e4a0474c85e96bf11829851ee2ba6 |-- cmd.txt |-- cfp.summary.txt |-- cfp.xy |-- contours.txt |-- maxTime.txt |-- poi.summary.txt |-- poi.xy |-- result.b |-- source.json The first level corresponds to magnitude, the second to latitude, the third to longitude and then follows the unique simulation ID. The different file types contain the following information: cmd.txt contains the executed ttt commands cfp.summary.txt coastal forecast point arrival times file cfp.xy coastal forecast point file used as input for ttt_pick32 contours.txt contains the contour lines maxTime.txt contains the maximum available simulation time poi.summary.txt POI arrival times file poi.xy POI file used as input for ttt_pick32 result.b is the arrival time grid file source.json contains earthquake parameters, e.g., location and magnitude Module Configuration ==================== | :file:`etc/defaults/global.cfg` | :file:`etc/defaults/geowarettt.cfg` | :file:`etc/global.cfg` | :file:`etc/geowarettt.cfg` | :file:`~/.seiscomp/global.cfg` | :file:`~/.seiscomp/geowarettt.cfg` geowarettt inherits :ref:`global options`. .. note:: Modules/plugins may require a license file. The default path to license files is :file:`@DATADIR@/licenses/` which can be overridden by global configuration of the parameter :confval:`gempa.licensePath`. Example: :: gempa.licensePath = @CONFIGDIR@/licenses .. _geowarettt: .. confval:: geowarettt.areaOfInterest Type: *string* Absolute filename of the area of interest file in BNA format. If the earthquake parameters are outside of the recommended range, TOAST displays a warning in the manual simulation dialog. .. confval:: geowarettt.bathymetry Default: ``@DATADIR@/simgeowarettt/ttt_topo_10m.i2`` Type: *string* Path to Geoware TTT bathymetry file in GMT i2 format\(2 byte integer\). .. confval:: geowarettt.binaryTTT Default: ``@DATADIR@/simgeowarettt/ttt32`` Type: *string* Geoware TTT executable. .. confval:: geowarettt.binaryTTTPick Default: ``@DATADIR@/simgeowarettt/ttt_pick32`` Type: *string* Geoware TTT pick executable. .. confval:: geowarettt.forecastPoints Type: *list:string* Registration of forecast points. .. confval:: geowarettt.output Default: ``@CONFIGDIR@/gss/simgeowarettt/output`` Type: *string* Base directory of Geoware TTT outputs. .. confval:: geowarettt.postProcessingScript Type: *string* Absolute filename of an executable script file that is run after a simulation has been completed. .. confval:: geowarettt.region Default: ``-80,0,80,360`` Unit: *degree* Type: *string* Limit tsunami travel time computation to a specific rectangular region. The formal definition is: lat_min,lon_min,lat_max,lon_max. Longitude has to be entered as positive number between 0 and 360. .. confval:: geowarettt.useEqParams Default: ``false`` Type: *boolean* Add earthquake magnitude and depth to the simulation meta data. These parameters have no effect on the computation, as Geoware TTT only uses latitude and longitude as input. But for some use cases it might be useful to have this information associated with the simulation. If true, for every different magnitude or depth a new simulation can be created. If false, different magnitude or depth will all result in the same simulation. .. _geowarettt.forecastPoints: .. _geowarettt.forecastPoints.$name: .. note:: **geowarettt.forecastPoints.$name.\*** $name is a placeholder for the name to be used and needs to be added to :confval:`forecastPoints` to become active. .. code-block:: sh forecastPoints = a,b geowarettt.forecastPoints.a.value1 = ... geowarettt.forecastPoints.b.value1 = ... # c is not active because it has not been added # to the list of forecastPoints geowarettt.forecastPoints.c.value1 = ... .. confval:: geowarettt.forecastPoints.$name.filename Type: *string* Absolute filename of the forecast point file in dBase format.