
Converts SC3 inventory XML to dataless SEED.


inv2dlsv is a simple filter that converts XML from stdin (or a file) to dataless SEED on stdout (or a file). It does not support processing of input XML such as extraction of networks or channels. To accomplish this task, combine inv2dlsv with invextr.


“-” can always be used as filename to refer to the standard input/output channel.


  1. Convert an inventory XML file to a dataless SEED file
inv2dlsv inv.xml inv.seed
  1. Convert an inventory XML file to a compressed dataless SEED file
inv2dlsv inv.xml | gzip > inv.seed.gz
  1. Convert a subset of an inventory XML using invextr.
invextr --chans "*MORC*" inv.xml | inv2dlsv - inv.seed


inv2dlsv [in_xml [out_dataless]]

If in_xml is not given, stdin is used. If out_dataless is not given, stdout is used.