.. highlight:: rst .. _sccnv: ##### sccnv ##### **Converts data in different formats.** Description =========== sccnv reads input given in a supported format, converts the content to another format and writes the output. Use the command-line option :confval:`format-list` for a list of supported formats. Formats ======= Different formats are supported for input and output files. .. csv-table:: :widths: 10, 60, 10, 10 :header: Name, Description, Input, Output :align: left arclink , `Arclink XML `_ , X , X bson , , X , X bson-json , , , X csv , comma-separated values , , X hyp71sum2k , Hypo71 format , , X ims10 , , , X json , `JSON `_ format , X , X qml1.2 , :term:`QuakeML` format , \* , X qml1.2rt , :term:`QuakeML` real time (RT) format , \* , X scdm0.51 , , X , X trunk , SeisComP XML (:term:`SCML`) - :ref:`SCML API ` , X , X **\***: The conversion from files in QuakeML format is not supported by sccnv but can be realized by system tools. Read section :ref:`sec-sccnv-quakeml` for details and instructions. .. _sec-sccnv-quakeml: QuakeML ------- :term:`QuakeML` is used in a variety of flavors involving, e.g., * Using non-standard objects, * PublicID references which are not globally unique, * Missing references to parent objects, * Missing creationInfo parameters. The ability to convert from QuakeML to :term:`SCML` is thus limited and it depends on the parameters provided with the input QuakeML file. However, XSLT stylesheets are provided for mapping the parameters. The files are located in :file:`@DATADIR@/xml/[version]/` for different |scname| data schema versions. The stylesheet files provide information on the mapping and on limitations as well as examples on their application. .. note:: You may find out about the |scname| data schema version using modules along with the command-line option `-V`, e.g., .. code-block:: sh $ sccnv -V The style sheets can be used along with other stylesheet converter tools provided by your system, e.g., :program:`xalan` or :program:`xsltproc`. Examples are given in section :ref:`sec-sccnv-examples`. .. _sec-sccnv-examples: Examples ======== * Print the list of supported formats: .. code-block:: sh $ sccnv --format-list * Convert an event parameter file in :term:`SCML` format to :term:`QuakeML` and store the content in a file: .. code-block:: sh $ sccnv -i seiscomp.xml -o qml1.2:quakeml.xml * Convert an inventory file in Arclink XML format to :term:`SCML` and store the content in a file: .. code-block:: sh $ sccnv -i arclink:Package_inventory.xml -o inventory.sc.xml * Convert an event parameter file in :term:`SCML` format to ims1.0 and store the content in a file: .. code-block:: sh $ sccnv -i trunk:event.xml -o ims10:event.ims * Convert QuakeML in version 1.2 to SCML in data schema version 0.12: .. code-block:: sh $ xsltproc $SEISCOMP_ROOT/share/xml/0.12/quakeml_1.2__sc3ml_0.12.xsl file.quakeml > file_sc.xml Command-Line Options ==================== .. program:: sccnv :program:`sccnv -i format:file -o format:file` sccnv reads the input given in a supported format, converts the content and writes the output in another format. Use the option `format\-list` for a list of supported formats. Generic ------- .. option:: -h, --help Show help message. .. option:: -V, --version Show version information. Verbosity --------- .. option:: -v, --v Increase verbosity level \(may be repeated, eg. \-vv\). .. option:: --debug Execute in debug mode. Equivalent to \-\-verbosity\=4 \-\-console\=1 . Formats ------- .. option:: --format-list List all supported formats Input ----- .. option:: -i, --input arg Input stream [format:][file], default: trunk:\- Output ------ .. option:: -o, --output arg Output stream [format:][file], default trunk:\- .. option:: -f, --formatted Use formatted output .. option:: --indent arg Formatted line indent. Default: 2