Magnitudes ########## Magnitudes are computed based on amplitudes measured from waveforms. Different types of amplitudes and magnitudes are available which are listed in :ref:`scamp` and :ref:`scmag`. Amplitudes ========== Amplitudes can be measured automatically from waveforms * During phase picking by :ref:`scautopick` with generally fixed time windows due to the absence of knowledge about source parameters or by, * :ref:`scamp` as soon as :term:`origins ` are available. Depending on the magnitude type, fixed or distance-dependent time windows apply. and interactively using :ref:`scolv`. Instrument simulation --------------------- Amplitude measurements for some magnitude types require or allow the simulation of instruments such as :py:func:`Wood-Anderson torsion seismometers ` (:cite:t:`richter-1935,uhrhammer-1990`), :py:func:`WWSSN_SP` or :py:func:`WWSSN_LP`. The calibration parameters describing the Wood-Anderson seismometer are configurable in global bindings or global module configuration: :confval:`amplitudes.WoodAnderson.gain`, :confval:`amplitudes.WoodAnderson.T0`, :confval:`amplitudes.WoodAnderson.h`. Specifically, the difference in magnitude due to configuration using original values listed in :cite:t:`richter-1935` and updated ones given in :cite:t:`uhrhammer-1990` result in a constant offset of 0.13 in those magnitudes which apply Wood-Anderson simulation, e.g. :term:`ML `, :term:`MLv `, :term:`MLc `. Station Magnitudes ================== Station magnitudes are computed automatically by :ref:`scmag` or interactively by :ref:`scolv` from measured amplitudes based on distance-dependent calibration curves which depend on magnitude type. Regionalization --------------- The computation of station magnitudes can be regionalized. This means that for a specific region different conditions apply for computing magnitudes. The conditions include calibration curves, distance and depth ranges, etc. Regionalization is achieved by adding magnitude-type profiles in the magnitudes section of global module configuration parameters. Network magnitudes ================== Network magnitudes are computed automatically by :ref:`scmag` or interactively by :ref:`scolv` from station magnitudes based on averaging station magnitudes. The averaging methods applied by :ref:`scmag` are configurable by :ref:`magnitudes.average`. Summary magnitude ================= In order to account for different phenomena related to magnitude computation including magnitude saturation and application of different magnitude types at specific distance and depth ranges of the sources a summary magnitude can be computed by :ref:`scmag` from network magnitudes.