.. _sec-scevalplugin: Plugin: evsceval ================ **evsceval** is a plugin provided by :ref:`sceval` for :cite:t:`scevent`. Description ----------- *evsceval* sets the type and the certainty of an event by: 1. **Comments check:** If the preferred origin of an event contains the *maxGap* comment, the event type is set according to :confval:`sceval.maxGap` unless disabled by configuration. The configured event type may take any string value defined in the `EventType documentation `_. The *maxGap* comment itself is set by *sceval* as configured by :confval:`maxGap`. #. **Percentage check:** The percentage of rejected origins of an event is calculated if the event has no manual origins. If the percentage exceeds :confval:`mismatchScore.rejected`, the event certainty is set to *suspected* unless disabled by configuration. #. **Multiple-agency check:** The plugin tests the agency ID of all origins associated to an event. If the event contains origins with multipls agency IDs defined in :confval:`sceval.multipleAgency.targetAgency` and the origin is neither manual nor the status is *rejected*, *confirmed* or *final*, the origin status is set to the value configured in :confval:`sceval.multipleAgency.originStatus`. The changed origin status can be used as an additional criterion for further processing such as publication on websites or for setting the event type by :cite:t:`scevent`. .. note:: * Setting event type and certainty correctly requires SeisComP in version >= 5.0.0. In lower version, values from manual processing may be overwritten by automatic ones. * Besides *evsceval*, :cite:t:`scevent` can load other plugins such as *evrc* that comes with *scevent*. If other plugins also set the event type, the event type is overwritten in the order of which the plugins are configured and loaded by *scevent*. Setup ----- The *evsceval* plugin is configured in the module configuration of :cite:t:`scevent`. To make the plugin available add the plugin *evsceval* to the plugins parameter. The plugins are executed in the order of configuration. In case of multiple listings in :file:`global.cfg` or :file:`scevent.cfg` only the first occurrence is considered. Thus, if other plugins exist which set event parameters, the order determines the priority. Adjust :file:`scevent.cfg`: 1. Load the *evsceval* plugin: Add to the global configuration or to the global configuration of *scevent* in the order of priority. .. code-block:: params plugins = ${plugins}, evsceval sceval.setEventType = true #. Configure :confval:`sceval.maxGap` defining the event type set if the preferred origin of an event has a *maxGap* comment. *sceval* sets the maxGap comment if the GAP criterion is met. Currently supported value are listed as string values in the `EventType documentation `_. .. code-block:: sh sceval.maxGap = "not locatable" #. Configure :confval:`sceval.rejected` to set the event certainty. .. code-block:: params sceval.rejected = 25 #. Configure the parameters related to the multiple-agency check. .. code-block:: params sceval.multipleAgency.targetAgency = agency, agency1 sceval.multipleAgency.originStatus = reported .. note:: *scevent* fails to set the event type if the *evsceval* plugin is loaded but :confval:`sceval.maxGap` is not defined. The plugin overwrites the event type set before. The type of events which have manual origins will not be changed.