Global parameters

The SeisComP configuration uses a unified schema to configure modules. Modules which use the SeisComP libraries can read this configuration directly and share global configuration options like messaging connections, database configurations, logging and much more. There are still some modules that do not use the libraries and are called standalone modules such as seedlink and slarchive. They need wrappers to generate their native configuration when seiscomp update-config is run.

Global parameters can be used by many modules. Thus multiple configuration can be avoided. The parameters are read from file in the following order:

  1. @SYSTEMCONFIGDIR@/global.cfg

  2. @CONFIGDIR@/global.cfg

Parameters from @CONFIGDIR@ override parameters from @SYSTEMCONFIGDIR@.

Most trunk modules read the configuration from the global configuration which can be overridden by the module configuration. Read the concept section on modules and the concept section on the configuration for more details.

Though it is easy to create the configuration by directly editing the configuration files, it is even more convenient to use a graphical configuration tool. SeisComP ships with scconfig, a graphical configuration and management tool which makes it easy to maintain module configurations and station bindings even for large networks. It has built-in functionality to check the state of all registered modules and to start and stop them.

The configuration is divided into three parts: stations, modules and bindings.

Station meta data

Station meta-data is a fundamental requirement for a seismic processing system and for SeisComP. Read the inventory section in concepts for more details.


The concepts of modules and their configuration is described in the concepts section.


Bindings provide specific configurations per module and station and even stream. Read the bindings section in concepts for more details on bindings.


Extensions add new configuration options to modules. It does not matter how those extensions are used. Commonly a module loads a plugin, which requires additional configuration parameters - these are provided by an extension.

There are currently extensions for the following modules, corresponding to the plugins shown:

See the documentation for each module for further information about its extensions.

Module Configuration


Default: GFZ

Type: string

Agency ID used to set creationInfo.agencyID in data model objects. Should not contain spaces.


Type: string

Datacenter ID which is primarily used by Arclink and its tools. Should not contain spaces.


Default: Unset

Type: string

Organization name used mainly by ArcLink and SeedLink.


Default: @appname@@@@hostname@

Type: string

Author name used to set in data model objects. @appname@ is replaced by the name of the respective executable, @hostname@ by the name of the computer on which it runs.


Type: list:string

List of plugins loaded at startup. Separate multiple names by comma. Add ${plugins} to consider all previously read values.


Type: string

Path to the cities XML file. If undefined, the data is read from "@CONFIGDIR@/cities.xml" or "@DATADIR@/cities.xml". SeisComP ships with "@DATADIR@/cities.xml".


Type: boolean

Load cities from file configured by the "cityXML" parameter. GUI and map applications enable loading of cities by default considering the parameter "".


Type: boolean

Load custom FEP (Flinn-Engdahl polygon) regions from "@CONFIGDIR@/fep/" or @DATADIR@/fep/". GUI and map applications and scevent enable FEP regions by default. Explicitly uncheck the option to disregard by these applications.


Default: @classname@/@time/%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%f@.@id@

Type: string

Define a custom pattern for generation of public object IDs. The following variables are resolved: @classname@ (class name of object), @id@ (public object count), @globalid@ (general object count), @time@ (current time, use ‘/’ to supply custom format e.g. @time/%FT%T.%fZ@


Default: trunk

Type: string

Name of the configuration module.


Type: string

Define the database connection. If no database is configured (which is the default) and a messaging connection is available, the application will receive the parameters after the connection is established. Override these values only if you know what you are doing.

The format is: service://user:pwd@host/database. "service" is the name of the database driver which can be queried with "--db-driver-list". IMPORTANT: This parameter replaces former "database.type" and "database.parameters" which have been removed.


Type: string

SeisComP applications access waveform data through the RecordStream interface. Read the SeisComP documentation for a list of supported services and their configuration.

This parameter configures RecordStream source URL.

Format: [service://]location[#type]

"service": The name of the RecordStream implementation. If not given, "file://" is implied.

IMPORTANT: This parameter replaces former RecordStream configurations in "recordstream.service" and "recordstream.source" which have been removed.


logging.* Control the logging of SeisComP applications. The log information are written to log files per modules as “@CONFIGDIR@/log/[module].log”.


Default: 2

Type: int

Values: 1,2,3,4´

Set the logging level between 1 and 4 where 1=ERROR, 2=WARNING, 3=INFO and 4=DEBUG.


Default: false

Type: boolean

Enable logging to syslog if supported by the host system.


Type: list:string

Limit the logging to the specified list of components. Example: ‘Application, Server’.


Type: boolean

For each log entry print the component right after the log level. By default, the component output is enabled for file output but disabled for console output.


Default: false

Type: boolean

For each log entry print the source file name and line number.


Type: boolean

Use UTC instead of local time in logging timestamps.


Default: true

Type: boolean

Enable rotation of log files.


Default: 86400

Unit: s

Type: int

Time span after which a log file is rotated.


Default: 7

Type: int

The maximum number of historic log files to keep.


Default: 104857600

Unit: byte

Type: int

The maximum size of a log file in byte. The default value is 100 megabyte. If a log file exceeds that size, then it is rotated. To disable the size limit give 0 or a negative value.


Default: 60

Unit: s

Type: int

Time span for counting input/output of objects.


Default: local0

Type: string

Define the syslog facility to be used according to the defined facility names in syslog.h. The default is local0. If the given name is invalid or not available, initializing logging will fail and the application quits.


Default: localhost

Type: host-with-port

Define the URL of the messaging server to connect to. URL format is [scheme://]host[:port][/queue]. Default scheme: scmp, default port: 18180, default queue: production. Examples:

All default: localhost

Specific host: scmp://

Specific host and SSL encryption: scmps://


Type: string

Define the username to be used. The length is maybe limited by the messaging system used. By default, the module name (name of the executable) is used but sometimes it exceeds the 10 character limit and access is denied. To prevent errors set a different username. An empty username will let the system to generate one.


Type: string

Define the OpenSSL client certificate to be used. Path to OpenSSL certificate in PKCS 12 format or the prefix "data:" followed by the Base64 encoded certificate data.


Default: 3

Unit: s

Type: int

The connection timeout in seconds. 3 seconds are normally more than enough. If a client needs to connect to a remote system with a slow connection, a larger timeout might be needed.


Type: string

Define the primary group of a module. This is the name of the group where a module sends its messages to if the target group is not explicitly given in the send call.


Default: binary

Type: string

Define the message encoding for sending. Allowed values are "binary", "json" or "xml". XML has more overhead in processing but is more robust when schema versions between client and server are different.


Type: list:string

Define a list of message groups to subscribe to. The default is usually given by the application and does not need to be changed.


database.* Define the database connection. If no database is configured (which is the default) and a messaging connection is available, the application will receive the parameters after the connection is established. Override these values only if you know what you are doing.


Type: string

Load the inventory database from a given XML file if set. This overrides the inventory definitions loaded from the database backend.


Type: string

Load the configuration database from a given XML file if set. This overrides the configuration definitions loaded from the database backend.


processing.* Filter the objects for processing according to parameter values.


Type: list:string

Define a whitelist of agency IDs corresponding to "agencyID" that are allowed for processing. Objects from all other agencies will be ignored. Separate items by comma.


Type: list:string

Define a blacklist of agency IDs corresponding to "agencyID" that are not allowed for processing. Separate items by comma.


inventory.* Filter the considered inventory according to parameter values.


Type: list:string

List of network types to include when loading the inventory. All other types will be ignored. Separate items by comma.


Type: list:string

List of station types to include when loading the inventory. All other types will be ignored. Separate items by comma.


Type: list:string

List of network types to exclude when loading the inventory. Separate items by comma.


Type: list:string

List of station types to exclude when loading the inventory. Separate items by comma.


Type: path

Path to crash handler script.


Default: dbmysql

Type: list:string

Define a list of core modules loaded at startup.


Default: false

Type: boolean

Enable sending of an application start- and stop message to the STATUS_GROUP.


Default: false

Type: boolean

Enable automatic application shutdown triggered by a status message.


Type: string

Trigger shutdown if the module name of the received messages match.


Type: string

Trigger shutdown if the user name of the received messages match.


commands.* Control the handling of command messages.

Type: string

A regular expression of all clients that should handle a command message usually send to the GUI messaging group. Currently this flag is only used by GUI applications to set an artificial origin and to tell other clients to show this origin. To let all connected clients handle the command, ".*$" can be used.


ttt.* Configure interfaces to travel-time tables (travel-time interfaces). Built-in interfaces are LOCSAT, libtau and homogeneous. For each loaded interface the supported tables must be provided.


ttt.$name.* $name is a placeholder for the name to be used.


Type: list:string

The list of supported table (model) names per interface.


amplitudes.* Parameters for amplitude measurements.


Type: list:string

Definition of amplitude aliases for deriving new amplitude types from an existing amplitude. Separate multiple entries by comma.



Examples for deriving an amplitude of new type ABC from MLv:


Alias amplitudes can be configured like any other amplitude and used for any alias magnitude.


Default: false

Type: boolean

Compute ML peak-to-trough and mb amplitudes according to IASPEI recommendations.

For Ms(BB) amplitudes check that the dominant period of the signal is within the valid range (3, 60). The period range may be set in a Ms(BB) amplitude profile in global bindings.


amplitudes.$name.* $name is a placeholder for the name to be used.


Default: false

Type: boolean

If enabled then also stations with unused (disabled) arrivals are considerd for amplitude and implicitly magnitude computations, e.g. by scamp, scmag and scolv.


amplitudes.ttt.* Travel time table specific parameters to be used for the computation of travel times referred to in signal and noise time window specifications, e.g. “signalBegin”. This can be overridden per station in its bindings.


Default: libtau

Type: string

No description available


Default: iasp91

Type: string

No description available


amplitudes.WoodAnderson.* Parameters of the Wood-Anderson seismometer response used for instrument simulation. The default values are according to Uhrhammer and Collins (1990) and were part of the IASPEI Magnitude Working Group recommendations of 2011 September 9.


Default: 2080

Type: double

The gain of the Wood-Anderson response.


Default: 0.8

Unit: s

Type: double

The eigenperiod of the Wood-Anderson seismometer.


Default: 0.7

Type: double

The damping constant of the Wood-Anderson seismometer.


magnitudes.* Parameters for computing magnitudes. Add magnitude regionalization and mapping to Mw by magnitude-type profiles. One profile corresponds to one magnitude type.


Type: list:string

Definition of magnitude aliases for deriving new magnitude types from existing magnitude and amplitude types. Separate multiple entries by comma.



OriginalAmplitudeType is optional. The default amplitude type applies if OriginalAmplitudeType is undefined.

Examples for deriving magnitude of new type ABC from MLv:



Alias magnitudes can be configured like any other magnitude and used together with any original or alias amplitudes.


magnitudes.$name.* Regionalization of magnitude configurations overriding global bindings. For parameters which are not set, the values defined in bindings apply. $name is a placeholder for the name to be used.


Type: list:string

Mw magnitude mapping table for estimating Mw from network magnitude M. Mw values are given at some M.

Format: "M0:Mw0, M1:Mw1, …".

Between two values of M, Mw values will be linearly interpolated but not extrapolated.


Type: path

Path to a geofeature file, e.g. in BNA or GeoJSON format, with one or more polygons defining geographic regions. Each region allows further magnitude parametrization. The order of polygons/regions matters. The list is tested from front to back and the first hit wins. Magnitude-region profiles refer to the polygons by the name of the profile. The special name "world" must not be present in the geofeature file.


magnitudes.$name.region.* Add magnitude region profiles for regions defined by polygons in the geofeature file of regionFile. Profile names must match one polygon name. Otherwise, the profile is not considered. The special name “world” corresponds to the region of the entire planet as a fallback.


magnitudes.$name.region.$name.* $name is a placeholder for the name to be used.


Default: false

Type: boolean

Enable the region or not.


Unit: deg

Type: double

The minimum distance required to compute a magnitude. This settings has no effect with e.g. scautopick as there is no information about the source of the event to compute the distance. The default value is implementation specific.


Unit: deg

Type: double

The maximum distance allowed to compute a magnitude. This settings has no effect with e.g. scautopick as there is no information about the source of the event to compute the distance. The default value is implementation specific.


Unit: km

Type: double

The minimum depth required to compute a magnitude. This settings has no effect with e.g. scautopick as there is no information about the source of the event to retrieve the depth. The default value is implementation specific.


Unit: km

Type: double

The maximum depth allowed to compute a magnitude. This settings has no effect with e.g. scautopick as there is no information about the source of the event to retrieve the depth. The default value is implementation specific.


Default: source

Type: string

Define how the region check is performed to accept a source receiver pair for further processing. Allowed values are:

source: Only the source/origin must be within the region.

source-receiver: Both source/origin and receiver/station must be within the region.

raypath: The entire path between source/origin and receiver/station must be withing the region.


Type: double

Linear part of the default station correction for this region.


Type: double

Constant part of the default station correction for this region.

Bindings Parameters


Type: string

The sensor location code of the preferred stream used e.g. by scautopick and scrttv.


Type: string

The channel code of the preferred stream used by e.g. scautopick and scrttv. If no component code is given, the vertical component will be fetched from inventory considering the channel orientation (azimuth, dip). If that approach fails, ‘Z’ will be appended and used as fallback. Do not use regular expressions!


amplitudes.* Define general parameters for amplitudes of a certain type. Create amplitude type profiles to define the time windows, minimum signal-to-noise ratio, amplitude thresholds and restitution for measuring amplitudes of a certain type.


Default: false

Unit: counts; %

Type: string

Define the saturation threshold for the optional saturation check. By default, the saturation check is disabled but giving a value above 0 will enable it. Waveforms with raw amplitudes above the threshold will then be considered saturated and not used for amplitude calculations.

This value can either be an absolute value of counts such as "100000" counts or a relative value (optionally in percent) with respect to the number of effective bits, e.g., "0.8@23" or "80%@23". The first and the second version represent 0.8 * 2**23 and 80/100 * 2**23, respectively, which is the same.

The boolean value "false" explicitly disables the check.


Default: true

Type: boolean

Define if amplitude calculation is enabled. If disabled, this station will be skipped for amplitudes and magnitudes.


Default: false

Type: boolean

Activate deconvolution for this station. If no responses are configured, an error is raised and the data is not processed. This flag will be overridden by the type specific flag (see GlobalAmplitudeProfile).


amplitudes.$name.* An amplitude profile configures global parameters for a particular amplitude type. The available amplitude types are not fixed and can be extended by plugins. The name of the type must match the one defined in the corresponding AmplitudeProcessor. $name is a placeholder for the name to be used.


Default: false

Unit: counts; %

Type: string

Define the saturation threshold for the optional saturation check. By default, the saturation check is disabled but giving a value above 0 will enable it. Waveforms with raw amplitudes above the threshold will then be considered saturated and not used for amplitude calculations.

This value can either be an absolute value of counts such as "100000" counts or a relative value (optionally in percent) with respect to the number of effective bits, e.g., "0.8@23" or "80%@23". The first and the second version represent 0.8 * 2**23 and 80/100 * 2**23, respectively, which is the same.

The boolean value "false" explicitly disables the check.


Default: true

Type: boolean

Define if amplitude calculation of certain type is enabled.


Default: false

Type: boolean

Activate deconvolution for this amplitude type. If not set, the global flag "amplitudes.enableResponses" will be used instead.


Type: double

Define the minimum SNR to be reached to compute the amplitudes. This value is amplitude type specific and has no global default value.


Unit: s

Type: double

Override the default time (relative to the trigger time) of the begin of the noise window used to compute the noise offset and noise amplitude. Each amplitude processor sets its own noise time window and this option should only be changed if you know what you are doing.


Unit: s

Type: double

Override the default time (relative to the trigger time) of the end of the noise window used to compute the noise offset and noise amplitude. Each amplitude processor sets its own noise time window and this option should only be changed if you know what you are doing.


Unit: s

Type: double

Override the default time (relative to the trigger time) of the begin of the signal window used to compute the final amplitude. Each amplitude processor sets its own signal time window and this option should only be changed if you know what you are doing.


Unit: s

Type: double

Override the default time (relative to the trigger time) of the end of the signal window used to compute the final amplitude. Each amplitude processor sets its own signal time window and this option should only be changed if you know what you are doing.


Unit: deg

Type: double

The minimum distance required to compute an amplitude. This settings has no effect with e.g. scautopick as there is no information about the source of the event to compute the distance. The default value is implementation specific.


Unit: deg

Type: double

The maximum distance allowed to compute an amplitude. This settings has no effect with e.g. scautopick as there is no information about the source of the event to compute the distance. The default value is implementation specific.


Unit: km

Type: double

The minimum depth required to compute an amplitude. This settings has no effect with e.g. scautopick as there is no information about the source of the event to retrieve the depth. The default value is implementation specific.


Unit: km

Type: double

The maximum depth allowed to compute an amplitude. This settings has no effect with e.g. scautopick as there is no information about the source of the event to retrieve the depth. The default value is implementation specific.


Default: true

Type: boolean

Control if the amplitude calculation should be regionalized or not. The regions and their configuration are taken from the corresponding magnitude profiles. If regionalization is activate, then e.g. modules without origin information will not be able to compute an amplitude as the origin is required to determine the effective settings.

If amplitudes for this particular type shall be computed regardless of any defined regions, set this parameter to false.


amplitudes.$name.resp.* Several parameters if usage of full responses is enabled.


Default: 5

Unit: s

Define the length of the taper at either side of the waveform. The length will be added to the data request: start - taper and end + taper.


Default: 0.00833333

Unit: Hz

After data are converted in to the frequency domain that minimum frequency defines the end of the left-side cosine taper for the frequency spectrum. The taper applies from 0 Hz to {minFreq} Hz. A value of 0 or lower disables that taper.


Default: 0

Unit: Hz

After data are converted in to the frequency domain that maximum frequency defines the start of the right-side cosine taper for the frequency spectrum. The taper applies from {maxFreq} Hz to {fNyquist} Hz. A value of 0 or lower disables that taper.


amplitudes.resp.* Several parameters if usage of full responses is enabled. The parameters of this group will be overridden by type specific settings if given (see GlobalAmplitudeProfile).


Default: 5

Unit: s

Define the length of the taper at either side of the waveform. The length will be added to the data request: start - taper and end + taper.


Default: 0.00833333

Unit: Hz

The minimum frequency of the considered spectrum.

After data is converted into the frequency domain that minimum frequency defines the end of the left-side cosine taper applied to the spectrum. The taper applies from 0 Hz to {minFreq} Hz. A value of 0 or lower disables that taper.


Default: 0

Unit: Hz

The maximum frequency of the considered spectrum.

After data are converted in to the frequency domain that maximum frequency defines the start of the right-side cosine taper applied to the spectrum. The taper applies from {maxFreq} Hz to {fNyquist} Hz. A value of 0 or lower disables that taper.


amplitudes.ttt.* Travel time table specific parameters to be used for the computation of travel times referred to in signal and noise time window specifications, e.g. “signalBegin”.


Default: libtau

Type: string

No description available


Default: iasp91

Type: string

No description available


amplitudes.WoodAnderson.* Parameters of the Wood-Anderson seismometer response used for instrument simulation. The default values are according to Uhrhammer and Collins (1990) and were part of the IASPEI Magnitude Working Group recommendations of 2011 September 9.


Default: 2080

Type: double

The gain of the Wood-Anderson response.


Default: 0.8

Unit: s

Type: double

The eigenperiod of the Wood-Anderson seismometer.


Default: 0.7

Type: double

The damping constant of the Wood-Anderson seismometer.


magnitudes.* Define magnitude parameters independent of amplitude-type profiles. For magnitude correction parameters, e.g., network of station corrections, create a magnitude type profile.


magnitudes.$name.* A magnitude profile configures global parameters for a particular magnitude type. The available magnitude types are not fixed and can be extended by plugins. The name of the type must match the one defined in the corresponding MagnitudeProcessor. $name is a placeholder for the name to be used.


Default: 1

Type: list:string

Part of the magnitude station correction. The final magnitude value is multiplier*M+offset. This value can be regionalized with name-value pairs. The name is the name of the region. Without a name the value is the default without regionalization. Example: "1.0, regionA: 0.9, regionB: 1.1".


Default: 0

Type: list:string

Part of the magnitude station correction. The final magnitude value is multiplier*M+offset. This value can be regionalized with name-value pairs. The name is the name of the region. Without a name the value is the default without regionalization. Example: "0.0, regionA: -0.1, regionB: 0.2".


picker.* Parameters controlling the second-stage picker for re-picking P phases after an initial detection.


picker.AIC.* AIC picker is an implementation using the simple non-AR algorithm of Maeda (1985), see paper of Zhang et al. (2003) in BSSA. The picker interface name to be used in configuration files, e.g. of scautopick, is “AIC”.


Default: 0

Unit: s

Type: double

Override the relative data acquisition time (relative to the triggering pick). This adds a margin to the actual processing and is useful to initialize the filter (Example: bandpass). The data is not used at all until signalBegin is reached. The data time window start is the minimum of noiseBegin and signalBegin.


Default: -30

Unit: s

Type: double

Override the default time (relative to the trigger time) of the begin of the signal window used to pick.


Default: 10

Unit: s

Type: double

Override the default time (relative to the trigger time) of the begin of the signal window used to pick.


Type: string

Override the default filter which is "raw". The typical filter grammar can be used.


Default: 3

Type: double

Mininum SNR as returned from AIC for accepting picks.


picker.BK.* Bkpicker is an implementation of the Baer/Kradolfer picker adapted to SeisComP. It was created by converting Manfred Baers from FORTRAN to C++ and inserting it as a replacement for the picker algorithm. The picker interface name to be used in configuration files, e.g. of scautopick,is “BK”.


Default: 0

Unit: s

Type: double

Override the relative data acquisition time (relative to the triggering pick). This adds a margin to the actual processing and is useful to initialize the filter (Example: bandpass). The data is not used at all until signalBegin is reached. The data time window start is the minimum of noiseBegin and signalBegin.


Default: -20

Unit: s

Type: double

Override the default time (relative to the trigger time) of the begin of the signal window used to pick.


Default: 80

Unit: s

Type: double

Override the default time (relative to the trigger time) of the begin of the signal window used to pick.


Default: BP

Type: string

BP (bandpass) is currently the only option.


Default: 2

Type: int

Number of poles.


Default: 5

Unit: Hz

Type: double

Bandpass lower cutoff freq. in Hz.


Default: 20

Unit: Hz

Type: double

Bandpass upper cutoff freq. in Hz.


Default: 10

Type: double

Threshold to trigger for pick (c.f. paper), default 10


Default: 20

Type: double

Threshold for updating sigma (c.f. paper), default 20


spicker.* Parameters controlling the secondary picker. Example: for picking S phases.


spicker.L2.* L2 is an algorithm to pick S-phases based on existing P-phases. It works by creating the L2 norm of the two filtered horizontal components and then running the `detecFilter` on the L2 trace to find the S pick. Finally AIC is applied around the detected pick time to refine the detection. The picker name to be used in configuration files is “S-L2”.


Default: -10

Unit: s

Type: double

Override the relative data processing start time (relative to the triggering pick). This adds a margin to the actual processing and is useful to initialize the filter (Example: bandpass). The data is not used at all until signalBegin is reached. The data time window start is the minimum of noiseBegin and signalBegin.


Default: 0

Unit: s

Type: double

Override the relative start time (relative to the triggering pick) of the begin of the signal processing.


Default: 60

Unit: s

Type: double

Override the relative end time (relative to the triggering pick) of the end of the signal window used to pick.


Default: BW(4,0.3,1.0)

Type: string

Configure the filter used to process the horizontal components traces before computing the L2-norm.


Default: STALTA(1,10)

Type: string

Configure the detector filter applied on the filtered L2 trace.


Default: 3

Type: double

The detector threshold that triggers the AIC picker.


Default: 0

Unit: s

Type: double

The time correction added to the detection time before AIC time window is computed.


Default: 5

Unit: s

Type: double

The AIC time window around the detection used to pick. If 0, AIC is not used.


Default: 15

Type: double

Minimum SNR as returned from AIC for accepting picks.


spicker.V.* This S-picker works similarly to L2 but it only uses the vertical component to pick S-phases. The picker name to be used in configuration files is “S-V”.


Default: -10

Unit: s

Type: double

Override the relative data processing start time (relative to the triggering pick). This adds a margin to the actual processing and is useful to initialize the filter (Example: bandpass). The data is not used at all until signalBegin is reached. The data time window start is the minimum of noiseBegin and signalBegin.


Default: 0

Unit: s

Type: double

Override the relative start time (relative to the triggering pick) of the begin of the signal processing.


Default: 60

Unit: s

Type: double

Override the relative end time (relative to the triggering pick) of the end of the signal window used to pick.


Default: BW(4,0.3,1.0)

Type: string

Configure the filter used to process the raw vertical component data.


Default: STALTA(1,10)

Type: string

Configure the detector filter applied on filtered data.


Default: 3

Type: double

The detector threshold that triggers the AIC picker.


Default: 0

Unit: s

Type: double

The time correction added to the detection time before AIC time window is computed.


Default: 5

Unit: s

Type: double

The AIC time window around the detection used to pick. If 0, AIC is not used.


Default: 15

Type: double

Define the mininum SNR as returned from AIC.


Type: string

The sensor location code of the preferred stream used e.g. by scautopick and scrttv.


Type: string

The channel code of the preferred stream used by e.g. scautopick and scrttv. If no component code is given, the vertical component will be fetched from inventory considering the channel orientation (azimuth, dip). If that approach fails, ‘Z’ will be appended and used as fallback. Do not use regular expressions!


amplitudes.* Define general parameters for amplitudes of a certain type. Create amplitude type profiles to define the time windows, minimum signal-to-noise ratio, amplitude thresholds and restitution for measuring amplitudes of a certain type.


Default: false

Unit: counts; %

Type: string

Define the saturation threshold for the optional saturation check. By default, the saturation check is disabled but giving a value above 0 will enable it. Waveforms with raw amplitudes above the threshold will then be considered saturated and not used for amplitude calculations.

This value can either be an absolute value of counts such as "100000" counts or a relative value (optionally in percent) with respect to the number of effective bits, e.g., "0.8@23" or "80%@23". The first and the second version represent 0.8 * 2**23 and 80/100 * 2**23, respectively, which is the same.

The boolean value "false" explicitly disables the check.


Default: true

Type: boolean

Define if amplitude calculation is enabled. If disabled, this station will be skipped for amplitudes and magnitudes.


Default: false

Type: boolean

Activate deconvolution for this station. If no responses are configured, an error is raised and the data is not processed. This flag will be overridden by the type specific flag (see GlobalAmplitudeProfile).


amplitudes.$name.* An amplitude profile configures global parameters for a particular amplitude type. The available amplitude types are not fixed and can be extended by plugins. The name of the type must match the one defined in the corresponding AmplitudeProcessor. $name is a placeholder for the name to be used.


Default: false

Unit: counts; %

Type: string

Define the saturation threshold for the optional saturation check. By default, the saturation check is disabled but giving a value above 0 will enable it. Waveforms with raw amplitudes above the threshold will then be considered saturated and not used for amplitude calculations.

This value can either be an absolute value of counts such as "100000" counts or a relative value (optionally in percent) with respect to the number of effective bits, e.g., "0.8@23" or "80%@23". The first and the second version represent 0.8 * 2**23 and 80/100 * 2**23, respectively, which is the same.

The boolean value "false" explicitly disables the check.


Default: true

Type: boolean

Define if amplitude calculation of certain type is enabled.


Default: false

Type: boolean

Activate deconvolution for this amplitude type. If not set, the global flag "amplitudes.enableResponses" will be used instead.


Type: double

Define the minimum SNR to be reached to compute the amplitudes. This value is amplitude type specific and has no global default value.


Unit: s

Type: double

Override the default time (relative to the trigger time) of the begin of the noise window used to compute the noise offset and noise amplitude. Each amplitude processor sets its own noise time window and this option should only be changed if you know what you are doing.


Unit: s

Type: double

Override the default time (relative to the trigger time) of the end of the noise window used to compute the noise offset and noise amplitude. Each amplitude processor sets its own noise time window and this option should only be changed if you know what you are doing.


Unit: s

Type: double

Override the default time (relative to the trigger time) of the begin of the signal window used to compute the final amplitude. Each amplitude processor sets its own signal time window and this option should only be changed if you know what you are doing.


Unit: s

Type: double

Override the default time (relative to the trigger time) of the end of the signal window used to compute the final amplitude. Each amplitude processor sets its own signal time window and this option should only be changed if you know what you are doing.


Unit: deg

Type: double

The minimum distance required to compute an amplitude. This settings has no effect with e.g. scautopick as there is no information about the source of the event to compute the distance. The default value is implementation specific.


Unit: deg

Type: double

The maximum distance allowed to compute an amplitude. This settings has no effect with e.g. scautopick as there is no information about the source of the event to compute the distance. The default value is implementation specific.


Unit: km

Type: double

The minimum depth required to compute an amplitude. This settings has no effect with e.g. scautopick as there is no information about the source of the event to retrieve the depth. The default value is implementation specific.


Unit: km

Type: double

The maximum depth allowed to compute an amplitude. This settings has no effect with e.g. scautopick as there is no information about the source of the event to retrieve the depth. The default value is implementation specific.


Default: true

Type: boolean

Control if the amplitude calculation should be regionalized or not. The regions and their configuration are taken from the corresponding magnitude profiles. If regionalization is activate, then e.g. modules without origin information will not be able to compute an amplitude as the origin is required to determine the effective settings.

If amplitudes for this particular type shall be computed regardless of any defined regions, set this parameter to false.


amplitudes.$name.resp.* Several parameters if usage of full responses is enabled.


Default: 5

Unit: s

Define the length of the taper at either side of the waveform. The length will be added to the data request: start - taper and end + taper.


Default: 0.00833333

Unit: Hz

After data are converted in to the frequency domain that minimum frequency defines the end of the left-side cosine taper for the frequency spectrum. The taper applies from 0 Hz to {minFreq} Hz. A value of 0 or lower disables that taper.


Default: 0

Unit: Hz

After data are converted in to the frequency domain that maximum frequency defines the start of the right-side cosine taper for the frequency spectrum. The taper applies from {maxFreq} Hz to {fNyquist} Hz. A value of 0 or lower disables that taper.


amplitudes.resp.* Several parameters if usage of full responses is enabled. The parameters of this group will be overridden by type specific settings if given (see GlobalAmplitudeProfile).


Default: 5

Unit: s

Define the length of the taper at either side of the waveform. The length will be added to the data request: start - taper and end + taper.


Default: 0.00833333

Unit: Hz

The minimum frequency of the considered spectrum.

After data is converted into the frequency domain that minimum frequency defines the end of the left-side cosine taper applied to the spectrum. The taper applies from 0 Hz to {minFreq} Hz. A value of 0 or lower disables that taper.


Default: 0

Unit: Hz

The maximum frequency of the considered spectrum.

After data are converted in to the frequency domain that maximum frequency defines the start of the right-side cosine taper applied to the spectrum. The taper applies from {maxFreq} Hz to {fNyquist} Hz. A value of 0 or lower disables that taper.


amplitudes.ttt.* Travel time table specific parameters to be used for the computation of travel times referred to in signal and noise time window specifications, e.g. “signalBegin”.


Default: libtau

Type: string

No description available


Default: iasp91

Type: string

No description available


amplitudes.WoodAnderson.* Parameters of the Wood-Anderson seismometer response used for instrument simulation. The default values are according to Uhrhammer and Collins (1990) and were part of the IASPEI Magnitude Working Group recommendations of 2011 September 9.


Default: 2080

Type: double

The gain of the Wood-Anderson response.


Default: 0.8

Unit: s

Type: double

The eigenperiod of the Wood-Anderson seismometer.


Default: 0.7

Type: double

The damping constant of the Wood-Anderson seismometer.


magnitudes.* Define magnitude parameters independent of amplitude-type profiles. For magnitude correction parameters, e.g., network of station corrections, create a magnitude type profile.


magnitudes.$name.* A magnitude profile configures global parameters for a particular magnitude type. The available magnitude types are not fixed and can be extended by plugins. The name of the type must match the one defined in the corresponding MagnitudeProcessor. $name is a placeholder for the name to be used.


Default: 1

Type: list:string

Part of the magnitude station correction. The final magnitude value is multiplier*M+offset. This value can be regionalized with name-value pairs. The name is the name of the region. Without a name the value is the default without regionalization. Example: "1.0, regionA: 0.9, regionB: 1.1".


Default: 0

Type: list:string

Part of the magnitude station correction. The final magnitude value is multiplier*M+offset. This value can be regionalized with name-value pairs. The name is the name of the region. Without a name the value is the default without regionalization. Example: "0.0, regionA: -0.1, regionB: 0.2".


picker.* Parameters controlling the second-stage picker for re-picking P phases after an initial detection.


picker.AIC.* AIC picker is an implementation using the simple non-AR algorithm of Maeda (1985), see paper of Zhang et al. (2003) in BSSA. The picker interface name to be used in configuration files, e.g. of scautopick, is “AIC”.


Default: 0

Unit: s

Type: double

Override the relative data acquisition time (relative to the triggering pick). This adds a margin to the actual processing and is useful to initialize the filter (Example: bandpass). The data is not used at all until signalBegin is reached. The data time window start is the minimum of noiseBegin and signalBegin.


Default: -30

Unit: s

Type: double

Override the default time (relative to the trigger time) of the begin of the signal window used to pick.


Default: 10

Unit: s

Type: double

Override the default time (relative to the trigger time) of the begin of the signal window used to pick.


Type: string

Override the default filter which is "raw". The typical filter grammar can be used.


Default: 3

Type: double

Mininum SNR as returned from AIC for accepting picks.


picker.BK.* Bkpicker is an implementation of the Baer/Kradolfer picker adapted to SeisComP. It was created by converting Manfred Baers from FORTRAN to C++ and inserting it as a replacement for the picker algorithm. The picker interface name to be used in configuration files, e.g. of scautopick,is “BK”.


Default: 0

Unit: s

Type: double

Override the relative data acquisition time (relative to the triggering pick). This adds a margin to the actual processing and is useful to initialize the filter (Example: bandpass). The data is not used at all until signalBegin is reached. The data time window start is the minimum of noiseBegin and signalBegin.


Default: -20

Unit: s

Type: double

Override the default time (relative to the trigger time) of the begin of the signal window used to pick.


Default: 80

Unit: s

Type: double

Override the default time (relative to the trigger time) of the begin of the signal window used to pick.


Default: BP

Type: string

BP (bandpass) is currently the only option.


Default: 2

Type: int

Number of poles.


Default: 5

Unit: Hz

Type: double

Bandpass lower cutoff freq. in Hz.


Default: 20

Unit: Hz

Type: double

Bandpass upper cutoff freq. in Hz.


Default: 10

Type: double

Threshold to trigger for pick (c.f. paper), default 10


Default: 20

Type: double

Threshold for updating sigma (c.f. paper), default 20


spicker.* Parameters controlling the secondary picker. Example: for picking S phases.


spicker.L2.* L2 is an algorithm to pick S-phases based on existing P-phases. It works by creating the L2 norm of the two filtered horizontal components and then running the `detecFilter` on the L2 trace to find the S pick. Finally AIC is applied around the detected pick time to refine the detection. The picker name to be used in configuration files is “S-L2”.


Default: -10

Unit: s

Type: double

Override the relative data processing start time (relative to the triggering pick). This adds a margin to the actual processing and is useful to initialize the filter (Example: bandpass). The data is not used at all until signalBegin is reached. The data time window start is the minimum of noiseBegin and signalBegin.


Default: 0

Unit: s

Type: double

Override the relative start time (relative to the triggering pick) of the begin of the signal processing.


Default: 60

Unit: s

Type: double

Override the relative end time (relative to the triggering pick) of the end of the signal window used to pick.


Default: BW(4,0.3,1.0)

Type: string

Configure the filter used to process the horizontal components traces before computing the L2-norm.


Default: STALTA(1,10)

Type: string

Configure the detector filter applied on the filtered L2 trace.


Default: 3

Type: double

The detector threshold that triggers the AIC picker.


Default: 0

Unit: s

Type: double

The time correction added to the detection time before AIC time window is computed.


Default: 5

Unit: s

Type: double

The AIC time window around the detection used to pick. If 0, AIC is not used.


Default: 15

Type: double

Minimum SNR as returned from AIC for accepting picks.


spicker.V.* This S-picker works similarly to L2 but it only uses the vertical component to pick S-phases. The picker name to be used in configuration files is “S-V”.


Default: -10

Unit: s

Type: double

Override the relative data processing start time (relative to the triggering pick). This adds a margin to the actual processing and is useful to initialize the filter (Example: bandpass). The data is not used at all until signalBegin is reached. The data time window start is the minimum of noiseBegin and signalBegin.


Default: 0

Unit: s

Type: double

Override the relative start time (relative to the triggering pick) of the begin of the signal processing.


Default: 60

Unit: s

Type: double

Override the relative end time (relative to the triggering pick) of the end of the signal window used to pick.


Default: BW(4,0.3,1.0)

Type: string

Configure the filter used to process the raw vertical component data.


Default: STALTA(1,10)

Type: string

Configure the detector filter applied on filtered data.


Default: 3

Type: double

The detector threshold that triggers the AIC picker.


Default: 0

Unit: s

Type: double

The time correction added to the detection time before AIC time window is computed.


Default: 5

Unit: s

Type: double

The AIC time window around the detection used to pick. If 0, AIC is not used.


Default: 15

Type: double

Define the mininum SNR as returned from AIC.

Command-Line Options


-h, --help

Show help message.

-V, --version

Show version information.

--config-file arg

Use alternative configuration file. When this option is used the loading of all stages is disabled. Only the given configuration file is parsed and used. To use another name for the configuration create a symbolic link of the application or copy it. Example: scautopick -> scautopick2.

--plugins arg

Load given plugins.

-D, --daemon

Run as daemon. This means the application will fork itself and doesn’t need to be started with &.

--auto-shutdown arg

Enable/disable self-shutdown because a master module shutdown. This only works when messaging is enabled and the master module sends a shutdown message (enabled with --start-stop-msg for the master module).

--shutdown-master-module arg

Set the name of the master-module used for auto-shutdown. This is the application name of the module actually started. If symlinks are used, then it is the name of the symlinked application.

--shutdown-master-username arg

Set the name of the master-username of the messaging used for auto-shutdown. If "shutdown-master-module" is given as well, this parameter is ignored.


--verbosity arg

Verbosity level [0..4]. 0:quiet, 1:error, 2:warning, 3:info, 4:debug.

-v, --v

Increase verbosity level (may be repeated, eg. -vv).

-q, --quiet

Quiet mode: no logging output.

--print-component arg

For each log entry print the component right after the log level. By default the component output is enabled for file output but disabled for console output.

--print-context arg

For each log entry print the source file name and line number.

--component arg

Limit the logging to a certain component. This option can be given more than once.

-s, --syslog

Use syslog logging backend. The output usually goes to /var/lib/messages.

-l, --lockfile arg

Path to lock file.

--console arg

Send log output to stdout.


Execute in debug mode. Equivalent to --verbosity=4 --console=1 .


Execute in trace mode. Equivalent to --verbosity=4 --console=1 --print-component=1 --print-context=1 .

--log-file arg

Use alternative log file.


-u, --user arg

Overrides configuration parameter connection.username.

-H, --host arg

Overrides configuration parameter connection.server.

-t, --timeout arg

Overrides configuration parameter connection.timeout.

-g, --primary-group arg

Overrides configuration parameter connection.primaryGroup.

-S, --subscribe-group arg

A group to subscribe to. This option can be given more than once.

--content-type arg

Overrides configuration parameter connection.contentType.

Default: binary

--start-stop-msg arg

Default: 0

Set sending of a start and a stop message.



List all supported database drivers.

-d, --database arg

The database connection string, format: service://user:pwd@host/database. "service" is the name of the database driver which can be queried with "--db-driver-list".

--config-module arg

The config module to use.

--inventory-db arg

Load the inventory from the given database or file, format: [service://]location .

--config-db arg

Load the configuration from the given database or file, format: [service://]location .



List all supported record stream drivers.

-I, --record-url arg

The recordstream source URL, format: [service://]location[#type]. "service" is the name of the recordstream driver which can be queried with "--record-driver-list". If "service" is not given, "file://" is used.

--record-file arg

Specify a file as record source.

--record-type arg

Specify a type for the records being read.


--city-xml arg

The path to the cities XML file. This overrides the default paths. Compare with the global parameter "citiesXML".

User interface

-F, --full-screen

Start the application filling the entire screen. This only works with GUI applications.

-N, --non-interactive

Use non-interactive presentation mode. This only works with GUI applications.