.. _sec-ql-plugins: |appname| ships with a :ref:`server `, :ref:`plugins` and modules for connecting :cite:t:`SeisComP` systems and for external interaction with the |appname| database. .. hint :: For all these modules, the usual options (-h, --debug, etc.) apply. See the individual tool descriptions and the :ref:`Examples section` for their applications. .. _sec-quakelink-server: Server ====== The :ref:`quakelink` server collects and provides the event parameters in real time. Station parameters can be requested. The event parameters are provided to and fetched from the server by :ref:`plugins ` which send the data to |scname| or another :ref:`quakelink` server. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :glob: /apps/quakelink .. _sec-quakelink-plugins: Plugins and Modules =================== The :term:`plugins ` and :term:`modules ` connect :ref:`Quakelink` servers with |scname| systems or other :ref:`Quakelink` servers: - :ref:`fdsnws2ql` (module): Fetch event parameters from one or more external servers providing :term:`FDSNWS`. - :ref:`ql2ql`: Import event parameters from other QuakeLink instance(s) into |appname| in real time. - :ref:`qlplayback` (module): Playback event parameters from files in a |appname| archive. - :cite:t:`ql2sc`: Import SeisComP objects (event parameters) from |appname| server(s) into |scname| in real time. :program:`ql2sc` ships with the free |scname| :cite:p:`seiscomp`. - :ref:`qlpush` (module): Push event parameters in :term:`SCML` to a |appname| server. Can also be used to remove objects from the server. - :ref:`qltool` (module): Retrieve data from a |appname| server. - :ref:`sc2ql` (plugin): Export SeisComP objects (event parameters) from SeisComP to a |appname| server in real time. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 /apps/fdsnws2ql /apps/ql2ql ql2sc /apps/qlplayback /apps/qlpush /apps/qltool /apps/sc2ql