.. _sec-quakelink-intro: Introduction ************ QuakeLink was developed to exchange event data and Did-you-feel-it (DYFI) reports where security, performance and reliability are a primary focus. The **QuakeLink package is used for:** - Exchanging event data and Did-you-feel-it (DYFI) reports between 2 or more :cite:t:`SeisComP` systems. - Providing fast and secure access to event data via a web interface to external clients. - Importing event parameters from external or local SeisComP systems, QuakeLink server or FDSNWS into a local SeisComP system or a QuakeLink server in real time. .. figure:: media/quakelink_3systems.png :align: center :width: 10cm Secure parameter exchange between 3 SeisComP systems. The description is given in :ref:`quakelink-examples`. Features ======== QuakeLink includes the following features: - Exchange of SeisComP objects is triggered by event updates. No messages will be exchanged until the exporting SeisComP system has produced an event. - Complete event parameter exchange including Events, Origins, Amplitudes, Picks and FocalMechanisms. - Secure protocol solves security issues: - No access to local SeisComP by system foreigners. - User/password authentication including SSL. - Fined-grained access control lists including IP addresses, SeisComP object subsets and many more. - Fast event access even to large databases. - SQLite database for event indexing. - No events are missed on downtime. - Reduced bandwidth consumption through server-side filters. - Fast event exchange in real-time or time window based. - Full event log (replacement of scevtlog). - Event archive file structure: :file:`2014/09/09/eventid/eventid.(N).xml.gz`. - QuakeLink protocol with telnet interface. - HTTP interface similar to FDSNWS (GET + POST). - QuakeLink can be configured using :cite:t:`scconfig`. - QuakeLink provides earthquake parameters to :program:`EQInfo`, an Android-based gempa App for customized earthquake information world-wide. EQInfo is freely available e.g. from `Google Play`_ or `App Store`_. .. _quakelink-architecture-intro: Architecture ============ QuakeLink provides quakelink, a :ref:`server` that collects data from SeisComP systems using :ref:`QuakeLink plugins`. The data is stored in the database and provided to clients. The clients may be other SeisComP systems, web browsers or other applications such as EQInfo. :ref:`Frontend applications` allow direct user-interaction with the server and the database. .. _fig-intro_architecture: .. figure:: media/quakelink.png :align: center :width: 16cm QuakeLink architecture. Downloads ========= .. target-notes:: .. _`Google Play` : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.gempa.android.eqinfo .. _`App Store` : https://apps.apple.com/us/app/eqinfo/id1617064091