Introduction ============ npeval provides |scname| operators with up-to-date performance measures about your real-time seismic monitoring network. It also reports significant changes in station quality (QC) parameters for delivery to network operators, personnel on duty, etc. Based on known or planned station locations, the expected performance can be estimated. npeval is therefore an essential module to achieve and maintain an optimized seismic monitoring system. Examples from science --------------------- npeval has been demonstrated, promoted and discussed with scientists and the SeisComP community at international science conferences, e.g.: #. D. Roessler, B. Weber, E. Ellguth, J. Spazier and the team of gempa: Evaluierung der Qualität und Geschwindigkeit von Erdbebendetektionen in SeisComP3, 2017, Bad Breisig, Germany, AG Seismologie meeting #. D. Roessler, B. Weber, E. Ellguth, J. Spazier and the team of gempa: EVALUATION OF EARTHQUAKE DETECTION PERFORMANCE IN TERMS OF QUALITY AND SPEED IN SEISCOMP3 USING NEW MODULES QCEVAL, NPEVAL AND SCEVAL , 2017, New Orleans, USA, AGU Fall Meeting, `abstract S13B-0648 `_.