.. highlight:: rst .. _npeval: ###### npeval ###### **npeval calculates and reports network performance parameters related to the ability to locate earthquakes.** Description =========== *npeval* evaluates and reports the station status and network performance parameters based on network geometry and real-time waveform quality. It generates reports of station status and waveform quality. * The calculated network performance parameters include: #. The :ref:`minimum time` required to locate seismic events in an area, #. The :ref:`minimum magnitude` of seismic events in an area for which the network is expected to deliver a location. #. The :ref:`S-P travel times ` from events in a grid to configurable points of interest. * Independent of the network performance parameters the station status and waveform quality control (QC) parameters can be :ref:`reported to external applications `, e.g. to GDS :cite:p:`gds` for dissemination. Features -------- #. Computes the minimum time required to locate a seismic event. #. Computes the minimum magnitude for which a solution is expected. #. Computes the S-P travel-time differences at points of interest. #. Considers only stations which are used for the actual event detection based on configurable bindings or stations defined in CSV tables. #. Dynamically considers enabled or disabled stations and excludes stations given in a file. #. Dynamically considers changes in the station quality control (QC) parameters. #. Computation is triggered by significant changes in station status. #. Writes computed parameters to Surfer grid files, BNA polygons which can be evaluated on SeisComP maps, PNG images or CSV files. #. Station status can be reported to external applications. #. Configurable are among others: * detection module from a specific processing pipeline or explicit station lists, * minimum number of stations for locating earthquakes, * region, grid interval and depths for considering earthquakes, * delay added to the stations considering data transfer and processing, * travel-time table and interface, * random station removal simulating stations not having picks (command-line option), * intervals and colors of contour lines and fill properties, * directory for output, * minimum update interval, * format of generated files: GRD, BNA, PNG, CSV, * output processing script. Methods and Setup ================= The basic requirement for making an event location and a magnitude estimation is the detection of seismic phases. In a pipeline system, several instances of a picker, e.g., :cite:t:`scautopick` can be applied to different sets of stations. In order to make *npeval* specific to a particular pipeline, the involved picker instance must be specified by the parameter :confval:`setupName`. *npeval* will only consider stations which have bindings for this module and for which the data quality control (QC) parameters are within the ranges defined by the :confval:`qc.parameters`. Therefore npeval can be configured for separate **pipelines** involving different instances of scautopick. The station layout is typically read from the SeisComP database. Then, only stations matching :confval:`setupName`, that is they have the configured bindings, are considered internally for further computations. However, the layout can be overridden by input from a station file. The minimum number of stations configured by :confval:`stations.stationCount` providing potential arrivals to event location must be met for computing any of the configured values. Additionally, networks and stations to be considered or to be excluded can be defined in separate files defined by the parameters :confval:`stations.file` and :confval:`stations.exclude-file`, respectively. The grid parameters :confval:`grid.region`, :confval:`grid.spacing` and :confval:`grid.depths` define the considered source locations. Only one region at a time can be taken into account. Create module aliases for considering multiple regions. Module aliases can be generated and configured separately, e.g., for a region named *r1*: .. code-block:: sh seiscomp alias create r1npeval npeval Storing the calculated parameters is controlled by the :ref:`output control parameters `. In real-time conditions a typical minimum configuration includes: * Station setup by :confval:`setupName`: Global or other name of a picker module with bindings to stations, * Definition of the monitoring region by :confval:`grid.region`. * The choice of the methods, e.g. :confval:`times.compute` or :confval:`minimumMagnitude.compute` or the report generation by setting :confval:`output.script`. .. _npeval-sec-qc-params: Quality control parameters -------------------------- All QC parameters configured by :confval:`qc.parameters` must be available for the :confval:`minimum number of stations`. The QC parameters can be received in two ways: #. From the database during startup and updating by the parameters received from the messaging system. When reading from the database npeval may by slow during the startup depending on the size of the database. #. Only from the messaging system (default). When only using QC parameters from the messaging, the initial grid generation depends on the availability of the QC parameters. It is then typically delayed and the grid may be updated several as QC parameters for more and more stations arrive during the first minutes of operating npeval. Only stations with QC parameters inside the configured ranges and with a matching :confval:`setupName` are considered internally for further computations. .. note:: Real-time QC parameters are ignored in :ref:`offline mode `. .. _npeval-sec-triggering: Triggering and Timing --------------------- npeval re-computes the grids by the :ref:`configured methods ` or :ref:`generates reports ` if the internally considered status of one or more stations changes. This may be when: * npeval is started. The internally considered status is initially set to disabled. * Significant changes in :ref:`waveform QC parameters ` are found. That is the QC parameters of stations enter or leave the ranges configured in :confval:`qc.parameters`. * Stations are actively enabled or disabled. Repeated re-computation in short time intervals may be computational expensive. Set the parameter :confval:`grid.update` to a reasonable interval to control the timing and to optimize the load. .. _npeval-sec-methods: Methods ------- *npeval* provides methods for computing performance parameters that characterize seismic monitoring networks: * :ref:`Minimum time`: The minimum time which is required for locating events. * :ref:`Minimum magnitude`: The minimum magnitude of events that can be located. * :ref:`S-P travel times `: The difference of travel times between P and S phases observed at a point of interest. related to the network geometry and the data quality. The methods are applied to the same region simultaneously. The performance parameters are calculated for grid points within a configurable region. *npeval* considers the configured station setup and a configurable minimum of stations. It takes into account waveform QC parameters which determine the station status. Changes in station status trigger the re-computation of the performance parameters. The Earth model parameters can be adjusted. Upon computation of the parameters * The :ref:`output parameters can be stored ` as surfer GRD, PNG image, BNA or CSV files. For :ref:`visualizing the grid files dynamically on maps `, the plugin *mapmultigrid* :cite:p:`mapmultigrid` has been developed. .. _npeval-sec-loctimes: Minimum location time ..................... Computing the minimum times to locate events by a network can be deactivated or activated by :confval:`times.compute`. Important parameters configurable in the **times** section are: #. :confval:`times.file`: The base name of the output files. For output in GRD and PNG format, .grd and .png suffixes will be added. For BNA, a sub-directory in the :confval:`output.directory` is created containing the different levels. #. Set the parameters for :ref:`computing the travel times `. #. :confval:`times.dataDelay`: The time added to the computed travel times considering the data delay measured by :cite:t:`scqc`. To read the delay from the SeisComP database and to receive dynamic updates .. code-block:: params times.dataDelay = -1.0 Otherwise a static delay is considered. #. :confval:`times.processingDelay` Data processing time to be added to computed traveltimes accounting for delays due to the data processing by SeisComP modules, e.g. the detector or the locator. The amount considers the default time window for AIC for phase picking and the default time window for calculating amplitudes for the mB magnitude used by scautopick as well as the processing required by :cite:t:`scautoloc` or :cite:t:`scanloc`. :confval:`times.processingDelay` must be therefore be changed when adjusting those window lengths or module configurations. .. _fig-npeval-times: .. figure:: media/npeval_scmv_times.png :align: center :width: 16cm Minimum expected times for locating events in SE-Asia by the GE network. .. _npeval-sec-minmag: Minimum magnitude ................. Computing the minimum magnitude of events expected to be located by a network can be deactivated or activated by :confval:`minimumMagnitude.compute`. Different methods for computing minimum are available. Important parameters configurable in the **minimumMagnitude** section are: #. :confval:`minimumMagnitude.compute`: The base name of the output files. For output in GRD and PNG format, .grd and .png suffixes will be added. For BNA, a sub-directory in the :confval:`output.directory` is created containing the different levels. #. :confval:`minimumMagnitude.type`: The Types considered for computations. Currently, supported types are: * **MDD** (magnitude-detection-distance) * **LF** (low-frequency approximation of the source spectrum, experimental) * **GMPE** (Ground Motion Prediction Equation, experimental). **Types:** .. warning:: The types LF and GMPE are currently experimental and may produce results with large uncertainties. * **MDD - magnitude-detection distance** Considered when :confval:`minimumMagnitude.type` = **MDD**. The method assumes that for a given magnitude, P and S phases can be detected up to some hypocentral distance. The magnitude-distance relation is given by (:cite:t:`valtonen-2013`): .. math:: M = b * log10(D) + a * D + c where: * *M:* magnitude * *D*: hypocentral distance enclosing a minimum of stations. The number is configured by :confval:`stations.stationCount`, * *a*: :confval:`minimumMagnitude.magnitudeDetectionDistance.a`, * *b*: :confval:`minimumMagnitude.magnitudeDetectionDistance.b`, * *c*: :confval:`minimumMagnitude.magnitudeDetectionDistance.c`. The parameters may be determined from optimization :cite:p:`valtonen-2013` based on reference events for the area of interest. The default values originate from :cite:t:`valtonen-2013` for a site in Finnland. Examples from previous optimizations are: .. csv-table:: :align: center :widths: 10, 10, 10, 10 :header: region, a, b, c Finland :cite:p:`valtonen-2013`, 0.001514, 0.9327, -1.306 Chile [a]_, 0.001272, 0.887049, -0.065408 Germany/Vogtland [a]_, 0.001639, 1.297967, -1.28476 .. figure:: media/npeval-minmag-mdd-vogtland.png :align: left :width: 16cm Parameter optimization based on events in Germany/Vogtland [a]_. .. [a] Unpublished testbed studies by :cite:t:`gempa`. * **LF - low-frequency-approximation**: Considered when :confval:`minimumMagnitude.type` = **LF**. Results are specifically sensitive to: * Earth's properties at the hypocentre and along the P wave as well as the stress drop due to the event. The method is adapted from the publication by Tramelli et al. (2015) :cite:p:`tramelli-2015`. * :ref:`travel times computation ` to account for anelastic attenuation. * magnitude range defined by :confval:`minimumMagnitude.magMin` and :confval:`minimumMagnitude.magMax` and the intervals by :confval:`minimumMagnitude.magStep`. *. :confval:`minimumMagnitude.minSnr` defining the minimum signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) which the data must exceed for a station to be considered. The SNR is calculated by dividing the amplitude predicted by *npeval* by the data RMS measured by scqc :cite:p:`scqc`. * **GMPE - GoundMotionPredictionEquation**: Considered when :confval:`minimumMagnitude.type` = **GMPE**. The method uses an internally defined GMPE based on the publication by :cite:t:`cauzzi-2015`. Choosing GMPE is currently experimental only experimental and not recommended for routine processing. .. _fig-npeval-magnitudes: .. figure:: media/npeval_scmv_magnitude.png :align: center :width: 16cm Minimum expected magnitude of events for which a solution can be expected in Chile by the CX network. .. note:: Applying the type *LF* to the minimum magnitude method requires waveform RMS to be available from real-time station QC messages or from a station input file (see command line option :option:`--file`). .. _npeval-sec-sp: S-P travel times ................ The travel-time differences between first arriving P and S phases are computed at points of interest (POIs) assuming events defined on the configured grid. In an earthquake early warning (EEW) system, the method may be used to estimate the remaining alert time at a POI in case a P phase was detected. Configuration; * Adjust the parameters controlling the travel-times computations in the *travelTimes* parameter groups, * Add profiles of points of interest with activate :confval:`POIs.profiles.$name.computeSP` for the respective profile, * Add the profile name to :confval:`POIs.poiProfiles`. .. figure:: media/npeval_sp.png :align: center :width: 16cm S-P travel-time differences for a POI in Potsdam, Germany and a given travel-time table. .. _npeval-sec-travel-times: Travel-time computation ....................... Depending on the method travel times are computed based on the configured travel-time interface, the table and correction parameters. * :confval:`travelTimes.tableType` and :confval:`travelTimes.table`: Type of the interface and name of the travel time tables. Typically, the :cite:t:`locsat` interface provides faster travel times than libtau. By setting the :confval:`travelTimes.table` parameter, customized velocity models can be considered. When choosing **LOCSAT**, the table file for the P-wave first arrival times must be stored in :file:`@DATADIR@/locsat/tables/`, for **libtau**, the velocity profile is stored in :file:`@DATADIR@/ttt`. Both travel-time interfaces do not consider stations elevations. * Correction parameters: Travel-time corrections :math:`t_{corr}` may be applied based on a configurable average velocity to compensate for station elevation. The average velocity is typically the P-wave speed at shallow depth as configured in :confval:`travelTimes.velocityCorrection`. The velocity :math:`v` is applied to the station elevation :math:`e` and the slowness :math:`s` of the first-arrival phase from a grid point to the station given the travel-time interface and the table configured by :confval:`travelTimes.tableType` and :confval:`travelTimes.table`, respectively: .. math:: t_{corr} = \frac{e}{v(1-(s*v)^2)} .. note:: For :math:`s*v > 1` the correction is negative corresponding to a complex-valued incidence angle. This case may occur if the correction velocity is larger then the velocity of the upper layer assumed for computing the travel-time tables. :program:`npeval` will stop providing and an error message. Then consider lowering :confval:`travelTimes.velocityCorrection`. Alternatively, an average station elevation may be compensated for by a correction with respect to sea level. The correction elevation is configured in :confval:`travelTimes.elevationCorrection`. The travel-time tables must then be computed with respect to this elevation where 0 km depth corresponds to the correction. .. _npeval-offline: Offline processing ------------------ npeval can be used in offline processing mode without messaging and real-time data acquisition. Execute npeval on the command line together with other appropriate options .. code-block:: sh npeval --offline In this case, waveform QC messages are ignored. This requires the configuration of :confval:`times.dataDelay` must be configured for computing the :ref:`minimum location times ` and the RMS must be set for computing the :ref:`minimum magnitudes `. More command-line options are available. .. _npeval-network-design: Designing Networks ================== In :ref:`offline processing mode `, npeval supports you in designing and optimizing of networks by predicting the performance parameters based on a generic station list: #. Configure the required :ref:`methods ` #. Create a file, :file:`station.txt`, containing the station coordinates and QC parameters in the format [NET,STA,LAT,LON,ELEVATION,RMS] where RMS is measured in the unit of counts. Example: .. code-block:: params CX, PB01, -21.04, -69.49, 320, 150 CX, PB02, -21.32, -69.90, 470, 250 An example script for generating the station table is available in :file:`@DATADIR@/npeval/tools/npeval-make-station-file.sh.example`. #. Run npeval and generate the output .. code-block:: sh npeval --offline --file stations.txt .. _npeval-sec-output: Output ====== File formats ------------ The the output parameters resulting from the considered :ref:`methods ` are stored in the directory and in the file format configured by :confval:`output.directory` and :confval:`output.format`, respectively. By default, the output directory is cleared before updating the files. The supported output formats, defined in :confval:`output.format` are: * **BNA** files. File suffix: *bna*. One sub-directory of :confval:`output.directory` is generated per method containing all BNA files. The BNA files contain polylines or closed polygons which can be drawn as layers on map with customized properties :cite:p:`gui`. The lines represent minimum values. The layers are drawn at startup of a GUI module, when the :confval:`output directory ` is either :file:`@DATADIR/spatial/vector@` or :file:`@CONFIGDIR@/spatial/vector`. A GUI module must therefore be restarted for considering any file update. * **CSV** comma-separated text file. File suffix: *csv*. One file is generated per configured method. Line format: .. code-block:: params longitude0, latitude0, value0 longitude1, latitude1, value1 ... * **GRD (default)** file (Surfer grid). File suffix: *grd*. One file is generated per method. Grid files can be rendered and dynamically updated on maps by the plugin :cite:t:`mapmultigrid`. **GRD is therefore the preferred format.** The configuration of the rendering is described in section :ref:`npeval-sec-visualization`. * **PNG** image file. File suffix: *png*. One file is generated per method. The colors and contour lines represent minimum values.It is viewable by external image viewers. .. note:: * By default all files and directories existing in :confval:`output.directory` are deleted by npeval when computing any of the desired values. To keep the existing files and directories, uncheck :confval:`output.clean`. * When running different instances of npeval, configure different output directories which are specific to an instance avoiding to mutually delete the result files. .. _npeval-sec-visualization: Grid visualization ------------------ Grid files can be dynamically rendered on maps, e.g., of :cite:t:`scmv` by configuration of the plugin :cite:t:`mapmultigrid` forming an individual map layer. Multiple grid files can be rendered simultaneously. Upon any changes the grids will be immediately updated on the maps. Read the documentation of :cite:t:`mapmultigrid` for the complete configuration steps and examples. .. _npeval-sec-steps: Stops/colors ------------ The contours in PNG images and BNA files and the colors (PNG and grids, visualized by the plugin :cite:t:`mapmultigrid`) represent minimum values. They can be configured by stops which are pairs of computed value and color. The additional attribute "major" or "minor" controls drawing the contour lines in PNG images or the grids. The stops are configurable in npeval by :confval:`output.gradient.stops` for PNG or BNA output format. For grid visualization configure the *stops* parameter along with the plugin :cite:t:`mapmultigrid`. A suggestion for the stops configuration stops is printed when running npeval with debug logging output. Example: .. code-block:: sh npeval --debug ... # example configuration of the stop parameter for the plugin mapmultigrid: stops = 11:c02f2f30:"major",14:2f5dc030:"minor",17:86c02f30:"major",20:c02fb230:"minor",23:2fc0a630:"major" ... Adjust and apply the values to the configuration. The number of printed stops can be controlled by the command-line option :option:`--suggest-color-intervals`. Example: .. code-block:: sh npeval --debug --suggest-color-intervals 10 .. _npeval-sec-reports: Reports: Station QC and grids ----------------------------- Reports are generated upon :ref:`significant changes in QC parameters and/or when triggering of the parameter computation `. If an executable script is defined in :confval:`output.script`, e.g. .. code-block:: params output.script = @DATADIR@/scripts/sendtoGDS.py The script can be used to process and disseminate the station report or to process the generated files. The reports are created in JSON format containing: * Details on the location and the format of the output files generated by the configured methods, if any. * Stream information of stations with information about the station status, available QC parameters and whether it can be considered for grid computation or not. By default only stations with significant updates are reported. To report all stations configure :confval:`output.reportAllStations`. Example: .. code-block:: params { "minimum times": "/tmp/npeval/npeval_times", "minimum magnitudes": "/tmp/npeval/npeval_minmag", "output format": "GRD", "streams": [ { "stream": "CX.PB06..HHZ", "significant update": "true", "considered": "true", "availability": "100", "delay": "1.05254", "rms": "330.684" }, { "stream": "CX.PB09..HHZ", "significant update": "true", "considered": "false", "availability": "100", "delay": "1.99461", "rms": "1619.25" } ] } The JSON data is provided via stdout to the script in :confval:`output.script` which is executed. The exit code of the script is evaluated and an error message is printed if the exit code is not *0*. An example script for processing the JSON data is provided in :file:`@DATADIR@/npeval/tools/npeval-report.sh.example`. The raw JSON format contains no line breaks but it can be converted by other tools, e.g., :program:`jsonlint` for better human readability. .. note:: If the station status does not change, the streams item may be empty during the first few grid generations after starting npeval. Initially, grid computations are triggered as more QC parameters arrive for the stations even if the station status does not change. Getting Started =============== For computing **values related to events** a minimum configuration is recommended: #. Define the events by grid region, depths and spacing: :confval:`grid.region`, :confval:`grid.depths`, :confval:`grid.spacing`, #. Adjust the minimum number of stations which are expected to provide phase detections: :confval:`stations.stationCount` considering the module creating origins. #. Configure the stations to consider: * **normal processing:** Configure :confval:`setupName` for defining the set of stations which has a particular set of bindings. Use *global* for all stations having global bindings. Setting the value to the instance of :cite:t:`scautopick` providing the phase picks allows the specific consideration of pipelines. * **network designing:** If no inventory or system setup is availble, you may generate a simple text file containing the station names, coordinates and an optional characteristic data RMS value. Format: .. code-block:: params network code, station code, latitude, longitude, elevation, RMS Provide the station file by configuration of :confval:stations.file` or on the command line via :option:`--file`. #. Define the output format: :confval:`output.format`. For *BNA* or *PNG* additionaly provide the stops: :confval:`output.gradient.stops` #. Configure the methods to be considered: :confval:`times.*` and :confval:`minimumMagnitude.*`. * For specific points of interest configuring the POIs parameters, :confval:`POIs`. For sending **reports on significant changes** of station parameters and updates configure: #. The waveform QC paramters to be considered: :confval:`qc.parameters`. #. The report script to handle the reports: :confval:`output.script`. .. _npeval-sec-example: Examples ======== #. Real-time processing on the command line considering waveform QC messages: .. code-block:: sh npeval --region 80,150,-20,30 --delta 1 -d localhost/seiscomp #. Real-time processing on the command line considering constant RMS (*nm/s*): .. code-block:: sh npeval -d localhost/seiscomp --rms 500 #. Offline processing on the command line with a station file and a station exclude file: .. code-block:: sh npeval --offline --file stations.ini --region 21,27,62,67 --exclude-file stat-excl.ini --debug #. Offline processing on the command line with a station file and station RMS in *nm/s* overwriting all other RMS values: .. code-block:: sh npeval --offline --file stations.ini --rms 300 Module Configuration ==================== | :file:`etc/defaults/global.cfg` | :file:`etc/defaults/npeval.cfg` | :file:`etc/global.cfg` | :file:`etc/npeval.cfg` | :file:`~/.seiscomp/global.cfg` | :file:`~/.seiscomp/npeval.cfg` npeval inherits :ref:`global options`. .. note:: Modules/plugins may require a license file. The default path to license files is :file:`@DATADIR@/licenses/` which can be overridden by global configuration of the parameter :confval:`gempa.licensePath`. Example: :: gempa.licensePath = @CONFIGDIR@/licenses .. confval:: setupName Default: ``scautopick`` Type: *string* List of configuration setup names used for the initial setup of the active station list. Use commas to separate names. E.g. in pipelines use the names of all modules contributing picks. \"scautopick\": consider all stations with scautopick bindings and the streams defined therein. \"default\" or \"global\": consider all stations with global bindings and the streams defined therein. .. note:: **qc.\*** *Waveform quality control (QC) parameters. Ensure npeval subscribes* *to basic message groups, e.g. QC, CONFIG.* .. confval:: qc.parameters Type: *list:string* Define QC parameters to observe. Each parameter is associated with a value range. If any of the defined ranges is exceeded the corresponding station is disabled. For the ranges use '\-Inf,Inf' if no upper or lower limits shall exist. Typical parameters: rms, latency, delay, availability, gaps count, overlaps count, timing quality, offset, spikes count. Read \$SEISCOMP_ROOT\/etc\/defaults\/npeval.cfg for examples. scqc must be running in parallel. .. confval:: qc.useDatabase Default: ``false`` Type: *boolean* Load QC parameters from the database during startup. Setting to true may slow down the start up. .. note:: **stations.\*** *Parameters controlling the stations to be considered.* .. confval:: stations.stationCount Default: ``4`` Type: *uint* Minimum number of stations that have an arrival for starting the calculations. This mimics the confiugration of the phase associator, e.g., scanloc or scautoloc. .. confval:: stations.file Type: *string* Name of CSV file to read station information from instead of considering \"setupName\". Use the option for designing new networks without inventory and global bindings. One line per station. Format: NET,STA,LAT,LON,ELEVATION,RMS RMS \(nm⁠\/⁠s\) is optional and required for minimum magnitude calcuation in offline mode. .. confval:: stations.exclude-file Type: *string* Filename to a station blocklist file. Each line has the format [NET].[STA] supporting wildcards. Example: CX.PB01 GE.\* .. note:: **grid.\*** *Parameters controlling the source region grid and the update* *interval. Grid points represent hypocenters.* .. confval:: grid.region Default: ``80.0, 150.0, -20.0, 30.0`` Unit: *deg* Type: *list:float* Horizontal bounding box for selecting the considered region: LonMin,LonMax,LatMin,LatMax. Required parameter. .. confval:: grid.spacing Default: ``1.0`` Unit: *deg* Type: *double* Horizontal grid spacing for assuming events. .. confval:: grid.depths Default: ``10.0`` Unit: *km* Type: *list:double* Source depths. Use comma seperation for a list of values. .. confval:: grid.update Default: ``60`` Unit: *s* Type: *double* Minimum time interval between 2 updates. Values < 1 are set to 1. .. note:: **output.\*** *Output control parameters.* .. confval:: output.directory Default: ``/tmp/npeval`` Type: *string* Output directory for writing new files. Recommendation for BNA files: \@DATADIR\@\/spatial\/vector\/npeval. .. confval:: output.clean Default: ``true`` Type: *boolean* Clean output directory before writing new files. .. confval:: output.format Default: ``GRD`` Type: *string* Range: ``BNA,PNG,GRD,CSV`` Output file format. .. confval:: output.size Default: ``1280x1024`` Unit: *px* Type: *string* PNG image size. .. confval:: output.script Type: *string* Path to the script which is executed when the network parameters are computed. Station reports and output files are provided to the script. .. confval:: output.reportAllStations Default: ``false`` Type: *boolean* Report all stations and not just those with significant updates. output.script must be configured for this paramters to be effective. .. confval:: output.gradient.discrete Default: ``true`` Type: *boolean* Setting this parameter to true enables color interpolation. .. confval:: output.gradient.stops Default: ``30.00:ff00fa,60.00:f25ffb,90.00:e483fc,120.00:d79cfd,150.00:c9aefe,180.00:9fd7ff,210.00:93dfff,240.00:84e8ff,270.00:6df2ff,300.00:49fdff,600.00:20dbdb,900.00:11b4b7,1200.00:03939a`` Type: *gradient* The colors at given levels for drawing PNG images. Use hexadecimal color values. .. note:: **travelTimes.\*** *Parameters for calculating the travel times which are used by the* *methods minimum time, minimum magnitude and S-P travel times.* .. confval:: travelTimes.tableType Default: ``LOCSAT`` Type: *string* Values: ``libtau, LOCSAT`` Type of travel\-time table \(interface\). .. confval:: travelTimes.table Default: ``iasp91`` Type: *string* Name of travel\-time table \(interface profile\). .. confval:: travelTimes.velocityCorrection Default: ``-1.0`` Unit: *km/s* Type: *double* Correction velocity added to travel times in oder to account for station elevation which is currently not accounted for by LOCSAT and libtau. Applying a positive value deactivates \"elevationCorrection\" .. confval:: travelTimes.elevationCorrection Default: ``0.0`` Unit: *km* Type: *double* An elevation of stations added to the event depth for computing travel times. The travel\-time table should start at this elevation correction. Currently, LOCSAT and libtau do not correct for sensor elevation. The parameter is deactivated by \"velocityCorrection\". .. note:: **times.\*** *Parameters for calculating the minimum times* *to locate events by a network.* .. confval:: times.compute Default: ``true`` Type: *boolean* Allow computing the minimum times. .. confval:: times.file Default: ``npeval_times`` Type: *string* Basename of output file\(s\) for the times grid. .. confval:: times.dataDelay Default: ``-1.0`` Unit: *s* Type: *float* Data delay to be added to computed traveltimes. \-1.0 \- get automatically from QC messages per station. .. confval:: times.processingDelay Default: ``5.0`` Unit: *s* Type: *float* Data processing time to be added to computed traveltimes. The amount must considers time windows for AIC used by scautopick and mB when using scautoloc with mB amplitudes. The value must be therefore be changed when adjusting those window lengths. .. note:: **minimumMagnitude.\*** *Parameters for calculating the minimum magnitude* *of events that can be detected by a network.* .. confval:: minimumMagnitude.compute Default: ``false`` Type: *boolean* Allow computing the expected minimum magnitude. .. confval:: minimumMagnitude.file Default: ``npeval_minmag`` Type: *string* Basename of output file\(s\) for the magnitudes grid. .. confval:: minimumMagnitude.type Default: ``LF`` Type: *string* Type of amplitude calculation: LF: low\-frequency approximation MDD: magnitude\-detection distance GMPE: GMPE \(trial only\). .. confval:: minimumMagnitude.magMin Default: ``2.0`` Type: *float* Minimum earthquake magnitude to be tested. Step size to maximum: 0.1. .. confval:: minimumMagnitude.magMax Default: ``5.0`` Type: *float* Maximum earthquake magnitude to be tested. .. confval:: minimumMagnitude.magStep Default: ``0.2`` Type: *float* Magnitude step. .. confval:: minimumMagnitude.minSnr Default: ``5`` Type: *float* Minimum signal\-to\-noise ratio at the station to accept a magnitude. .. note:: **minimumMagnitude.lowFrequency.\*** *Values for calculating the low-frequency amplitude. The method* *is used when "minimumMagnitude.type" = LF.* *Default values are from the ak135 standard Earth model* *at 10 km depth. The method requires travel times considering* *the parameters configured in the section "travelTime".* .. confval:: minimumMagnitude.lowFrequency.vp Default: ``5.8`` Unit: *km/s* Type: *float* P\-wave velocity at the hypocentre. .. confval:: minimumMagnitude.lowFrequency.vs Default: ``3.2`` Unit: *km/s* Type: *float* S\-wave velocity at the hypocentre. vs \= vp\/sqrt\(3\) if not set. .. confval:: minimumMagnitude.lowFrequency.rho Default: ``2.6`` Unit: *g/cm^3* Type: *float* Density at the hypocentre. .. confval:: minimumMagnitude.lowFrequency.sigma Default: ``10`` Unit: *bar* Type: *float* Stress drop due to the earthquake. .. confval:: minimumMagnitude.lowFrequency.qp Default: ``500`` Type: *float* Qp, seismic attenuation along the ray given by the quality factor for P waves. .. note:: **minimumMagnitude.magnitudeDetectionDistance.\*** *Values for calculating the expected magnitude based on* *based on the regression of M = b*log10(distance) + a * distance + c.* *Defaults are from Valtonen et al. (2013).* .. confval:: minimumMagnitude.magnitudeDetectionDistance.a Default: ``0.001514`` Unit: *1/km* Type: *float* The a parameter in the regression equation. .. confval:: minimumMagnitude.magnitudeDetectionDistance.b Default: ``0.9327`` Type: *float* The b parameter in the regression equation. .. confval:: minimumMagnitude.magnitudeDetectionDistance.c Default: ``-1.306`` Type: *float* The c parameter in the regression equation. .. note:: **POIs.\*** *Compute paramters for individual points of interest (POI).* .. confval:: POIs.file Default: ``npeval_poi`` Type: *string* Base name of output file\(s\) for the POIs grid. The profile name will be appended. .. confval:: POIs.poiProfiles Type: *list:string* Registration of POI profiles. An empty list disables all POIs. .. note:: **POIs.profiles.$name.\*** $name is a placeholder for the name to be used and needs to be added to :confval:`poiProfiles` to become active. .. code-block:: sh poiProfiles = a,b POIs.profiles.a.value1 = ... POIs.profiles.b.value1 = ... # c is not active because it has not been added # to the list of poiProfiles POIs.profiles.c.value1 = ... .. confval:: POIs.profiles.$name.latitude Unit: *deg* Type: *double* Latitude. .. confval:: POIs.profiles.$name.longitude Unit: *deg* Type: *double* Longitude. .. confval:: POIs.profiles.$name.elevation Unit: *km* Type: *double* Elevation above above sea level \(WGS84\). .. confval:: POIs.profiles.$name.computeSP Default: ``false`` Type: *boolean* Select to compute S\-P travel time differences. Command-Line Options ==================== Generic ------- .. option:: -h, --help Show help message. .. option:: -V, --version Show version information. .. option:: --config-file arg Use alternative configuration file. When this option is used the loading of all stages is disabled. Only the given configuration file is parsed and used. To use another name for the configuration create a symbolic link of the application or copy it. Example: scautopick \-> scautopick2. .. option:: --plugins arg Load given plugins. .. option:: -D, --daemon Run as daemon. This means the application will fork itself and doesn't need to be started with \&. Verbosity --------- .. option:: --verbosity arg Verbosity level [0..4]. 0:quiet, 1:error, 2:warning, 3:info, 4:debug. .. option:: -v, --v Increase verbosity level \(may be repeated, eg. \-vv\). .. option:: -q, --quiet Quiet mode: no logging output. .. option:: --print-component arg For each log entry print the component right after the log level. By default the component output is enabled for file output but disabled for console output. .. option:: --component arg Limit the logging to a certain component. This option can be given more than once. .. option:: -s, --syslog Use syslog logging backend. The output usually goes to \/var\/lib\/messages. .. option:: -l, --lockfile arg Path to lock file. .. option:: --console arg Send log output to stdout. .. option:: --debug Execute in debug mode. Equivalent to \-\-verbosity\=4 \-\-console\=1 . .. option:: --trace Execute in trace mode. Equivalent to \-\-verbosity\=4 \-\-console\=1 \-\-print\-component\=1 \-\-print\-context\=1 . .. option:: --log-file arg Use alternative log file. Stations -------- .. option:: --file arg Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`stations.file`. .. option:: --exclude-file arg Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`stations.exclude-file`. .. option:: --skip arg Default: ``0.0`` Unit: *%* Type: *double* Randomly skip the given percentage of stations. Output ------ .. option:: -f, --format arg Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`output.format`. .. option:: --directory arg Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`output.directory`. .. option:: --size arg Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`output.size`. .. option:: --no-clean Do not clean output directory before writing new output. Otherwise the output directory will be cleaned. .. option:: --clean Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`output.clean`. Overrides \-\-no\-clean. .. option:: --suggest-color-intervals arg Default: ``5`` Type: *int* The number of contour intervals and related color to suggest together along with debug logging output. Region ------ .. option:: --region arg Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`grid.region`. .. option:: -s, --spacing arg Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`grid.spacing`. .. option:: --depths arg Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`grid.depths`. For series use \-\-depths 10 \-\-depths 20 ... Times ----- .. option:: --dataDelay arg Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`times.dataDelay`. .. option:: --procDelay arg Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`times.processingDelay`. .. option:: -c, --station-count arg Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`stations.stationCount`. .. option:: --times-file arg Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`times.file`.