.. _sec-mt-install: Installation ============ #. Install the *mt* and the Green's functions delivered with *mt*, e.g. *gemini-prem*. * Either use the *gsm* script for convenient installation: :: gsm update gsm install mt gemini-prem * Or unpack the *mt* package of the latest or another version corresponding to your SeisComP installation and your Linux flavor [OS], version [version] and architecture [arch]: :: cd $SEISCOMP_ROOT/.. tar -xvf mt-[mt-version]-[seiscomp]-[OS]-[version]-[arch].tar.gz cd [your data directory] tar -xvf gemini-prem.tar .. note :: The Green's functions packages are typically very large and should be installed in a separate directory outside $SEISCOMP_ROOT, e.g. in /home/data. Set the value by the parameter `data_dir` in :file:`gsm.conf` when using *gsm* or choose the data directory path accordingly when unpacking the package manually. #. Install the software dependencies. * For running |appvbin| and |appbin| without :ref:`LaTeX-based report generation ` the usual |scname| dependencies suffice: :: seiscomp install-deps base gui * For :ref:`LaTeX-based report generation ` based on the provided LaTeX-template file additionally install the some LaTeX modules. Use the install script :file:`install-mt.sh` is provided for various Linux flavors in *$SEISCOMP_ROOT/share/deps/[system]/[version]* or run: :: seiscomp install-deps mt The script installs the packages required by the default report generator: +------------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------+ |:program:`Ubuntu` |:program:`CentOS` | category | +==============================+==========================+======================+ | python-matplotlib | python-matplotlib | Python | +------------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------+ | python-tk | python-tk | Python | +------------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------+ | texlive-xetex | texlive-xetex | Latex | +------------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------+ | texlive-latex-extra | texlive-latex-extra | Latex | +------------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------+ | | texlive-collection-xetex | Latex | +------------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------+