# Change Log ## 2025.069 ### Fixed - Fixed potential segmentation fault when committing more than one pick from lambda. ## 2024.327 ### Added - Added question box if an empty array should be saved as copy to let the user cancel the operation. - Fix card symbol update on travel time settings change. ### Changed - Add default values of configuration parameters to descriptions of lambda and autolambda. - By default do not activate array profiles in lambda or bindings in autolambda since the default arrays may be undefined in inventory. ## 2024.326 ### Fixed - Fixed crash if PMCC is started under some rare circumstances. - Fixed crash if an array should be saved when no channels matches the inventory. ## 2024.324 ### Fixed - Sychronize card phase symbols with scolv. ## 2024.316 ### Fixed - Show pre-configured POI type passively as it is not being used right now. ## 2024.313 ### Added - Added error message box if less than two channels are selected for vespagram updates. ### Fixed - Fixed ATF contour circle outline width. - Fixed frequency range update in FK result plots. ## 2024.309 ### Fixed - Do not render travel times for a particular distance if no value exists. That means that renderes travel time graphs could have gaps. - Render I phases as triangles in cart arrival plot. ## 2024.291 ### Fixed - Fixed PMCC single computation - Respect selected grid units where applicable ## 2024.240 ### Added - Added `--db-disable` to disable the database connection. ## 2023.200 ### Fixed - Added more descriptive error messages if a profile could not be read. ## 2023.152 ### Added - Added profile configuration for base, grid and pmcc processing. Profiles can be selected and changed in each processing window. ## 2022-03-21 ### Added - Hide station annotations also hides the trace labels in the main window's trace view - Add shortcut (F8) to hide the processed trace widget in main window ## 2022-03-11 ### Added - Add option `pmcc.exportPath` used as default path to export families ## 2022-03-07 ### Added - Make location group configurable in autolambda - Add new section on integration of array results into SeisComP in documentation ## 2022-02-24 ### Changed - Update documentation on setting up autolambda and add information on waveform quality control ## 2022-01-17 ### Fixed - Fixed parsing of location grid from configuration file which swapped minimum and maximum values for longitude ## 2021-09-07 ### Added - Document nomenclature for infrasound phases ## 2021-06-11 ### Changed - Honor ATF unit settings in grid processing dialogues and show slowness in either s/deg or s/km ## 2021-01-27 ### Added - The command-line option `--progress` allows simple evaluate of the processing progress in info level without reading the more complex debug output. ## 2021-01-07 ### Changed - Update and rework documentation now describing lambda in much detail ## 2020-12-10 ### Added - Added dummy travel-time tables for Iw, Is, It ## 2019-08-22 ### Changed - Renamed autolambda configuration parameter `bindings` to more specific `bindings.slownessgrid` - Add backprojection to autolambda ## 2019-08-16 ### Added - Documentation for autolambda