
This manual describes the installation of the gempa software manager (GSM). GSM is a packet manager which supports to install SeisComP as well as gempa packages from a configured remote package repository. Database migration is not supported yet. However gsm informs the user about required migrations.



  1. Install required python packages for Python 3

  2. Get the latest gsm package with
  1. Extract the package with
tar xf gempa-gsm.tar.gz

The tar file contains a folder named gsm containing the complete gsm bundle.

File structure

│   gsm.conf       # Stores the configuration e.g. username and password
└───local          # Local package storage. Stores information about installed
|   |              # packages.
│   │   gsm
│   │   ...
└───sync           # Remote package cache. Stores information about all
    |              # available packages.
    |   gaps
    │   gsm
    │   scanloc
    |   ...


To setup the installation environment run

./gsm setup

Configuration settings stored in gsm.conf

Variable Description
os Distribution name e.g. rhel or ubuntu
os_version Major distribution version e.g 7 or 20.04
arch System architecture e.g. x86_64 or armv7l
base_url gempa customer repo base URL e.g.
user Username provided in the Wiki section of the gempa customer portal
password Password provided in the Wiki section of the gempa customer portal
release Name of the SeisComP release. e.g 5 or nightly
download_dir Directory where downloaded files are stored
install_path User defined root path e.g. /home/sysop/seiscomp
data_dir Base directory for data packages like maps or greensfunctions
verify Enable/disable SSL certificate check e.g. True
debug Enable verbose logging. Default: False
sync_dir Remote package cache, contains information about available packages
local_dir Local package storage, contains information about installed packages

Proxy Settings

Normally no user interaction is required but some systems require to specify additional proxy settings for the current shell in order that gsm can establish a connection to the gempa package server. For this gsm uses the Python requests module to transfer data and there are several ways to define the proxy server. Here an example:

export HTTP_PROXY=""
export HTTPS_PROXY=""

Then gsm can be used as usual.


To update the package cache run

./gsm update

To install a package run

./gsm install app

To install all configured packages run

./gsm install

To install spefific version of a package run

./gsm install app=2019.101

To reinstall a package run

./gsm reinstall app

To override the configured package selection run e.g.

./gsm install seiscomp licenses

To show all installed packages with version

./gsm info

To show installed package with all infomation

./gsm info app

Offline workflow

In case a user has the requirement that downloaded packages be clean sourced (virus checked) before installation, and that the actual installation be done on a machine without internet access, we here describe an offline workflow using the gempa software manager (gsm).

On online machine

  1. Create and change into install directory, e.g.:
    cd ~
    mkdir install
    cd install
  2. Download gsm tarfile:
  3. Unpack gsm:
    tar xf gempa-gsm.tar.gz
    cd gsm
  4. Perform setup:
    gsm setup
  5. Perform update via gempa repository:
    gsm update
  6. Install required packages in download-only mode, e.g.:
    gsm install -d seiscomp toast
  7. Clean source gsm directory

On offline machine

First time

  1. Create install directory, e.g.:
    cd ~
    mkdir install
    cd install
  2. Copy gsm directory from online machine:
    scp -r user1@online-machine:~/install/gsm user2@offline-machine:~/install
    cd ~/install/gsm
    (or copy with memory stick)
  3. Install required packages in offline mode:
    gsm install -o seiscomp toast

Subsequent times

After performing steps 5.-7. again on the online machine, do on the offline machine:

  1. Copy directories gsm/sync and gsm/packages from online machine (scp or memory stick)
  2. Install new versions of all previously installed packages:
    gsm install -o