
Gempa Dissemination Server (GDS)


coming soon


coming soon

Content Filter

coming soon


coming soon


coming soon

Command interface

telnet localhost 20000

 HELP [command]            Show this/command help
 HELLO                     Test server version
 ADDSUBSCRIPTION [params]  Add subscription prior to dissemination
 ADDQUEUE [params]         Add queue prior to dissemination
 ADDATTACHMENT [params]    Add attachment prior to dissemination
 ADDBULLETIN [params]      Add bulletin prior to dissemination
 DISSEMINATE [params]      Trigger dissemination of data
 SEND [params]             Sends bulletins
 PREVIEW                   Get bulletin previews
 GETSUBSCRIPTIONS [params] Get subscriptions for XML data
 GETBULLETINS [params]     Get subscriptions and bulletins for XML data
 RESET                     Resets session
 BYE                       Close the session

Module Configuration


gds inherits global options.


Modules/plugins may require a license file. The default path to license files is @DATADIR@/licenses/ which can be overridden by global configuration of the parameter gempa.licensePath. Example:

gempa.licensePath = @CONFIGDIR@/licenses

Default: mysql://sysop:sysop@localhost/gds

Type: string

Connection string to database which contains the dissemination configuration setup.

Format: [service://][user:pwd@]host[:port]/database


Type: string

By default a database sequence is named after the table, suffixed by "_seq": "[tablename]_seq". Sometimes the column name is used as well, e.g. when using postgresql_psycopg2 as Django database back-end. If set, the value of this parameter will be added to the sequence suffix: "[tablename][dbSequencePrefix]_seq"



Type: host-with-port

IP and port to bind the command interface to. Use to bind to all interfaces. Either the port or the IP address may be omitted, e.g. "" or ":1234". If set to an empty string the application will run without providing a command interface.


Type: host-with-port

IP and port to listen for data requests with SSL.


Default: 200

Type: int

Maximum number of clients connected simultaneously to the command interface.


Default: 3600.0

Unit: s

Type: double

Backlog time (in seconds) to fetch and process event data right after the start. Note: The Dissemination Server also stores the update time of the last successfully processed event in LOG_DIR/gds.last_update. The start time of the time window to fetch data from the QuakeLink server (at startup) is calculated from the maximum of both values: max(lastUpdateTime, NOW-backlogSeconds).


Default: 0

Unit: s

Type: int

Interval in seconds to trigger DB cleanup routine. The type of information to clean up is configured in Service section of the web front-end.


Default: false

Type: boolean

Sets the GDS to exclusive spooler mode. In this mode no quakelink and database connection is established. Also the command interface is not available. If enabled external services need to be configured.


Type: list:string

List of services managed outside the GDS. Triggering and content generation is done by an external application. The GDS will only serve as a spooler. Consequently no result is written to the GDS database.


Type: string

ID of the GDS instance. Will be added to the event log. Used in HA configurations to distinguish triggering instance.


Type: path

Path to SSL certificate file


Type: path

Path to SSL private key file


requestLimits.* Definition of limits for dissemination request at the GDS command interface.


Default: 100

Type: int

Maximum number of queues to trigger, see ADDQUEUE command.


Default: 1000

Type: int

Maximum number of subscriptions to trigger, see ADDSUBSCRIPTION command.


Default: 100

Type: int

Maximum number of bulletins to attach, see ADDBULLETIN command.


Default: 100

Type: int

Maximum number of attachments, see ADDATTACHMENT command.


Default: 100

Type: int

Maximum number of attachments, see ADDATTACHMENT command.


Default: 10

Unit: MiB

Type: double

Maximum document size, see ADDBULLETIN and DISSEMINATE commands.


Default: 30

Unit: MiB

Type: double

Total size of all attachments, see ADDATTACHMENT command.


ha.* Two or more GDS instances may operate in a high availability (HA) configuration sharing one database. Slave instances will only trigger if the master instance fails to disseminate an event after a given timeout.

For maximum reliability the database should be redundant too, e.g. by using a cluster configuration or master-master replication.


Default: false

Type: boolean

Enable HA feature.


Default: false

Type: boolean

Mark this GDS instance as slave.


Default: 10.0

Unit: s

Type: double

Timeout in seconds a GDS slave instance will wait for the master to disseminate an event.


Default: ql://localhost:18010

Type: string

URL of the QuakeLink service, the scheme ‘qls’ enables SSL.

Format: [ql[s]://][user:pwd@][host][:port].

If set to an empty string the application will run without any QuakeLink ## connection attempt.


Default: false

Type: boolean

Enables/disables GZip (GNU zip) compression.


Default: false

Type: boolean

Request unfiltered SCML data including sensitive information, e.g., the author. Native data export may be disabled on some QuakeLink hosts.


Default: false

Type: boolean

Request server to send keep alive message every 30s to prevent connection reset by firewalls on long idle periods. If activated the client will reset the connection if no alive message is received within 60s. The default timeout maybe overridden with the ‘keepAliveTimeout’ parameter.


Default: 60

Unit: s

Type: int

Timeout in seconds to wait for a server response when listening for updates with active keep alive messages (see parameter ‘keepAlive’). The response might be a alive message or a message containing actual data. The value defined here should be larger than the value configured in the QuakeLink server’s ‘keepAliveInterval’ parameter. If undefined a server interval of 30 is assumed and a timeout value of 60s is used. Set the value to 0 to deactivate the timeout entirely.


Type: string

SQL like WHERE clause to filter the result set. Example: "AGENCY = ‘GFZ’ AND MAG > 3"


Default: false

Type: boolean

Activate XML indentation (pretty print)

Default: true

Type: boolean

Include picks

Default: true

Type: boolean

Include amplitudes

Default: true

Type: boolean

Include origin arrivals

Default: true

Type: boolean

Include origin station magnitudes

Default: false

Type: boolean

Include moment tensor station contributions and phase settings

Default: true

Type: boolean

Include only preferred origin and magnitude information


service.$name.* For each service found in the configuration database a service configuration with the same name must exist in the configuration file. $name is a placeholder for the name to be used.


Type: string

Service directory (mandatory). For each service a folder must exist where ID.content and ID.address files are stored.


service.$name.filter.exporter.* Defines how the event parameters are serialized before passing them to the filter stage(s).


Default: trunk

Type: string

Name of the SeisComP exporter used to serialize event parameters before passing them to the filter stages. The default ‘trunk’ will export SCML. Other options like ‘binary’, ‘json’ or ‘qml1.2’ exist. See ‘sccnv --format-list’ for a list of available options. Use an empty value to disabled any output. This might be useful if your primary filter requires only access to basic event parameter which are available through placeholder parameters defined in the primary filter command string.

Note: Some of the exporters are implemented as plugins which need to be loaded before they can be used. For maximum performance, you may also deside to write your own exporter in C++ which generates your bulletin instead of invoking the primary filter command.


Default: application/xml

Type: string

MIME type of the exporter output. This parameter is used by the web front-end for content display and is only effective if no primary filter is defined.


service.$name.filter.primary.* Defines the 1st stage content filter. A content filter application reads the output of the exporter, typically SCML, on stdin and writes the formatted data on stdout.


Type: string

The full path to the filter application.

Environment variables (’$NAME’) and SeisComP path variables (’@NAME@’) are resolved at time of application start. In addition the following event context variables (’@NAME@’) are resolved at each command run: REVISION, EVENTID, ORIGINTIME, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, DEPTH, MAGNITUDE, RMS, PHASES, MAGNITUDECOUNT, EVALUATIONMODE, EVALUATIONSTATUS, REGION, EVENTTYPE and MAGTYPE.

It is a good practice to use quotes for string variables as they may be empty or contain white spaces.


Type: string

MIME type of the filter output. This parameter is used by the web front-end for content display.


Default: 10.0

Unit: s

Type: float

Timeout in seconds after which the command is aborted. Use a negative value to indicate an infinite timeout.


service.$name.filter.secondary.* Defines the 2nd stage message filter. This filter takes the output of the 1st stage and creates the final message to be send. This can be useful if the final output is a binary format, e.g. PDF or image where the output of the 1st stage must be editable in the web front-end.


Type: string

The full path to the filter application.


Type: string

MIME type of the filter output. This parameter is used by the web front-end for content display.


Default: 10.0

Unit: s

Type: float

Timeout in seconds after which the command is aborted. Use a negative value to indicate an infinite timeout.


service.$name.spooler.* A Spooler (optional) is launched by the server in a separate thread and polls the spool directory for new data. If an address file is found the configured spooler application is executed passing the base name of the address file as a command line parameter.


Type: string

Spool command to execute.


Default: 3600

Unit: s

Type: int

Maximum file age in seconds. Files older this timespan will be deleted without processing.


Default: 10.0

Unit: s

Type: float

Polling interval in seconds the spooler will scan the service directory for new files.


Default: -1.0

Unit: s

Type: float

Timeout in seconds after which the command is aborted. Use a negative value to indicate an infinite timeout.


filter.* Custom filter application. The default filter application defined by ‘service.$name.filter’ may be overridden for each subscription. These custom filter applications must be declared in the configuration database and the binary must be configured here. Without a valid configuration parameter the default service filter (if any) is executed.


filter.$name.* $name is a placeholder for the name to be used.


filter.$name.exporter.* Defines how the event parameters are serialized before passing them to the filter stage(s).


Default: trunk

Type: string

Name of the SeisComP exporter used to serialize event parameters before passing them to the filter stages. The default ‘trunk’ will export SCML. Other options like ‘binary’, ‘json’ or ‘qml1.2’ exist. See ‘sccnv --format-list’ for a list of available options. Use an empty value to disabled any output. This might be useful if your primary filter requires only access to basic event parameter which are available through placeholder parameters defined in the primary filter command string.

Note: Some of the exporters are implemented as plugins which need to be loaded before they can be used. For maximum performance, you may also deside to write your own exporter in C++ which generates your bulletin instead of invoking the primary filter command.


Default: application/xml

Type: string

MIME type of the exporter output. This parameter is used by the web front-end for content display and is only effective if no primary filter is defined.


filter.$name.primary.* Defines the 1st stage content filter. A content filter application reads the output of the exporter, typically SCML, on stdin and writes the formatted data on stdout.


Type: string

The full path to the filter application.

Environment variables (’$NAME’) and SeisComP path variables (’@NAME@’) are resolved at time of application start. In addition the following event context variables (’@NAME@’) are resolved at each command run: REVISION, EVENTID, ORIGINTIME, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, DEPTH, MAGNITUDE, RMS, PHASES, MAGNITUDECOUNT, EVALUATIONMODE, EVALUATIONSTATUS, REGION, EVENTTYPE and MAGTYPE.

It is a good practice to use quotes for string variables as they may be empty or contain white spaces.


Type: string

MIME type of the filter output. This parameter is used by the web front-end for content display.


Default: 10.0

Unit: s

Type: float

Timeout in seconds after which the command is aborted. Use a negative value to indicate an infinite timeout.


filter.$name.secondary.* Defines the 2nd stage message filter. This filter takes the output of the 1st stage and creates the final message to be send. This can be useful if the final output is a binary format, e.g. PDF or image where the output of the 1st stage must be editable in the web front-end.


Type: string

The full path to the filter application.


Type: string

MIME type of the filter output. This parameter is used by the web front-end for content display.


Default: 10.0

Unit: s

Type: float

Timeout in seconds after which the command is aborted. Use a negative value to indicate an infinite timeout.


criterion.$name.* Typically criteria are defined in the GDS front-end. If the configuration options available in the front-end do not suffice, custom criterion scripts may be used. A custom criterion script will read event data, typically SCML, on stdin and must exit with code 0 to indicate a match. $name is a placeholder for the name to be used.


Default: trunk

Type: string

Name of the SeisComP exporter used to serialize event parameters before passing them to the filter stages. The default ‘trunk’ will export SCML. Other options like ‘binary’, ‘json’ or ‘qml1.2’ exist. See ‘sccnv --format-list’ for a list of available options. Use an empty value to disabled any output. This might be useful if your primary filter requires only access to basic event parameter which are available through placeholder parameters defined in the primary filter command string.

Note: Some of the exporters are implemented as plugins which need to be loaded before they can be used.


Type: string

The full path to the criterion application.


Default: 10.0

Unit: s

Type: float

Timeout in seconds after which the command is aborted. Use a negative value to indicate an infinite timeout.

Command-Line Options


-h, --help

Show help message.

-V, --version

Show version information.

--config-file arg

Use alternative configuration file. When this option is used the loading of all stages is disabled. Only the given configuration file is parsed and used. To use another name for the configuration create a symbolic link of the application or copy it. Example: scautopick -> scautopick2.

--plugins arg

Load given plugins.

-D, --daemon

Run as daemon. This means the application will fork itself and doesn’t need to be started with &.


--verbosity arg

Verbosity level [0..4]. 0:quiet, 1:error, 2:warning, 3:info, 4:debug.

-v, --v

Increase verbosity level (may be repeated, eg. -vv).

-q, --quiet

Quiet mode: no logging output.

--print-component arg

For each log entry print the component right after the log level. By default the component output is enabled for file output but disabled for console output.

--component arg

Limit the logging to a certain component. This option can be given more than once.

-s, --syslog

Use syslog logging backend. The output usually goes to /var/lib/messages.

-l, --lockfile arg

Path to lock file.

--console arg

Send log output to stdout.


Execute in debug mode. Equivalent to --verbosity=4 --console=1 .


Execute in trace mode. Equivalent to --verbosity=4 --console=1 --print-component=1 --print-context=1 .

--log-file arg

Use alternative log file.


-b, --bind arg

Overrides configuration parameter bind.

-B, --backlog arg

Overrides configuration parameter backlog.

-d, --database arg

Overrides configuration parameter database.

Test Mode

--xml arg

File to read SCML event data from. Supports ZLIB (*.zip) and GZIP (*.gz, *.gzip, *.gzxml) compressed files.

In test mode only one particular event is disseminated and afterwards the server is shutdown. Neither a connection to the QuakeLink server is established nor the command interface is bound.

--contact arg

Read contacts from file, works only in combination with --xml. If unset query contacts from database.


-Q, --quakelink arg

Overrides configuration parameter quakelink.url.

-z, --gzip

Overrides configuration parameter quakelink.gzip.